This picture shows a glass plate with a loaf of Easy Everyday Homemade Bread beside a small, glass bowl of Easy Homemade Garlic Herb Dip.

Start off your week with fresh, hot homemade bread. We know homemade bread is too much trouble. Well, not with this Quick, Everyday Bread Recipe. This is one of the fastest ways to make homemade bread. This is an old-fashioned recipe from an older time.

Yes, there is some kneading and wait time but it is well worth it. You will get a basic, crusty on the outside, soft in the middle bread. And as with most homemade foods, you can tweak it to your specific needs.

For those of you who like to skim to see how in-depth a recipe is, do not panic. The original, old recipe had only ten steps to explain this whole process. We broke it down into individual pieces to make it easier to understand. They forget, not everyone knows the baking jargon or will know what some of the process sets mean. We made sure to give each tiny step its own section so everything is shown clearly in detail. So do not let the fact that there are twenty-six steps to this recipe run you off. It is really a very simple recipe, it is just broken down into its smallest steps for ease.

To make your own Easy Everyday Homemade Bread you will need:

5 cups of all-purpose flour

1 Tablespoon sugar

2 teaspoons salt

2 packages of active dry yeast

1 Tablespoon butter

a bit of water

a handful of cornmeal

olive oil

1 egg white

1. Combine 2 cups of flour, sugar, salt, and yeast in an electric mixer. You can do the mixing by hand but it will take some time and work. An electric mixer makes things go faster and easier.

This picture shows a glass mixing bowl of flour, sugar, and salt.
This picture shows a bottle of Fleischmann’s Bread Yeast.
This picture shows a bottle of olive oil.
This picture shows a cup of baking flour.

2. On the stovetop, in a saucepan heat 1 ¾ cups of water and 1 Tablespoon of butter.

3. In the mixer, on low, slowly add the liquid to the dry and blend.

4. On medium mix for 2 minutes. Remember to scrap the bowl from time to time to get all the ingredients mixed well.

5. Mix in another ½ cup of flour to get a thick batter. Keep mixing for another 2 minutes.

6. Mix in enough flour to make a soft dough. This will require about another 1 ¾ cups of flour. Be sure you just put in enough for the soft dough, you do not want the dough too thick or hard.

This picture shows a small pone of dough being kneaded by hand on a piece of waxed paper.
This picture shows a small pone of dough being kneaded by hand on a piece of waxed paper.

7. Knead the soft dough on a floured board or cloth. Add flour as needed to keep the dough soft and easy to handle. You do not want your dough to be sticky, which makes it very hard to work with. You will need to knead the dough for about 10 minutes. In the end, you want a smooth, elastic dough.

This picture shows a small pone of dough being kneaded by hand on a piece of waxed paper.
This picture shows a small pone of dough being kneaded by hand on a piece of waxed paper.

8. Cut the dough ball into two pieces. Place each piece in a separate bowl and cover with a towel. Let the dough rest for about 20 minutes.

This picture shows two pones of dough on a piece of waxed paper.
This picture shows two pones of dough in glass bowl sitting at rest.
This picture shows the glass bowls covered with a kitchen towel.

You can see the dough has almost doubled in size as it has set to rest and rise.

This picture shows two pones of dough in glass bowl sitting at rest.  The dough has almost doubled in size.

9. In the meantime, either grease a large cookie sheet or cover the cookie sheet with parchment paper.

10. Sprinkle the parchment paper or greased cookie sheet with cornmeal.

11. On a floured board or cloth, roll out each dough ball with a rolling pin. You will need to make your flat approximately 15 inches x 10 inches. This will give you a nice smooth, thin sheet of dough.

This picture shows one pone of dough being rolled and flattened by hand.
This picture shows one pone of dough flattened out on a piece of waxed paper.

Here we usually sprinkle some Italian Seasoning into the dough sheets. It just gives the bread an extra kick.

 This picture shows a package of Zesty Italian salad dressing powder.

12. Starting longways, roll the dough sheet into a log, like a jelly roll but longer.

This picture shows the flattened dough with the Zesty Italian salad dressing powder being rolled into a tube by hand.
This picture shows the flattened dough with the Zesty Italian salad dressing powder being rolled into a tube by hand.
This picture shows the flattened dough with the Zesty Italian salad dressing powder being rolled into a tube by hand.
This picture shows one rolled tube of dough and one flattened dough on a piece of waxed paper.

