This picture shows a baking dish with a row of marshmallow out of the oven.  They are a nice golden brown on the top and still holding their shape.

Here we have another of those off-the-wall, Who-comes-up-with-these-things recipes, Homemade Oven Roasted Marshmallows. It is really not even a recipe, it is more of a do this, similar to the Wacky Fun Jello Grape Recipe.

This is the Pinterest Pin for the Wacky Fun Jello Grape Recipe.  The background is a watercolor blue.  There is a picture of the grapes in the center and the title at the top of the page.

You know when you hear the door open and you expect to see your beloved child but you look up and see a herd? There are more than 1 and less than 1000 kids coming into your house. Some of them you recognize, some not so much. Now you do not want to be one of “those” families that do not welcome your kid’s friends or the local kids.

So you hear yourself saying, Hi, great to see you all, come on in. I was just about to make, I do not know what, if anyone is interested. And you know kids are always hungry.

At this point, your actual kid, if you can find yours in the herd, is beaming. Your kid has the “cool family”.

Then you realize, I have to make something for them all and just what did I think I was about to make? You have to at least have a treat for them and enough to go around.

Well, do not worry, we got you, Homemade Oven Roasted Marshmallows. This is quick and easy and kids will love it. Actually, most adults will love it also. Who does not like roasted marshmallows? It seems there are actually some people who do not like marshmallows. How odd is that?

A quick way to make Homemade Oven Roasted Marshmallows? Yep, you bet. It is actually very simple, why have we not thought of this before?

You can have a treat for all of those kids in minutes. Or have a campfire-type event with roasted marshmallows from the kitchen. How about movie night from the comfort of your cough with roasted marshmallows as your date night treat?

If you love to roast marshmallows, this is totally for you.

To make Homemade Oven Roasted Marshmallows

You will need:


parchment paper

baking sheet

a kitchen with a working oven

Don’t laugh, there are people who do not have a working oven.  Or maybe it is that they do not know how to work their oven.

1. Pre-heat the oven to LOW BROIL.

2. Put a sheet of parchment paper onto the baking sheet.

This picture shows a roll of parchment paper.
This picture shows a baking sheet with parchment paper on it.

3. Place marshmallows on the baking sheet. Leave a little room between them so they do not get stuck together when they fluff up.

This picture shows a bag of marshmallows.
This picture shows a row of marshmallow lined out on the parchment paper in the baking dish.

4. Bake on Low Broil for TWO minutes.

This picture shows a row of marshmallow lined out on the parchment paper in the baking dish in the oven.
This picture shows a baking dish with a row of marshmallow in the oven, swelling and turning brown.
This picture shows a baking dish with a row of marshmallow out of the oven.  They are a nice golden brown on the top and still holding their shape.

If you do not want to live the fast life, knock down the heat and up the time. But watch them. They go from ooooh, aaaah, to bunt in seconds.

Be sure to have the right temp and watch the marshmallows as they cook. If you cook them too slowly, they melt and you have a poodle. At this point, go ahead and make Rice Crispy Treats.

If you cook them too fast, they will burst into flames.

Careful watching is needed to be sure the marshmallows roast without any unwanted side effects.

Yes, we know from experience. We tries this experiment several times before we got it right.

It is actually cool to watch them swell rise, and toast in front of your eyes. It also impresses the kids as they watch you “cook” the treats for them.

This picture shows a baking dish with a row of marshmallow in the oven, swelling and turning brown.
This picture shows a baking dish with a row of marshmallow out of the oven.  They are a nice golden brown on the top and still holding their shape.
This picture shows the roasted marshmallows shrinking as they cool.

5. WAIT a minute or two for the now molten lava marshmallows to cool to the touch. They will still be hot on the inside, so use good judgment when thinking about stuffing one whole, hot marshmallow into your mouth.

6. Share and enjoy.

They are so quick and easy to make that you can whip up some anytime you want or need to.

This picture shows a roasted marshmallow with the top a nice golden brown and still holding a roundish shape.
This picture shows a roasted marshmallow with the underside still white and smooth.
This picture shows a plate of roasted marshmallows with the tops a nice golden brown and still holding their roundish shape.

We do not recommend letting the kids do this themselves. The adults managed to burn themselves more than one time while experimenting with these marshmallows. And yes, molten lava marshmallows do resemble napalm.

It is best to stick with the low broil for TWO minutes and watch them closely. As soon as they start to smoke, get them out of the oven and let them cool.

This is our tryout with lower heat and a longer time. It did not go well.

This picture shows a row of marshmallow in the oven, swelling into an odd blob.
This picture shows a row of marshmallow in the oven, swelling and turning brown.
This picture shows a row of marshmallow in the oven, burnt to an irregular cinder blob.

You will want to use these fairly quickly as they are affected by heat and humidity and will get sticky if you leave them sitting out. You may be able to put them in the fridge to help with that but we have not had any around long enough to try it.

If you add a dusting of powdered sugar to the plate, the marshmallows will not stick to the plate. Of course, that adds sugar and you know the kids need that extra sugar. When you send them home their parents will not thank you at all.

If you want to make them a bit special, add a chocolate chip to the top of each marshmallow. This will add just a hint of chocolate to the overall flavor.

This picture shows a bag of chocolate chips.
parchment paper in the baking dish with a chocolate chip in the center of each.

This is our tryout with a chocolate chip in the center of each. These came out well.

This picture shows a row of marshmallow lined out on the parchment paper in the baking dish with a chocolate chip in the center of each.  The baking dish is in the oven.
This picture shows a baking dish with a row of marshmallow in the oven, swelling and turning brown with a chocolate chip in the center of each.
This picture shows a baking dish with a row of marshmallows out of the oven, with a chocolate chip in the center of each.   The marshmallows are golden brown on the top with the chip slightly melted and sunk into the center of the marshmallow.
This picture shows a single marshmallow with the chocolate chip in the center toasted and ready to eat.
This picture shows the marshmallows with the chocolate chips in the center toasted and on a glass plate.

The Oven Roasted Marshmallows with chocolate chips make fairly good eyeball treats for Halloween. We have that on the plans for this next Halloween.

As with most homemade foods, you can decorate the marshmallows to fit whatever theme you are going for. Add, chocolate chips, caramel, maybe a nut, or any combination of those. Not sure about adding a fruit to it, but who knows it could be good.

Add a drop of food coloring after the marshmallows come out of the oven for a psychedelic look.

These would make great finger foods for a school or church event. Really, how many people can say that they took roasted marshmallows to a get-together?

So there you have it. Homemade Oven Roasted Marshmallows.

This is the recipe card for Homemade Oven Roasted Marshmallows.  There is a list of things you will need and a directions list.  There is a picture of Homemade Oven Roasted Marshmallows in the top right corner.  The background has a white washed, brick wall on the top and a wood floor on the bottom.

Give it a try. Use your imagination and see what great treat combos you can make. You can impress at your next eating meeting with Homemade Oven Roasted Marshmallows.

We hope you have enjoyed this talk on how to make Homemade Oven Roasted Marshmallows.

Thank you for visiting and please come again for another edition of Out Standing in the Field.

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