As this weekend is Good Friday and Easter Sunday, we wanted to share one of the recipes we use for the church kids. This is a Cool Colorful Jello Easter Egg Recipe.

Again, we love short and simple so this is an easy and quick recipe. You get totally cool, colorful, edible eggs.

The kids love these eggs. And the adults will not pass them up either.

To make Colorful Jello Easter Eggs you will need:

Jello flavor or color of your choice.

Water to make the jello

egg forms

foam whip in the bottle

We use deviled egg forms for our jello eggs. The deviled egg forms look like half eggs and stand on their own. We have tried some forms that did not hold themselves up. That was a bit of a mess.


Make the jello but use half the amount of water as the recipe on the back of the box calls for. You want very firm eggs, not floppy eggs.

Using half the water does make the flavor a bit more concentrated but it is not too much.

As usual with jello, pour the warm liquid into the mold or form of your choice.

Put the filled forms into the fridge to set. It is best to the eggs so that nothing drops into the jello before it sets.

We do not know about your house. But in ours, what happens in the fridge stays in the fridge.

You may need to leave them overnight to get a good firm set.


When you are ready to serve your jello eggs, remove them from the fridge. And put a spot of foam whip on each egg.

Serve to all the delighted kids.

You get totally cool eggs with great color and flavor.

These colorful jello eggs are a favorite for church Easter get-togethers. They make a wonderful Easter theme dessert.

Of course, you can make these anytime of the year.

We hope you have enjoyed this very quick recipe for How to make cool, colorful jello Easter eggs. Try them out, they are easy, fun, cool and so good.

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