So we made a huge mess in the kitchen today, it was so much fun. I saw these cute little gummy bears that were made of soap but more expensive than I was willing to pay. So I thought, we can make these, how hard can it be. Well, it is not hard at all, it is really simple. Making gummy soap is fairly quick and only takes a few ingredients. So here is how it went.

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You will need:

1/2 cup boiling water

1/2 cup liquid soap, dishwashing liquid, bath soap, or bubble bath

2 pks of gelatin

1/2 tablespoon salt

several mixing containers

mixing tool

some kind of mold for the shape


food coloring


essential oils

Now we did not have any gummy bear mold so we went with what we had on hand, bullet ice trays, and a square, silicone ice tray. We use these for other crafts so they were already available.

Project ONE:

You get your 1/2 cup of boiling water and add your 2 gelatin packages and mix as usual.

Here we added a couple drops of red food coloring.

Mix your gelatin mix and your 1/2 cup liquid soap. For a bit of extra good, we used green, antibacterial, liquid Dawn. You can not go wrong these days with antibacterial.

Mix the 1/2 teaspoon salt into the gelatin/soap mix.

Pour the gelatin/soap mix into your mold, or molds. Here we did one gummy soap with just the red and left it as is. We did one tray of bullet soap in the plain red also.

Next, add your food coloring if you are going to add more color. We added a bit of blue for a darker red.

We like to try out different colors so we then added a bit of yellow food coloring to the mix. With the red, green, blue, and now yellow, we ended up with a nice, dark copper color.  We wanted to go a bit further so we added some silver, Today Glitter to our copper mix. If you have read any of our other posts, you have seen that we use Today Glitter for many of our DIY projects. Today Glitter gives a super cool, flashy with all the benefits of being Environmentally friendly. We ended up when all was done, with a cool, glittery, copper color.


Make sure when pouring your mix into the molds, you are careful to get the mix into the mold and not all over the counter. Also, a note of interest, if you are using ice tray molds that snap together to make solid shapes, do not overfill. As I said at the start, we made a huge but fun mess in the kitchen. We had mix all over the counter but it was easy to clean up as it was just soap.

When you have poured your mix into the molds, put them aside to cool and set. We put ours in the freezer for a few minutes to get a head start on the cooling. Do not leave them in the freezer for too long or your soap will be frozen not set. Put them in the fridge to set up 2 to 3 hours.

Once your soap is set, carefully pop them out of the molds. You will want to store these gummy soaps in an airtight container. Or at least we do, we live in the south and always have high humidity. If we leave our gummy soap out, we will have soap puddles eventually.

We put our gummy soaps in a glass jar and put layers of plastic wrap between them to keep them fresh and dry. You can, of course, put them in whatever container you want. It is best to put keep them in the fridge so they do not melt. The gummy soap will last about a week or so before they start to shrivel up.

Here is what happens when you leave your gummy soap out on the counter. As I said before, we live in the South with high heat and humidity. You can still use the soap mush to wash with but it is not as much fun.


Project TWO:

Basically the same as Project One, we used clear gelatin and the green Dawn liquid soap. We followed the same process but added teal Today Glitter. The result was a nice, clear, really cool, glittery green. We did not add any essential oils so it just smells like Dawn dish liquid but that is a nice, light smell.

I forgot to take pics of the finished products on Project ONE before they walked off but I did get pics of the Project TWO finished products.

We did several other experiments to see what we could come up with, the possibilities are endless.

Here are pics of a green skeleton out of the clear mix, green liquid soap, and green coloring.

Here are pics of a mix of clear gelatin and clear liquid soap with blue coloring.

We did try mixing regular jello instead of clear gelatin but it did not come out well. I think the sugar in the jello messed with the mix. It did not set upright. We will try some other ratios to see if jello can be used and come outright. But for now, we are going with clear gelatin.

This was a fun project that did not take but a few minutes to make and to clean up. It is a nice family project for adults and kids. A quick, fun project like this one can get kids into DIY. As always with DIY projects you can make any color, shape, or theme you want. You can go with theme colors and shapes as well as theme containers. These make great handmade gifts as well.

On another note: if you want a specific scent or color that is easy to do. You can find clear soap in just about any store. Now that you have a clear mix with no color or smell you can add whatever you want. You can leave it clear and add glitter. You can add the exact color you want. You can use a soap that is already a certain color and scent and just add the gelatin. Or you can use essential oils to get a certain scent that you want. As with most DIY’s, you can get as specific as you want. A purple soap with lavender oil, stored in an old fashioned tin will make a beautiful themed gift. Wrap it in a lavender ribbon and tie a lavender sprig to it and there you go.

As always, try these projects out for yourself and experiment. Making gummy soap is quick and fairly cheap and there are so many possibilities for what you can come out with.

We hope you have enjoyed this talk, try it out and have fun.

Thank you for reading and please come again for another edition of Out Standing in the Field.

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