This picture shows the finished guacamole in the glass bowl with a green spatula.  The darker green herbs a visible in the cool green guacamole.
This is a divider banner with Mexica clipart and the words Cinco De Mayo in black. The background is a multi-colored Mexican blancket.  There are chili peppers in red and yellow.  There are cactus, a cheeful donkey pinata and a Mexican couple with musical instruments.

Everyone loves a good party, especially if that party comes with good food. Today we have one of our quick recipes, Easy Guacamole for Your Cinco De Mayo Party. We are going to do two versions of our Easy Guacamole, the smooth and the chunky.

With as many people as we have coming and going on our farm, there are many different tastes. Some of us like our guacamole smooth and savory. Some like it chunky or hot or both.

You can tweak the recipe to get just the texture and flavor you want in your kitchen. There is no need to go out and buy that ready-made stuff.

Another advantage to Easy Guacamole for Your Cinco De Mayo Party is that you have fresh ingredients and you know exactly what you put into it so there are no surprises as to ingredients or preservatives.

Making your own Guacamole does not seem like a big thing or a survival skill, but it is one more thing you can make for yourself with your ingredients.

Of course, you may need to buy the ingredients if you do not grow them for yourself but if you buy fresh from your local farmers market, you still know what you’ve got.

This is a divider banner with Mexica clipart and the words Cinco De Mayo in black. The background is a multi-colored Mexican blancket.  There are chili peppers in red and yellow.  There are cactus, a cheeful donkey pinata and a Mexican couple with musical instruments.

The two versions of Easy Guacamole are basically the same. Both start with avocados, spices, lime juice, and herbs. The difference is that the chunky version adds in diced tomatoes for the chunky.

So to make Easy Guacamole for Your Cinco De Mayo Party the smooth version.


You will need:


little green onions (approx 2 Tablespoons)

cilantro (approx 3 Tablespoons)

garlic salt (approx 3 Tablespoons)

lime juice (approx ¼ of a cup)

black pepper (approx 2 teaspoons)

chili pepper (approx 2 Tablespoons)

This recipe is very flexible. The measurements are all subject to how much you like each spice, herb, and flavor. But it is advisable to start on the low end and add more if you want to change the flavor. You can always add more, you can not take it out if it is too much.

If you like it hot add more black pepper and chili pepper. If you like a lot of citrus flavor add more lime juice. It all just depends on what you like or what flavor you are going for.

Start by washing and peeling your avocados. It may seem unnecessary to wash the avocado but it is not. The last batch of avocados that we bought from the grocery had a lot of sand and “stuff” on them. Not sure how or why. But when you are handling the avocados to peel and cut them, you do not want “stuff” falling into your mix.

This picture shows four ripe avocados on a white cutting board.
This picture shows a single avocado on the white cutting board with a silver parring knife.
This picture shows the avocado half peeled on the white cutting board with the silver parring knife.

The avocado peelings go to the mulch bucket and the seeds to the seed starting table. We try to grow most seeds that come from things we eat. This will help us not have to buy too many things, as we can start growing what we use the most.

Note: DO NOT give avocado peelings or seeds to your chickens or other farm animals. Avocados can be toxic to them and will make them very sick or may even kill them.

This picture shows the avocado seed washed and sitting on the cutting board.

Slice the avocados and then cut them into small pieces.

This picture shows the avocado cut into slices on the white cutting board.
This picture shows the four avocados sliced up and in a blow glass bowl.
This picture shows the avocado slices now cut into smaller pieces in the blue glass bowl.

With a potato smasher, squash them into mush.


This picture shows a potato masher, smashing the avocado pieces.

Stir and press until you get the smooth texture you want. This is, of course, subjective to your personal liking. Set the avocados in the fridge to chill.

This picture shows the avocado now a smooth paste.

In a bowl add the little green onions, cilantro, and garlic salt.

This picture shows onion greens, garlic salt, and dried cilantro in a clear glass bowl.

The little green onions are ones that we grew and put into the freezer ourselves. Little green onions are very easy to grow, we have another talk on that. The cilantro we dried and ground also. We are doing a talk on how to make your own Cilantro Seasoning. The garlic salt, we also made by drying the garlic bulbs and making the mix. There is also a talk on How to DIY Homemade Garlic Salt.

This picture shows a jar of little green onions that had been chopped and frozen.
This picture shows a glass bowl of dried cilantro leaves.
This picture shows a glass jar of homemade garlic salt.
This picture shows the close up of the homemade garlic salt with all the pieces of garlic and salt.

Add the lime juice to the bowl.

This picture shows a bottle of La Limon lime juice.
This picture shows limon juice added to the glass bowl with the onion greens, garlic salt, and dried cilantro.

Continue to add the black pepper and chili pepper to the bowl. Be careful with the peppers, they can cause personal issues if you get too cozy with them.

This picture shows the same clear glass bowl with the spices and black pepper added.
This picture shows the same clear glass bowl with the spiced and now the chili pepper added.

With a spatula, mix all the ingredients in the bowl to a well-blended paste.

This picture shows the clear glass bowl with all the herbs and spiced now mixed and blended.

Add the smashed avocados to the bowl and stir to mix.

This picture shows the smashed avocados added to the bowl of mix.
This picture shows all the mix and the avocados mixed into a smooth guacamole.

You can see all the pretty colors in the mix, dark green herbs in the light green avocado. This is the difference between homemade with fresh ingredients and that ready-made stuff you get at the grocery.

This picture shows the finished guacamole in the glass bowl with a green spatula.  The darker green herbs a visible in the cool green guacamole.

