With all the Christmas craft gift-making, do not forget to make your special buddies a gift too. Today we will give you a recipe for Fresh Breath DIY Herbal Doggy Toothpaste. Make your beloved pets a gift that will benefit their health and your senses.

Doggy Toothpaste you ask? Well yes, it can be done, it has been done, we do it, and you should do it. Your beloved doggy, your best friend, your constant companions, do they not deserve dental care also?

You can buy commercially make dog toothpaste at the stores. But do you really know what is in it? Do you understand the ingredients or can you even pronounce them? Usually no or at least we can not.

We do not want to have funky doggy breath in our faces but we also do not want to give our dogs “that store-bought stuff”. So we found a recipe for homemade, Fresh Breath DIY Herbal Doggy Toothpaste.

It is easy to make at home. You only need a few ingredients. And it is much cheaper to whip up than it is to buy that stuff from the store. So it is a win-win all the way around unless your dog does not like having its teeth brushed.

To make your own Fresh Breath DIY Herbal Doggy Toothpaste

you will need:


2 Tablespoons Baking Soda

1 teaspoon Cinnamon

2 teaspoons Fresh Mint

1 teaspoon oil

enough water to make a paste

Steps to making your own Fresh Breath DIY Herbal Doggy Toothpaste


1. Put the baking soda in a bowl.

You may need to sift it or just mix it around to get the lumps out. No one wants lumpy toothpaste.

2. Add the Cinnamon and mix. 

Be careful with the ground Cinnamon, it is very fine and will get everywhere. A little Cinnamon goes a long way, if you use too much it will be hot.

3. Add the fresh mint and mix.

We used fresh mint that we picked from our home herb garden but you can buy fresh mint at the grocery store.

4. Add the oil and blend well.

You can use olive oil, coconut oil, or whatever vegetable oil you want. We went with olive oil as it was what we had in the kitchen, we almost always cook with olive oil.

5. Once you have the ingredients well blended, add just enough water to make a smooth paste.

We added a few drops at a time and stirred. We wanted to get a nice thick paste but still have it smooth.

6. Put your Fresh Breath DIY Herbal Doggy Toothpaste into the prepared tin.

 We like these little metal tins, they are just the right size for lip balms, salves, and doggy toothpaste. As this recipe calls for small amounts of each ingredient, it only filled one tin.


You can make a larger batch if you like, just be sure to keep the ratios the same when you figure the new amounts.

7. Brush your dog’s teeth.

You can use your finger or a toothbrush. To brush your doggies teeth, just put a small amount on your finger or the toothbrush and gently rub your dog’s teeth.

A finger is quick and easy as long as your dog does not bite the finger.

Some dogs get a bit squirrely when they see a toothbrush coming at them. But others do not seem to mind it. Some even seem to like it.

We use bamboo toothbrushes for our dogs. Not only are bamboo toothbrushes environmentally friendly, but they are also pet friendly. If your dog bites into the toothbrush or chews it, the bamboo will not hurt your dog as plastic would.

Do not let your dog eat the toothbrush, of course, that will make your dog very sick or can even kill your dog.  A dog can not digest a toothbrush no matter what it is made of.

You will want to keep your Fresh Breath DIY Herbal Doggy Toothpaste in a cool place or even in the fridge. As there are no preservatives, this toothpaste will only stay good for a few months.

If your Fresh Breath DIY Herbal Doggy Toothpaste gets hot, the oil will melt out of the mix and make a mess. We know this one, we have already done that.

Our dogs seemed to like the flavor of the toothpaste, so we did not have any issues with the brushing of teeth. But we are sure, not all dogs will like this flavor.

You can change the flavor of the toothpaste but just adding or leaving out whatever flavor they do not like. But do your research, to be sure whatever flavor you choose is actually dog-safe. Not all herbs, spices, or flavorings are safe to use with pets.

We have not tried to brush the cat’s teeth, so we are not sure how well that will work. Cats can be difficult to do normal everyday things to them, and teeth brushing is not a normal everyday thing to do to a cat. We like all of our fingers and eyes, so we did not try the cat. If you have a very calm cat, you may want to try it, those are your fingers and eyes to risk.

We do not actually recommend brushing your cat’s teeth but if you do, this Herbal Toothpaste recipe is cat safe.

We hope you have enjoyed this talk about Fresh Breath DIY Herbal Doggy Toothpaste.

Please feel free to screenshot this how-to/recipe card and print it out to keep.

We have several other talks about DIY pet items if you want to take a look at more homemade pet stuff.


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An Easy Recipe for Homemade Dog Ear Cleaner


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Almond dog treats


Pet Footpad Balm


summer frozen dog treats


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