This picture is a kind of collage for Easter.  There is a blue, white and purple watercolor background.  There is a crown of throns on the left, with a Cross in the center and a tomb on the right.  The cross has a run of roses from the top to the bottom on the right side.These items are in black outline form.  The words, A lot can happenh in three days, are in black at the bottom of the picture.

To all of us to celebrate Easter as it was originally meant to be,

This picutre shows a pink, blue, orange, and red sunrise.  The words Happy Easter are in black script at the top of the picutre.

from our family to yours.

This picture shows a chalk drawing on the sidewalk.    There is a cross drawn in purple and pink outlike with pink, blue, green, yellow, and orange block shapes inside.  There are orange and green hand prints above the cross and the word JESUS in blue below the cross.
This picture show large black X's and O's. The x's are crosses and the O's are crown of thorns.  These shapes are in black.  The words The Original Love Letters is in black below the shapes.  The background is a blue, purple, and tan sunrise watercolor.
This picture shows a light blue and purple bokem spot background, slightly out of focus.  There is a Cross in the center.  It has a black and purple outlining.  The words One Love, Lone Death, One Ressurection, One God are in black script running down the length of the cross.

Our Family Easter Celebrations from past years

Easter from earlier this year 2023

This is a picture of the front view of a church.  There is a large oval top window and white columns.  In the front of the church is a large wooden cross with a long flowing white cloth draped around it.

If you do not understand any of this, please stop by one of your local churches. They will be happy to explain it all to you.

Thank you for visiting and please come again for another edition of Out Standing in the Field.

This is the Out Standing in the Field logo with Spike the donkey.

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