Today we are introducing you to the Lekue microwave popcorn maker.

I am sure, if you have read any of our other talks, you know we are very big on recycling, upscaling, re-using, and thrift stores.

We love Goodwill, there is no telling what wonders you will find there. Goodwill is nothing like the commercial, stores that offer only what is “in” this season. Every time you go into Goodwill, you find items from different times, areas, countries, and themes. You can find things ranging from antiques, to movie collectibles, to cool things you never knew existed.

Sometimes you find great things that you never even knew you needed. We recently discovered such a thing, the Lekue. This little know item is a microwave popcorn maker. The Lekue lets you make popcorn without all the preservatives in bagged microwave popcorn. You also get to season your popcorn to your personal liking.

The Lekue is made of silicon for easy use, easy cleanup, and not plastic.

Steps to use your Lekue:

pop up the lekue bowl

Pour oil into the lekue

We use olive oil but veg oil will do.  It only takes a couple of tablespoons.

Add popcorn to your Lekue. We use plain, popping corn. We so love the colored popcorn but we usually only get the plain white. If you are having a party or celebration the colored popcorn will give your a cool accent color.

We recycle plastic creamer bottles to make storage containers for our dry goods. These bottles keep the dry goods safe and are a good size to easily store in the pantry.

Add seasonings of your choice. We generally stick with garlic salt, lime, and chili. Give your Lekue a gentle shake to make sure the seasonings are mixed into the popcorn.

Put the top on your Lekue. Then put your Lekue into the microwave and wait.

Enjoy your fresh, healthy popcorn.

You can not enjoy your fresh popcorn. You can make gourmet popcorn, seasoned to your liking anytime, quick and easy. You are eating more healthy making popcorn this way also with less fat, oil, and preservatives.

If you have a craving for sweets, you can make caramel popcorn. If you want movie style, you can add butter and salt to your popcorn. The Lekue comes with a recipe book for all kinds of popcorn combos, many that you probably never even thought of.

For those of us that want to eat healthily, be environmentally minded, and want to eat what we want to eat, the Lekue is for you. We love our Lekue and use it several times a week.

If you would like to buy a Lekue for yourself or someone else but you do not want to hope they have one next time you go to Goodwill, there is an online store.


We hope you have enjoyed this look at a unique way to make healthy popcorn. Hopefully next time you find something odd but interesting at Goodwill, a thrift store, or a yard sale, you will give it a try. You never knew, it may be the thing you always needed but never knew about.

Thank you for visiting and please come again for another edition of Out Standing in the Field.

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