This picture shows a glass plate with a homemade loaf of bread beside a small, glass bowl of Easy Homemade Garlic Herb Dip.

If you love your bread and love to “dip” it, you will like this Easy Homemade Garlic Herb Dip Recipe. Olives, tomato, spices, oil, and easy to make, what more could you want?

To go along with last week’s talk about Quick Homemade Bread Recipe, we made Easy Homemade Garlic Herb Dip. These two recipes go very well together.

Most of us are very fond of olives. We love black olives, green olives, olive oil, stuffed olives, olives on our salad, olives, and cheese, there is almost no way that we do not like olives. We are sure there is some way that we will not eat olives but we have yet to find it.

We love olives so much, that we planted olives trees to grow our own olives. Just one more way to become more self-sufficient. Our baby olive trees have not put off any olives yet but we are planning ahead.

This Easy Homemade Garlic Herb Dip Recipe is similar to a restaurant bruschetta but not exactly. It is much easier to make and much cheaper than going to a restaurant for lunch.

To make your own Easy Homemade Garlic Herb Dip Recipe

You will need:

olive oil

can of black olives

jar of green olives

diced tomatoes

garlic salt

lemon juice

black pepper

chili pepper

This picture shows a jar of Manzanilla green olives and a can of black olives.
 This picture shows a can of petite diced, tomatoes.

Quite simply you put all your ingredients in the mixer or blender and mix. You do not want to go too far or you will have an olive smoothie instead of a dip. That may be a way we would not enjoy olives.

Put the black and green olives in the mixer or blender.

This picture shows green olives in a blender from a top view.
This picture shows the same blender with black olives on top of the green olives.

As we have said many times before, we use a safety can opener for all our can opening needs. Not only is the can opener safer to use but it leaves the cans with smooth edges, not rough ones that will cut you. The can lids will also fit back onto the can so you can either use them for something or recycle them safely.

This picture shows a safety can opener.

Add the tomatoes and blend.

This picture shows diced tomatoes added to the blender.

Add a splash of lemon juice.

This picture shows a bottle of lemon juice.

Toss in a couple tablespoons of garlic salt and onion powder.

This picture shows a bottle of minced onions and a bottle of garlic salt.

Add 2 teaspoons of black pepper and chili powder.

 This picture shows a bottle of red chili pepper and a bottle of black pepper.

Add a few tablespoons of olive oil to get the consistency you want.

 This picture shows a bottle of olive oil.

Mix all the ingredients until well blended.

This picture shows a side view of the blender with all the ingredients well blended.

Chill and serve with your favorite bread or chips.

As with most DIY homemade recipes you can tweak this one to your liking. A little more chili or a little less.

You can chop the olives and hand mix for a more chunky dip or blend longer for a puree.

Dip your chip or spread it on your toast.

The possibilities are endless and only stop with your imagination and your palate.

This is the recipe card for Easy Homemade Garlic Herb Dip.  There is a picture of a glass plate with a homemade loaf of bread beside a small, glass bowl of Easy Homemade Garlic Herb Dip.  There is an ingredients list in bold black and a directions list.  The background is light blue, teal, and pink watercolor paints.

We like to make this olive herb dip for family get-togethers. But it also totes well to church functions.

If you keep this Easy Homemade Garlic Herb Dip in the fridge you will need to warm it up as the oil will become solid when it is cold. But that is ok, this dip is very nice warm also.

Make it your own way or try it several different ways to see which one you like best. You can always change this up to spice up a favorite recipe or side dish.

We hope you have enjoyed this Easy Homemade Garlic Herb Dip Recipe. Do not forget to check out the Quick Homemade Bread Recipe that will go so well with this olive dip.

Thank you for visiting and please come again for another edition of Out Standing in the Field.

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