As Halloween creeps near, we feel the tingle of excited terror in the air. And the need for seasonal treats. For those who love Halloween, we are gearing up for the once-a-year bash. Today, we share a recipe for Easy Green Halloween Zombie Bites.

Easy Green Halloween Zombie Bites are exactly as advertised, quick, easy to make, bits sized treats. There are only five ingredients and seven steps to a fun, festive, bite-sized, sweet treat.

To make your own Easy Green Halloween Zombie Bites



3 oz of cream cheese (softened)

10 to 20 cookies

½ teaspoon of real Vanilla

food coloring

Melting Chocolate (one package)

You will also need:

A food processor, potato masher and bowl, or blender

A way to melt chocolate, stovetop or microwave

A pot or bowl

Waxed paper and baking pan


1. In a food processor or blender, turn the cookies into coarse dust. This can be done by hand in a bowl with a potato masher. The electric machine is faster but makes a racket.

We used animal crackers for our Zombie bites but you could use Vanilla Wafers, or sugar cookies if you prefer.

2. Add the cream cheese and blend until well-mixed and no longer chunky.

3. Add the real Vanilla and mix to blend.

4. Mix in the food coloring. This can be done by adding the food coloring to the machine and blending. Or you can mix in the food coloring by hand in a bowl.

Note, if you are going to mix and shape by hand, let the kids do it. They enjoy having colored fingers and hands. Or wear gloves if you do not want green fingers.


How much food coloring you add, totally depends on what color you are going for and how dark you want it to be when you are done.


We used green food coloring as we wanted Green Halloween Zombie Bites.

5. Roll the dough into small bite-sized balls.


6. On a baking pan, lined with waxed paper, put the Zombie Bites into the freezer for around 15 to 20 minutes or until firm.

7. Melt the chocolate, either in the microwave or on the stovetop.

8. Dip each Zombie Bite into the chocolate and place them back on the baking pan, and back into the freezer for another 20 minutes. It is easiest to use a toothpick for the dipping.


The Easy Green Halloween Zombie Bites do not have to stay in the freezer but they should be kept in the fridge. Or they will melt and turn to green Halloween zombie mush.

Now when you are ready for the party, pull the Easy Green Halloween Zombie Bites out of the fridge and serve.


The chilled, hard chocolate gives you a nice snappy outside and a soft, smooth inside. These are basically chocolate-dipped, cake bites with a twist.

As with most DIY recipes, there are so many ways this recipe can be tweaked to make a specific theme or season. If you want a Christmas bite, use red food coloring instead of green. Orange and yellow will add a fall twist. For Hanukkah go with blue food coloring.

If you want more sparkle and bling, add sprinkles or edible baking dust. To do this, just dust or sprinkle the balls right after you roll them in the melted chocolate.

The toothpick used in the chocolate dipping can be left in each Zombie Bite to make it easier to serve.

There you have Easy Green Halloween Zombie Bites with a quick, easy low ingredient recipe. And you have some alternatives for different themes and seasons depending on what look you are going for.

Here is a quick card you can screenshot and print if you like.

We hope you have enjoyed this talk on Easy Green Halloween Zombie Bites. Try them out and see for yourself how easy and tasty these little cake bites are.

Thank you for visiting and please come again for another edition of Out Standing in the Field.


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