Today, we honor all of our Veterans from every Branch of the Armed Forces.

There is nothing to say but Thank You for your service to our country and for your willingness to defend our families, our beliefs, and our Way of Life here in America.

The United States military personnel are the backbone of this country and its’ protectors. Too often this is forgotten in the middle of politics and social strife. But without our veterans and their actions, Our America would be a much different place than it is now. We would not have the freedoms we enjoy or the rights we sometimes dismiss as a given thing. Freedoms and Rights that many countries do not enjoy.

Never forget Who we are America and How we got here. Never forget the men and women who brought us to this place and help to keep us here. For generations, Americans have been serving this country, remember, and honor those Veterans.

Be sure to reserve a space for the military working dogs as well. There are many retired service dogs that have given their all for their soldiers. They too deserve a place of honor and respect.

This Veterans Day, take a few moments to say a prayer for our veterans. Give them the respect and honor they deserve.

Veterans Day 2022, honoring our veterans today and every day.

If you appreciate this talk, you may want to check out our talk from 2020 Honoring our Veterans. We share some of our family military histories here.

Thank you for visiting and please come again for another edition of Out Standing in the Field.

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