Today, we are going to start a Summer Dessert Recipe Series.

As you know, if you have been with us for a while, we like to do series talks that are related. The self-sufficient lifestyle and self-sufficient food supply talks we have been doing have been nice, and hopefully informative.

We did start a bit early with last week’s talk on How to make Cool Colorful Jello Easter Eggs.

But, one does not want to bore family and friends by talking about the same thing all the time. We are going to go on a different line of talks for now. This will be the start of the series of summer dessert recipes.

We will be giving you recipes that are great for summer outings and get-togethers.  Some will be recipes for fruits and veg that you can get at any grocery store and that most people eat often.

Summer is known for ball games, parks, beach trips, road trips, and outdoor activities in general. With summer fun comes summer foods. Outdoors eatings are as fun and unique as the summer activities that they go with.

As usual, most will be quick, easy, recipes as that is the kind we like. But some will be more in-depth and will require more input and work. But we hope they will all be fun, useful, and good eating.

Hopefully, this series will give you some alternative ways to cook common foods as well.

Please stick with us for this series of summer recipes.

Some of the recipes we have planned are:

Mimis’ Best Orange Chiffon

Carrot Bacon (no it is not real bacon)

Of course, we will not leave out our beloved pets:

Summer Frozen Dog Treats

4 Ingredient Peanut Butter Dog Treats

DIY Goat, Donkey, and Horse Treats

We may add more as we go but for now, this is the plan. We hope you will come along for this series of family favorites. You may learn how to make some really good desserts, and pet treats.  We should have fun along the way.

Please join us for this new series on Summer Dessert Recipes.

Thank you for visiting and please come again for another edition of Out Standing in the Field.

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