This card shows How to Make Homemade Cilantro Seasoning. There is a picture of fresh, raw cilantro and the another of the cilantro dried and ground.

If you love Cilantro you should know How to Make Homemade Cilantro Seasoning. We use cilantro in a lot of our home cooking. Cilantro is a great, general-use herb that will add just a hint of flavor to your meals. Of course, cilantro is a must-have in almost all Tejano dishes, Tex-Mex if that is what you are familiar with.

This week How to Make Homemade Cilantro Seasoning is another one of these talks.

Making your own Cilantro seasoning is really very easy. In just a few steps you can have your own homemade seasoning, just to your liking.

To Make Homemade Cilantro Seasoning

you will need:


Fresh Cilantro

A Dehydrator

A Mortar and Pestle or a Blender

An Air Tight Container

1. Fresh Cilantro.

Either buy fresh cilantro at your local farmers market or grocery. Or you can grow your own at home. We have done both. We have cilantro in our herb garden but we have not grown a large enough patch yet to use only homegrown.

This picture shows live cilantro growing in a herb garden.
This picture shows live cilantro growing in a herb garden.  It shows a close up of the cilantro leaves for identification.

2. Wash and Dry Cilantro.

It is always best to wash off all fresh veg just to be sure you do not have any unwanted guests or “stuff” on your veg. Pat dry to avoid crushing the tender herbs.

This picture shows a bunch of cilantro washed and ready to use on a towel.

3. Dehydrate Cilantro.

We have a nice little dehydrator that we use for all of our drying needs. This can be done in the oven on a very low heat for a very long time.

This picture shows limbs of cilantro spread out on a dehydrator rack.
This picture shows limbs of cilantro spread out on a dehydrator rack.
This picture shows the dehydrator full of cilantro, closed and ready to use.
This picture shows limbs of cilantro in the dehydrator, dried and crunchy.
This picture shows limbs of cilantro in the dehydrator, dried and crunchy.

4. Crush or grind Cilantro into powder.

A mortal and pestle work well with an herb as delicate as cilantro. A blender will also serve you well here if you do not want to grind by hand.

This picture shows the dried cilantro leaves in a mortar ready to grind.
This picture shows the cilantro being hand ground with a mortar and pestle.
This picture shows the cilantro ground into powder in a clear glass bowl.

You can leave the dried cilantro as a leaf if you like whole herbs better.

5. Place in an air-tight container to keep fresh and dry.

6. Cook with your homemade Cilantro seasoning and enjoy.

This is the recipe card for How to Make Homemade Cilantro Seasoning.  There is a list of things you will need and a step-by-step list of directions.  There is a pictrure of the fresh cilantro at the top right corner.

That is just how easy it is to Make Homemade Cilantro Seasoning.

You can use cilantro in guacamole, salsa, beans and rice, well just about any food will benefit from a good dose of cilantro. But traditionally, cilantro is used to add a Hispanic flavor.

Of course, as with most DIY recipes, you can tweak this one to get it just the way you like it. Add salt, pepper, chili pepper, or any combo of herbs and spices you like to get a variety of unique flavors.

We hope you have enjoyed this talk on How to Make Homemade Cilantro Seasoning. Try it out and see how much better homemade is than what you buy. Do not forget to check out the other recipes in this Cinco De Mayo recipe series.

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