This picture shows a tray of finished St. Patrick’s Day Green Meringue Drops.  They are  light green, irregular puffs.

In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, we have a fun, pretty easy recipe for you. This St. Patrick’s Day Green Meringue Drop Recipe only has 3 ingredients, 5 if you add color and flavoring.


This is the recipe card for St. Patrick’s Day Green Meringue Drop Recipe.  There is an ingredient list and a directions list.  The background is light green with a picture of the Green Meringues at the top right.  The Out Standing in the Field logo is at the bottom left.

We looked at several different recipes and decided on the Italian Meringue style. From our research, we found that Italian Meringue is supposed to be the most stable of the meringues. This one does not need to be cooked and will hold its shape well.

Yes, we know, you do not cook raw eggs. But it seems the hot sugar mixture will “cook” the egg whites so there is no danger.

This kind of Meringue can be used with a pipping bag for decorating baked goods or used by itself, as we have done.

This meringue works best when you double the amount of sugar in egg white. If you want a larger batch, just tweak the recipe to match the ratio.

There are several other meringue recipes. Some call for cream of tartar, while others use lemon juice or vinegar as the acid to “cook” the egg whites. But the processes are all pretty similar.

Again, this meringue does not need to be cooked but most of the other recipes will call for cooking the meringues before eating.


To make your St. Patrick’s Day Green Meringue Drop Recipe


2 large egg whites (approx 1/3 of a cup)

1/2 cup of sugar

50 ml water (approx 1/5 of a cup)

food coloring and flavoring are optional but do make for a fun treat

This picture shows two large eggs, one white and one brown.
This picture shows the ingredients for St. Patrick’s Day Green Meringue Drops.  There is a small double boiler,  a small bowl or water, one of egg whites, a cup of sugar, and a bottle of green food coloring.

1. In a boiler on the stovetop, combine the water and sugar. Stir to melt and mix. You will need a candy thermometer to monitor the temp of the mix. Let it get to 120 degrees and then turn it off.

This picture shows  a small double boiler on the stovetop.
This picture shows  a small double boiler with water being added to it.
This picture shows  a small double boiler with a samll amount of water in it.  A cup is adding sugar to the water.
This picture shows  a small double boiler with a small amount of water and some sugar in it.
This picture shows  a small double boiler with the water and sugar mix heating on the stovetop.
This picture shows  a small double boiler with water and sugar mix heating with a candy thermometer in the liquid.
This picture shows  a candy thermometer on the counter.

This is the very old, family candy thermometer.  It has been in the family for at least three generations now, maybe four.

This picture shows a candy thermometer at 120 degrees.

Let the sugar and water mixture heat to 120 degrees then turn off the heat.  There is no need to boil it.

We started the egg whites beating and the sugar water mix heating at the same time, so they were ready just about the same time. This is handy so there is no lag time between the two. And you do not have to worry about re-heating or over-beating.

2. In the mixer or with a hand mixer start to whip the egg whites.

Make sure the egg whites are clean, with no yokes, the yoke will mess up the mix and it will not turn out right. If you do not know what this means, it is simple. You crack the egg and separate the yokes from the whites. You keep the whites for the meringue. Do not use the egg yokes in the meringue.


This picture shows an electirc mixer with the whick attachment ready to use.
This picture shows the egg whites being added ot the mixer.
This picture shows the egg whites in the mixer bowl waiting to start whipping.

3. Do not overwhip the egg whites at this time. Beat them just until they start to foam and froth.

This picture shows the whipped egg whites just starting to foam.

4. Slowly add the hot sugar water to the egg whites. Be sure to whip on high. This will take the longest. You will want to whip until the mixture has cooled and hard peaks form.

This picture shows the sugar water mix being added to the egg whites.  The liquid is slowly added by letting it slide down the side of the mixing bowl.
This picture shows the first stage of whipping the egg white and sugar miture to make the St. Patrick’s Day Green Meringue Drops.  The mix is just starting to trun white and foamy.
This picture shows the second stage of whipping the egg white and sugar miture to make the St. Patrick’s Day Green Meringue Drops.  The mix is truning white and foamy.
This picture shows the third stage of whipping the egg white and sugar miture to make the St. Patrick’s Day Green Meringue Drops.  The mix has turned white and is getting thicker.

If you will slowly add the mix to the egg whites and let it slide down the side of the mixing bowl, this will help. It will let the mix cool a bit before it gets to the egg whites and it will keep the mix from splashing out of the bowl.

5. You can add coloring or flavor if you want. Just be sure to give it a good whip after you add the flavor or color.

This picture shows the egg white and sugar mixture to make the St. Patrick’s Day Green Meringue Drops.  The mix has turned white and is thick.  Here the green food coloring is added. There are several drops of green food coloring on the white egg mixture.
This picture shows the green food coloring starting to mix into the white egg mixture.
This picture shows the egg mixture is a light mint green color.
This picture shows the green meringue is now very thick and hard peaks form on the mixer whisk.
This picture shows the hard peaks formed in the meringue still in the mixer bowl.
This picture shows the meringue on a spoon.  It is a firm finish and holds it form.
This picture shows a large bottle of real vanilla extract.
This picture shows peppermint extract.

We added a splash of vanilla to one of our meringue batches and peppermint to the other.

6. On a baking sheet with parchment paper, drop mix into drops.

You can use a pipping bag or drop by hand.

We use spoons to drop the meringue similar to dropping cookies. We have a hard time controlling the pipping bag.

This picture shows a baking tray with a sheet of parchment paper on it.
This picture shows a ziplock bag and a pair of scissors.
This picture shows cutting a small hole in the ziplock bag to use it as the pipping bag for the meringue.
This picture shows a line of finished meringue on the parchment paper.

Our homemade pipping bag did not work very well for us.  The spoon drop method was easier and came out better for us.

This picture shows a drop of meringue being put onto the parchment paper using two spoons in a drop method.
This picture shows a drop of meringue being put onto the parchment paper using two spoons in a drop method.
This picture shows a drop of meringue being put onto the parchment paper using two spoons in a drop method.
This picture shows a finished tray of meringue on the parchment paper.

7. We put our meringue drops into the fridge to stiffen up but you can use the immediately if you want.

This picture shows the tray of St. Patrick’s Day Green Meringue Drops in the fridge to chill

We have noticed that the meringue drops that we added flavoring to did get a bit “wet and weepy”. But they eat just fine. Meringue that has a special flavor added may be best if used to decorate baking goods rather than eaten as candy drops.

The meringues will last well for a few hours up to overnight but you will want to use them as soon as you can. They will start to get gooey and weepy if you leave them in the fridge for several days.

The melting of the sugar in the water on the stovetop only took a few minutes.

It took approximately 45 min to “whip” the egg whites into meringue.

There you have a St. Patrick’s Day Green Meringue Drop Recipe that is minimal ingredients is easy to make and takes less than one hour.

This picture show a full tray of St. Patrick’s Day Green Meringue Drops finished and ready to eat.

We hope you have enjoyed this talk on St. Patrick’s Day Green Meringue Drop Recipe. Try it out and see how easy it really is to do for yourself. This is a very impressive dessert. It looks all fancy but really is simple to do. Show off your “cooking” skills at your next get-together and impress them with this St. Patrick’s Day Green Meringue Drop Recipe.

Thank you for visiting and please come again for another edition of Out Standing in the Field.

This is the Out Standing in the Field logo with SPike the donkey.

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