Here at Out Standing in the Field, we just wanted to say a huge America HAPPY fourth of July for 2022.

No one would say that things are perfect in America. But America is still the best country in the world.

We enjoy freedoms other countries have never had and likely never will have.

Americans have so many possibilities at their fingertips.  Possibilities that other countries can only dream of.

Yes, there is strife, unrest, and tension. But that is true of any country at any time in history.

Do not let politics, and haters tell you how you should feel or act.

Being an American is the greatest privilege. And we need to stand up for our rights and our freedoms. The old saying “if you do not use it, you may lose it” is very accurate.


So Happy Fourth of July to America and all Americans worldwide.

Remember our military personnel who are not at home with their families during the holidays.


Pray for our families, our military, our country, our neighbors, and our communities.




America Happy fourth of July 2022.

Please check out our other Independence Day post Honoring Our Flag 2021 and Happy 4 of July 2020.


Thank you for visiting.  And please come again for another edition of Out Standing in the Field.

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