13. Pinch the ends of the dough roll to seal the ends shut.

This picture shows two rolled tube of dough on a piece of waxed paper.  Ends are pinched to close the tubes.

14. Place the rolls, seam down, on the prepared cookie sheets.

15. Tapper the ends of the rolls for a nicer shape.

16. Brush the rolls with olive oil. Do not over do it or you will have a greasy, soggy bread roll.

This picture shows two rolled tube of dough on a piece of waxed paper with a hand pouring olive oil on them.
This picture shows two rolled tube of dough on a piece of waxed paper with a hand pouring olive oil on them.

17. Cover with plastic wrap and put the cookie sheets in the fridge. You will need to chill the rolls for 2 hours. You can leave them in the fridge for up to 24 hours.

This bread dough can be made in bulk and left in the fridge until it is needed. This is an advantage if you have events for more than one day or if you make bread often. Make up several at a time and keep them in the fridge and use them several at a time.

18. Remove the rolls from the fridge and let them stand for 10 minutes.

This picture shows two rolled tube of dough on a piece of waxed paper shinny with olive oil.

19. Pre-Heat the oven to 425.

20. Cut 3 or 4 diagonal lines into the top of each roll.

21. Bake the rolls for 20 minutes.

 This picture shows two rolled tube of dough on a baking pan in the oven.

22. In a small bowl, beat one egg white and 1 Tablespoon of water together til smooth.

23. Take the loaves out of the oven. Brush each loaf with the egg mix.

This picture shows a bottle of Parmesan bread dip powder.
This picture shows two rolled tube of dough on a piece of waxed paper shinny with olive oil and dusted with the Parmesan bread dip powder.

You can add seasoning at this time if you want a specific flavor. We usually add some spice or herb mix here.

24. Put the loaves back into the oven and bake for 5 more minutes.

25. Remove your fresh hot bread loaves from the oven and let them cool a bit.

This picture shows a fresh, hot loaf of homemade bread.

26. Cut your Easy Everyday Homemade Bread loaves and enjoy.

The cornmeal that was on the parchment paper or greased cookie sheet, gives the final product some texture. Like those fancy breads you buy at the store with crumbles on the outside, that is the cornmeal. If you added seasoning to the inside or to the top, you now have a pretty, flavorful, bread loaf.

This bread goes well with almost any topping. Add butter and jelly. Or use it with a salsa or dip.

You can use this bread to make homemade bread pizza.

Anyway, you use it, this bread is hot, fresh and homemade good.

As we said, it takes a bit of kneading and some wait time but you have just made your own, handmade, homemade bread loaves. How many people can say that they made fresh bread today, by hand?

It may seem like more trouble than it is worth but you will not think that after you have eaten your first loaf and see how great it is. This bread is way better than anything you will buy at the store. This is actually an artisan loaf with you as the artist.

This is the recipe card one for the Easy Everyday Homemade Bread Recipe.  There is a picture of a fresh, hot loaf of homemade bread at the top.  There is an ingredient list in black.  The background is a pale yellow.
This is the recipe card tow for the Easy Everyday Homemade Bread Recipe.  There is a list on twenty-six steps in black.  The background is a pale yellow.

And remember, if you need to, you will know how to make homemade bread. When you can not buy bread, that is ok, you now know how to make it for yourself. Just one more step to becoming more self-sufficient.

We hope you have enjoyed this Easy Everyday Homemade Bread Recipe. One weekend when you have nothing else to do or when you want to impress a dinner guest, try out this recipe. You will find it a fun experience and it will be a crowd pleaser. You will also be able to boast that you made this bread yourself. How is that for an impressive dinner menu?

We have also done a talk about an Easy Homemade Garlic Herb Dip Recipe. This homemade dip goes very well with homemade bread.

This picture shows a glass plate with a loaf of Easy Everyday Homemade Bread beside a small, glass bowl of Easy Homemade Garlic Herb Dip.

Thank you for visiting and please come again for another edition of Out Standing in the Field.

This is the Out Standing in the Field logo with Spike the donkey.

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