Today we want to share our favorite “keep on hand” snack recipe, Peanut Butter, Quick Oats, Healthy, Snack Bites.


After a long day at work, whatever work you do, or when the kids come home from school, what is the first thing to come to mind? We are hungry!!!!

You know how it is, we all do it, you run into the house and grab the first thing you can find to eat. Anything will do to soothe that noisy stomach, you know the one that tells you that your throat has been cut and you missed it.

Usually, this process is not healthy or long-lasting. That quick, sugary, processed treat may give you a few minutes of pleasure but will not last. Once the sugar high has worn off, you are back to hungry with a vengeance.

Do you go for another quick, not satisfying treat or do you start the long process of cooking a healthy meal? Does everyone get to quick snack? Or does everyone have to wait for a proper dinner?

Imagine having a healthy, stick-to-your-ribs snack just sitting in the fridge waiting for you. We are talking about a recipe with healthy ingredients that takes only a few minutes to make and a little time to chill in the fridge. We give you Keep On-Hand, Peanut Butter, Quick Oats, Healthy, Snack Bites.

Here is a quick recipe card you can screenshot and save.  If you want more details, and we hope you do, please keep reading.

We found this recipe for Keep On-Hand, Peanut Butter, Quick Oats, Healthy, Snack Bites online some time ago and it has been a great go-to snack.

Keep a batch of these made up and in the fridge, so you can have a quick, healthy snack while working on that healthy, homemade dinner, you are sure to be making.

The kids will be able to live long enough to get to that good meal and you will not be irritable with hunger.

These are quick, easy to make, no cooking involved, mini-snack bites. They are full of the good stuff without the bad stuff so they are not only tasty but healthy. Or at least healthier than the usual snack.

How to make Keep On-Hand, Peanut Butter, Quick Oats, Healthy, Snack Bites

1. Recipe ingredients

2. Recipe Steps

3. Ingredient Alternatives

4. Shape Possibilities

1. Keep On-Hand, Peanut Butter, Quick Oats, Healthy, Snack Bites

Recipe Ingredients:

1 cup oats

½ cup peanut butter

¼ Tablespoon vanilla

½ cup chocolate chips

¼ cup honey

2. Keep On-Hand, Peanut Butter, Quick Oats, Healthy, Snack Bites

Recipe Steps:

Here is the really cool part. Simply mix all the ingredients together and blend well. We use an electric mixer but you can mix in a bowl by hand.

Roll the mix into small balls.

Refrigerate in a sealed container. Parchment paper is helpful to keep the balls from sticking to your container.

Pull out, eat, and enjoy a quick, healthy snack.

Being chilled in the fridge gives these little snack bites a cool, snap. If you leave them sitting out, they will get sticky and soggy.

3. Keep On-Hand, Peanut Butter, Quick Oats, Healthy, Snack Bites

Ingredient Alternatives:

There are all kinds of ways to tweak this recipe to make it like you like it.

If you do not want peanut butter, we are sure there are other ingredients that will hold your snack bites together. You may need to do some research into what you do like and what amount to use. There is almond butter, chickpea butter, and others along the same lines.

You may be able to use some oils in place of peanut butter like coconut or sunflower. But keep in mind the final consistency of your snack bites.


And think about allergies before you try alternatives.

Use whole wheat or oats. Flax seeds and poppy seeds add some fun and crunch.

Go with or without chocolate chips. If chocolate is not your thing, you could go with white chocolate or caramel.

You can add nuts such as almond slivers, cracked walnuts, or peanuts if you want more crunch.

Honey is better for you than processed, white sugar but not everyone likes honey. (not sure how that happens)

You can use cane sugar, the granulated sugar gives your snack bites some texture. Not everyone likes texture in their snack bites, it seems.

Try different spices other than vanilla. Do you like cinnamon with your chocolate, we do. How do you feel about rosemary, coconut, lime, or chili? It is totally up to you to mix and match the flavors you like. Just keep in mind, the main thing is peanut butter, not all spices go well with peanut butter.

Adding dried or fresh fruit to your snack bites can give you a flavor twist. Be careful with fresh fruit it shortens the shelf life of your snack bites.

If you are planning a large gathering or an event where you are fairly sure all the snack bites will go quickly, then go for it. If you are making just a batch for yourself, consider how long your Peanut Butter, Quick Oats, Healthy, Snack Bites will be sitting around.

Yes, putting your Peanut Butter, Quick Oats, and Healthy, Snack Bites in the fridge is always recommended as there are no preservatives in your homemade snack bites.

There are as many options as there are ingredients. Pick your favorites and try some of them. Do keep in mind each tweak will change the taste a bit as well as possibly change the consistency of your snack bite mix.


It may be needed to add or subtract one ingredient or another to get the right texture and consistency to your mix. And to find the right flavor you like best.

It is possible you will find that you like several different versions. Change it up as you make batches or even make them with seasonal ingredients. Experimenting is part of the fun.

4. Peanut Butter, Quick Oats, Healthy, Snack Bite

Shape Possibilities:

Ingredients are not the only thing you can play with in this recipe. We make ours into small, roundish, balls for easy snacking. But you can spread the mix into a pan to make bars. Or form them into cookies rather than balls. If you have some cute cookie cutters, you can make fun shapes and seasonal treats.


As easy as this recipe is you can try it several different ways in one “non-cooking” and have more than one shape, flavor or theme.

Try it out and see what you think. Be happy knowing there is a healthy snack waiting for you and your family just inside the fridge.

Now that you know what ingredients you need, the steps to making your own, the alternative ingredients and the different shapes possibilities, you can get to making your first batch of Keep On-Hand Peanut Butter, Quick Oats, Healthy, Snack Bites.

We hope you have enjoyed this recipe for Peanut Butter, Quick Oats, and Healthy, Snack Bites.

Thank you for visiting and please come again for another edition of Out Standing in the Field.

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