Put the guacamole into a sealed container and put it in the fridge to chill.

There you are, you have made your own Easy Guacamole for Your Cinco De Mayo Party in a smooth texture.

This is the recipe card for Easy Guacamole for Your Cinco De Mayo Party.  There is an ingredient list and a directions list. There is a picture of the made guacamole in the top right with the words smooth style in black.  The title Easy Guacamole for Your Cinco De Mayo Party is in black at the top.
This is a divider banner with Mexica clipart and the words Cinco De Mayo in black. The background is a multi-colored Mexican blancket.  There are chili peppers in red and yellow.  There are cactus, a cheeful donkey pinata and a Mexican couple with musical instruments.

Version Two:

So to make Easy Guacamole for Your Cinco De Mayo Party the chunky version.

You will need:


Diced Tomatoes

little green onions (approx 2 Tablespoons)

cilantro (approx 3 Tablespoons)

garlic salt (approx 3 Tablespoons)

lime juice (approx ¼ of a cup)

black pepper (approx 2 teaspoons)

chili pepper (approx 2 Tablespoons)

Start by washing and peeling your avocados.

This picture shows a single avocado on the white cutting board with a silver parring knife.
This picture shows the avocado half peeled on the white cutting board with the silver parring knife.

Again, peelings go to the mulch bucket, NOT the chickens. The seeds are put into water to start them growing, hopefully.

Slice the avocados and then cut them into small pieces.

This picture shows the four avocados sliced up and in a blow glass bowl.
This picture shows the avocado slices now cut into smaller pieces in the blue glass bowl.

With a potato smasher, squash them into mush. The small kids are really good at this part.

Stir and press until you get the smooth texture you want. This is, of course, subjective to your personal liking. Set the avocados in the fridge to chill.

This picture shows a potato masher, smashing the avocado pieces.
This picture shows the avocado now a smooth paste.

Next are the diced tomatoes. If you use fresh tomatoes, chop them and set them aside for a minute.

If you use canned tomes, open the can and drain the extra juice.

This picture shows a can of diced tomatoes.
This picture shows a lime green colander with tomatoes in it to drain.

As we have mentioned in other talks, we LOVE our safety can opener. Not only can you re-use the cans intact but you will not cut yourself with a sharp lid.

This picture shows a safety can opener used to open a can of tomatoes.

We only had canned tomes as it is not the veg season here yet. And the toms in the fridge were growing hair so they went to the mulch pile. Otherwise, we would have used toms from our own garden.

We had more diced tomatoes than we needed for this recipe so we saved the rest to make Quick, Easy, Made to Your Taste Homemade Salsa. This is another favorite recipe for Cinco De Mayo Parties.

In a bowl add the little green onions, cilantro, and garlic salt.

This picture shows onion greens, garlic salt, and dried cilantro in a clear glass bowl.

Add the lime juice to the bowl.

This picture shows limon juice added to the glass bowl with the onion greens, garlic salt, and dried cilantro.

Continue to add the black pepper and chili pepper to the bowl. Be careful with the peppers, they can cause personal issues if you get too cozy with them.

This picture shows the same clear glass bowl with the spiced and now the black pepper and the chili pepper added.

With a spatula, mix all the ingredients in the bowl to a well-blended paste.

This picture shows the clear glass bowl with all the herbs and spiced now mixed and blended.

Add the diced tomatoes and mix.

This picture shows the bowl of mixture with diced tomatoes added.
This picture shows the tomatoes and spice/herb mix into a chunky paste.

Add the smashed avocados to the bowl and stir to mix.

This picture shows the smashed avocados added to the bowl of mix.
This picture shows the finished guacamole in the glass bowl with a green spatula.  The red tomatoes and the darker green herbs a visible in the cool green guacamole.

You can see all the pretty colors in the mix, the red tomatoes and the dark green herbs in the light green avocado. This is the difference between homemade with fresh ingredients and that ready-made stuff you get at the grocery.

Put the guacamole into a sealed container and put it in the fridge to chill.

And again, you have made your own Chunky Easy Guacamole for Your Cinco De Mayo Party.

This is the recipe card for Easy Guacamole for Your Cinco De Mayo Party.  There is an ingredient list and a directions list. There is a picture of the made guacamole in the top right with the words chunky style in black.  The title Easy Guacamole for Your Cinco De Mayo Party is in black at the top.

As with most recipes and homemade foods, you can tweak it to your own personal tastes. So add lemon instead of lime if you want. Mix and match spices and herbs to get a flavor you really like. Go chunky, smooth, savory, or hot. It is all up to you to make a masterpiece in your kitchen.

Now go throw a Cinco De Mayo party. Ask your friends and family to bring their best and favorite Mexican dishes and you are set for a good time and great food.

This is a divider banner with Mexica clipart and the words Cinco De Mayo in black. The background is a multi-colored Mexican blancket.  There are chili peppers in red and yellow.  There are cactus, a cheeful donkey pinata and a Mexican couple with musical instruments.

We hope you have enjoyed this recipe for Easy Guacamole for Your Cinco De Mayo Party. Try out both versions and do some experimenting. Find out what you like and make your own, new favorite dip at home.

This picture shows the finished guacamole in the glass bowl with a green spatula.  The darker green herbs a visible in the cool green guacamole.
This picture shows the finished guacamole in the glass bowl with a green spatula.  The red tomatoes and the darker green herbs a visible in the cool green guacamole.

Thank you for visiting and please come again for another edition of Out Standing in the Field.


This is the Out Standing in the Field logo with Spike the donkey.

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