This is the banner for the Homemade Chocolate Recipe.  The title is in white at the top.  There is a picture of the Homemade Chocolate below the title.   The background is chocolate.

Today we have a Homemade Chocolate Recipe for you.

Yes, you can make chocolate at home. Like most any store-bought item, it started with someone making it at home first. There are many different stories about chocolate, where it came from, who made it first, and which kind of chocolate is best, but we are not going to open any of those cans of worms.

This Homemade Chocolate Recipe is fairly simple though it does have a couple of critical points that can not be skipped. This recipe has all-natural ingredients and we use all organic just to be sure so it is better for you than the store-bought chocolate. Do not get us wrong, we love chocolate in just about any form but we do love our homemade chocolate recipe too.

There is something so satisfying to know that you can go into your kitchen and whip up a batch of chocolate if you want to.

Homemade chocolate does require some special ingredients so you will want to think ahead and buy what you do not have on hand.

This is the recipe card for the Homemade Chocolate Recipe.  The title is in white at the top.  There is a picture of the Homemade Chocolate below the title and to the right of the ingredients list.    There is an ingredients list and a step-by-step section. The background is chocolate.

While researching how to make homemade chocolate we found several different recipes, all were fine recipes. But the result was a very dark chocolate. We are not all very fond of very dark chocolate. so we tweaked a recipe to fit our specific wants, one of the joys of homemade, we can do that.

To make the chocolate set correctly you have to keep the ratio right. If you add too much liquid it will be runny and not set, if you take out some of the powder, you will get the same.

To fix our issue with too dark a chocolate we substituted some of the Cacao powder for Arrowroot powder. Arrowroot, if you do not know, is a powder made from the arrowroot plant. Arrowroot powder can be used as a substitute for corn starch, and several other items in baking. It has not taste of its own or smell. Arrowroot is a great sub for volume in cooking.

We have to figure out how to keep the ratio correct, thankfully some of us “can do math”. This keeps the volume the same while cutting the heavy chocolate flavor a bit.

1/3 cup of powder in total 1/3 cup = 5 Tablespoons

The Homemade Chocolate Recipe that we use:

½ Cocoa Butter


1/3 cup of powder in total 1/3 cup = 5 Tablespoons

2 Tablespoons of Cacao Powder

3 Tablespoons of Arrowroot Powder

1 teaspoon of Vanilla

2 Tablespoons of Honey

When we first tried making homemade chocolate we did not have the cocoa butter on hand so we had to order it. Buy pure, organic cocoa butter, and be sure to check that it is food grade also. Cocoa butter is also used in beauty products but not all cocoa butter is handled the same so just be sure you get a good one.


Just for note, the cocoa butter smells sooooo good but it actually has no taste. You will have to try it, we did, but really it has no taste by itself.

This picture shows the ingredients for making the Homemade Chocolate Recipe Cocoa butter, Cacao powder, Arrowroot powder, Vanilla, and Honey.

Get all of your ingredients out and measured. It is a terrible thing to get part of the way through a recipe to find out that you can not finish it because you do not have one ingredient or enough of something.

1. In a stovetop pot melt the cocoa butter.

This picture shows Natural Farms Cocoa butter in a silver bag.
This picture shows pieces of Cocoa butter in a stovetop pot ready to melt.
This picture shows pieces of Cocoa butter in a stovetop pot being melted.
This picture shows pieces of Cocoa butter in a stovetop pot totally melted.

2. Remove for heat and stir for about 2 minutes.

3. Put the now melted cocoa butter into a glass bowl and continue to stir.

This picture shows the melted Cocoa butter in a glass bowl.

4. Using a candy thermometer stir until the cocoa butter gets to 90 degrees.

THIS IS ONE OF THE CRITICAL PARTS. You must stir until the cocoa butter is 90 degrees. If you do not get this part right, the chocolate will not set right.

This picture shows the melted Cocoa butter in a glass bowl being stirred.
This picture shows the melted Cocoa butter in a glass bowl cooling with a candy thermometer in it.  The thermometer shows 90 degrees.

5. Stir the honey or Agave into the cocoa butter.

This picture shows honey being added to the Cocoa butter in the glass bowl.
This picture shows a bottle of honey with some measured out into a small glass bowl.
This picture shows a bottle of Agave Necture with some measured out into a small glass bowl.

6. Add the cacao powder and arrowroot powder mix.

We find it easier to mix the two powders together and mix them well before you need to add them. Mixing in one powder til smooth and then the second one, was just too much mixing.

This picture shows a bag of Cacao powder.
This picture shows a bag of Arrowroot powder.
This picture shows the Cacao and arrowroot powder being added to the Cocoa butter in the glass bowl.
This picture shows the ingredients being mixed with a green spatula in the glass bowl.
This picture shows the ingredients mixed smooth in the glass bowl.

7. Add the Vanilla and whisk, mix, or stir until you get a smooth chocolate.

This picture shows a bottle of Vanilla with some measured out into a small glass bowl.
This picture shows the vanilla being added to the Cocoa mix in the glass bowl.
This picture shows all the ingredients for the Homemade Chocolate Recipe mixed smooth with a whisk.

8. Pour the chocolate onto a parchment paper lined pan.

A pan with sides is best or the liquid chocolate may run off. Silicon cooking molds can be used if you want a shape or a more solid form.

We make our chocolate thin, this gives it a nice snap.

9. Smooth out the chocolate so it is thin or thick as you want.

Thinner cools and sets faster.

This picture shows a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper.
This picture shows the Chocolate spread smooth and thin on the cookie sheet lined with parchment paper.

10. Let chocolate cool at room temp.

This picture shows the Homemade Chocolate cool, set and ready to eat.  It is thin and hard being peeled off the parchment paper.

11. Break up the chocolate into pieces.

This picture shows the Homemade Chocolate broken into pieces on the parchment paper.

12. Store in an air tight container.

This chocolate does not need to be put into the fridge it should stay good for 6 months or so but who leaves chocolate around that long?

This picture shows the Homemade Chocolate pieces in a green container ready to eat.

This Homemade Chocolate Recipe will give you a dark chocolate but not too dark, that is lightly sweet. It does not have the parafin chocolate, nothing but sugar taste of store-bought chocolate.


If you are wanting a very dark chocolate, skip the Arrowroot powder and use the whole 1/3 cup of Cacao powder instead.

Also, Agave nectar can be used in place of the honey as long as you keep the amount the same.


Surly there are ways to change the recipe to add flavors or extras but so far we have been happy with just this plain Homemade Chocolate Recipe.


We hope you have enjoyed this talk on our version of a Homemade Chocolate Recipe. Sleep easy knowing that if you have to, you can make chocolate at home in your own kitchen. No one wants to think about living in a world without chocolate.

If you are interested in other Homemade Recipes please check out these below.

Homemade Chocolate Filled Hot Pockets Recipe

Summer Homemade Ice Cream Recipe

Easy Green Halloween Zombie Bites

Thank you for visiting and please come again for another edition of Out Standing in the Field.

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