With the holidays in full swing now, there is so much going on in everyone’s life. There is holiday cooking, family coming into town, house cleaning, decorations to be put up, and of course the Christmas gift list to be finished.

But of all the things that are waiting to be done this season, let us not forget the reason we have our Christmas season and the reason we have the freedom to have it the way we want it.

We would hazard a guess that there are few people in the world that have not seen or heard some version of the Christmas story.

In the old-world Catholic Church, they held a Christ Mass. It was exactly as it sounds, a Mass for the Christ being born. Hence, Christmas. How much more straightforward and simple can it get? This is the reason for the season as is said.

In the holiday season, also remember the reason that we have the freedom to celebrate Christmas as we want to. Remember all the military men and women in the past that have fought and died to give us our freedoms. We are free to choose Who we want to be, How we want to live, What religion we hold to and How we want to celebrate our Christmas. Yes, this time of year is about love, joy, and peace. But never forget the sacrifices that have been made and the people that made those sacrifices that allow us now to celebrate our Christmas.

Remember and Pray for all branches of our Military this Christmas season.  Many of our serving military personnel will not be able to be home for Christmas and will not be with their families this holiday season.

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