Here is another Easter Piece we made for a church Easter sunrise breakfast. This Mini Easter Tomb Center Piece was on the main long table at the same breakfast for which we made the DIY Easter Cross in Glass Table Decoration.

To make your own DIY Mini Easter Tomb Center Piece:


This is what we used, you may want something similar


large dish or plate

potting soil

clay pot or planter

large round rock

different size and shape rocks

green tree limbs or fake greenery

burlap or other cover cloth

small toy chicken

small pieces of silver

Small Cross

tiny cloth or napkin piece



1. Have your large dish or plate. We used a large, plastic potting dish.

2. Put potting soil into the dish. You could use sand or regular dirt if you like.

3. Place your clay pot or planter and arrange it to your liking.

4. Cover the clay pot with more dirt to make it look partially buried.

5. Place your large, round stone for the door.

6. Add other sizes and shapes of rocks. Arrange the rocks to make them look like a tomb set into a hillside.

7. Arrange the burlap or cloth on the table where the centerpiece will be. And place your dish on top. Make the needed adjustments to make it look the way you want it.

8. Add the greenery. We used fake moss and real tree limbs. Be sure the arrangement makes it look like a hillside.

9. Add your small cross. We used a handmade wooden cross.

10. Once you have the “hillside” the way you want it. Add your accent pieces. We used a small, toy rooster for Peter’s denials. There is a few silver, sequins for the 40 pieces of silver. And a small piece of folded, white napkin for the shroud inside the tomb.

11. Add a small, LED, candle if you want to light inside the tomb. We did not, as the room was very bright and the small light did not show up well. But if you were in a darker room or had the Easter Tomb Center Piece on display in a box or on a display center, the light would show up better.

12. If you want to make this a permanent display, you will need to hot glue all the pieces in place. We did not as we only needed it for a one-night event.

This Mini Easter Tomb Center Piece was made for an Easter Church get-together. It was the display at the end of a long, front table. It is a simple yet moving display with so much meaning in a small piece.

You can, of course, add or take out any accents you want. The materials list is what we used but you can use anything you have on hand to make your Mini Easter Tomb Center Piece. This piece can be made as put scale or simple as you like. We did not have to buy anything, we just looked around the farm and picked up things that we thought would make it realistic.

We hope you have enjoyed this talk on how to make your own DIY Mini Easter Tomb Center Piece. If you need a simple, yet profound centerpiece for your Easter event this year, try your hand at making your own. If nothing else, the experience and search for knowledge will make an impression on you.

This is a picture of the front view of a church.  There is a large oval top window and white columns.  In the front of the church is a large wooden cross with a long flowing white cloth draped around it.

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