This picture shows the Quick Chicks in a Blanket at the top right.  The title Quick Chicks in a Blanket Recipe is at the top in bold black.   The Out Standing in the Field logo is at the bottom left.

As you know for other talks, we like to reuse everything possible. Waste is a terrible that but food waste is worse. So for today’s Quick Chicks in a Blanket Recipe, we refer you to our previous talk on Homemade Chocolate Filled Hot Pockets.

This Quick Chicks in a Blanket Recipe started with the bread left over from the Homemade Chocolate Filled Hot Pockets Recipe. That recipe did not need the bread squares so instead of throwing them to the chickens, we made Quick Chicks in a Blankets with the leftover bread slices for our dinner.

This is a very quick, simple recipe that only has a couple of ingredients and a few steps. Of course, you can add or subtract any of the herbs and spices you like or do not like to make it just like you like it.

For the Quick Chicks in a Blanket Recipe you will need:



Frying Pan

Cookie Cutter

Herbs or Spices to your taste

1. With the cookie cutter, cut the center out of the slice of bread.

This picture shows two slices of bread, stacked on top of one another on a glass plate.  There is a cookie cutter in the center of the bread.
This picture shows the bread slices have been cookie cut and there is a hole in the center.  The bread hole is sitting on the side of the glass plate.

As mentioned, we used the leftover bread, without its center, from another recipe. When we made the Homemade Chocolate Filled Hot Pockets Recipe, we put the bread slice aside to use later. This way you do not waste either the bread slice or the centerpiece that you cut out.

2. Put the bread into the frying pan.

3. Add the egg to the center of the bread slice.

This picture shows a stovetop frying pan.  There are two Chicks in a Blanket in the pan.   This is two bread slices with the centers cut out, and two eggs in the centers.

We just crack our eggs and put them in straight but you can scramble them if you like.

4. Season to your taste.

Add whatever herbs or spices you like to season your eggs with normally.


5. Fry to your liking.

This picture shows the two Chicks in a Blanket being cooked in the pan.  There is an orange spatchula flipping them.
This picture shows the two Chicks in a Blanket being cooked in the pan. One side has been cooked.

6. Eat and Enjoy.

This picture shows the two Chicks in a Blanket on a glass plate, are now crispy and cooked through.

The egg shells go into the compost bucket to mulch the garden later on.

If you do not fancy stovetop frying in a pan, you can make this recipe in a pan and put it in the oven. You will be able to make quite a few Chicks in a Blanket with this method. But you will need to handle the pan with care so as not to make the egg ooze out of the bread.

There you have a Quick Chicks in a Blanket Recipe with two ways to make it. You can use all parts with no food waste and have something for the compost bin at the same time. And you have a homemade, healthy meal, quick, easy, and with only a handful of ingredients.

This is the recipe card for the Quick Chicks in a Blanket Recipe.   There is a picture of the Quick Chicks in a Blanket at the top right.  The title Quick Chicks in a Blanket Recipe is at the top in bold black.  There is an ingredients list and a directions list.

There is always the option of making your Chicks in a Blanket all fancy with cheese, chopped veg, and so forth. We have some family members that just like garlic salt on their eggs. But others like bacon bits, cheese, hot sauce, and more. It really is up to you to make your Chicks in a Blanket any way you want them. Maybe you do not know how you like them, so experiment and try several or many different ways.

We hope you have enjoyed this Quick Chicks in a Blanket Recipe. Next time you are in need of a quick, healthy meal, remember this one and try it out for yourself.

Thank you for visiting and please come again for another edition of Out Standing in the Field.

This is the Out Standing in the Field logo with Spike the donkey.

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