I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America And to the Republic for which it stands One nation, under God Indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

It is an interesting note: the pledge was written by a Baptist minister, Francis Bellamy.  It was originally published in 1892 in children magazine.

Today is the 4th of July. That has a different meaning for everyone. We are all American. Many of us were born to it, many had to fight to get here. It does not matter where you are from as long as you are proud to be an American and you love the U.S.A., support our troops and do your part.

United we stand, devided we will fall. And make no mistake, there are so many that want that.

In these times of turmoil, it is sometimes lost in the frantic push but we are one nation, we are one people. Do not let those who are trying to divide us into small clicks, turn us on each other. Yes, we are a culturally diverse country but we are one country. It is our diversity that gives us our unique character as a nation. It is our different views and different experiences that make us who we are. No other country in the world has a diversity of cultures, a diversity of points of view, or a diversity of personal experiences. It is the differences in culture, race, religion, skills, and heritage that make us the country we are today.

The American Revolution showed the world what a bunch of mismatched people getting together with one purpose could do. Yes, our history is laced with turmoil and violence some for good causes and some for bad reasons. But even those times help shape things, in the hopes of shaping them for the better.

In times where it is fashionable to go against, well let’s face it, pretty much everything, do not jump feet first into the sheep category. Do not let the media or social platforms tell you what you think. Know what you believe in and stand for it, no matter what others say or do. When you know who you are and what you believe, it makes life a lot easier and it makes it easier to live with your own decisions. If everyone would know what they believe in and act accordingly, imagine what we could accomplish together. If instead of arguing and fighting, try to look at things from the other person’s view. Look at what they have been through and where they are wanting to go with things. If everyone was really trying to make things better and come up with ways to improve our lives and our country, imagine what could happen. Imagine if everyone was wholeheartedly trying their best with what they believe to be right. Would we all agree? No, but would it not be a great place to start? No group of people will ever completely agree on everything, that is human nature. But all of those that love their country, love what it stands for, and are trying their best, those people can and will work things out into what is best for all involved. If you are just whining, complaining, and hating, you are part of the problem. Everyone looking out for each other, giving a helping hand, and putting in their part of the work, that is how things are made better. We are in no way advocating a huge, all-controlling government or a nazi kind of country. In fact, if everyone took responsibility and action, there would be no need for that kind of thinking at all. The interest of your community and the honor of your country should be at the forefront of every mind and heart.

When someone tells you, we are all on different sides, we are all in different categories, we are all fighting each other, and we are all different people. Tell them, NO, we are not. That may be what is in the media’s agenda or on the social platforms. But we are all American and that is what matters most. We are all different in so many ways, but we are the same in so many more ways. Tell all the haters, doubters, and trouble makers, you are wrong.

This is America, We are Americans, different is our strength.

No matter what your social or political views, American is American. We love and support our troops.



Air Force


Coast Gaurd

We defend our rights.

Second Amendment

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.

Happy Fourth of July America.

The US Navy personnel making the US Flag.

Please check out our other Independence Day posts Happy fourth of July 2020 and Happy America’s Fourth of July 2022.

Thank you for visiting and please come again for another edition of Out Standing in the Field.

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