We have been making bath salts for some time. We use a classic diy formula, I am sure many other people use. It is simple, to the point recipe with just a few ingredients. We use essential oils for that natural, light scent. We do not want to be the one in the room who has that overwhelming, chemically smell. We love knowing that it was made by our own hands and we love knowing what is actually in the items that we use. We think it is important for both your physical health and your personal pride to make things with your own hands.


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We like the simple things in life but sometimes you want a bit of color or bling in your day. We had considered adding cute accents to our products before but plastic glitter and chemical dyes are just not for us. We knew we could not go from natural essential oils and natural ingrediants to adding plastics and chemicals to our stuff. We stick to Eco friendly and green products as much as possible for the entire farm, bath time is no different.

You can now have more than the classic, white salts. Recently we found a new eco-friendly accent to make our bath salts with, kind of an upgraded fashion statement. Today Glitter is a new eco glitter, a guilt-free bio-glitter to replace the standard plastic glitter that is hurting the planet. Bio-glitter has all the perks of plastic glitter, but it does not hurt the environment. Bio-glitter uses unique cellulose derived from the fibers of eucalyptus trees, which grow fast and are widely available. The plant-based components of Bioglitter are fully biodegradable in any environment, that is in the presence of heat, water, oxygen, and microorganisms. It does not contain GMO ingredients, It is safe for the ocean. It is suitable for vegans.

Essential oils are must for any green designer. You just can not expect people to be ok with chemicals and artificial dyes, when there are such great naturals out there. We use StarWest essential oils and have been doing so for some years. StarWest is one of the best, companies for pure, oils, grown and processed with green standards. Starwest Botanicals is your on-line supply source for bulk herbs and natural products. Bulk organic herbs, organic spices, loose leaf organic teas, organic essential oils and aromatherapy supplies are part of the almost 3000 natural products to choose from at Starwest Botanicals.

Quick bath salt

bath salts are very easy and pretty much open to your desires.

You will need a container, what ever size, shape, etc you want or have on hand, Epsom salts, essentila oils and Today Glitter.

Epsom salts: enough to almost fill the container you choose. ( you can get at just about any grocery store or bulk store)

your choice of Essential oils (we use StarWest)

Depending on the size of the container you choose, 10 to 20 drops of essential oils will do. Again, to your desire as to what essential oils you add. You can do any scent or combo that you like.

Put your Epsom salts into your container, add your essential oils.  You can add them into a bowl and mix then put into the container.  But i find it easier to just add them directly to the container, put the top on and shake.

Here is where the giltz comes in. Choose your color. Add a couple teaspoons of your Bio-Glitter. You can do any color you want and add more or less depending on how glitzy you want to go.

Steps so simple: pour Epsom salts into jar, add essential oils, add Bio-Glitter and stir or shake. Put on the jar lid and wait.

Generally speaking the salts will absord the oils within 24hours. If you are making large batches, put the lid on tight and store. Bath salts will last pretty much forever. Do note, the scent will be heavy in the jar but once you put the salts in your bath water, the smell wil not be as strong.

And there you have made your own bath salts. Enjoy.

You can, of course, use plain Epsom salts, with no glitter or essential oils but where is the fun in that. It is the Epsom salts that make that soothing, muscle calming feeling in the tub, so if you are more the plain and straight forward person, then the Epsom salts is all you need.

Using essential oils, natural ingrediants and bio-glitter, you can have the decadent aromas you love and irrisistable flashy that catches you eye and still be true to your green nature.

Bath salts make wonderful gifts. To make a unique gift add a cute cloth wrap around the jar lid or a ribbon around the jar top. Giving hand made gifts is a great way to show your appreciation to a special person. People love getting unique gifts but also hand made ones. And if you make it with a certain person in mind, you can have their favorite color and scent for an extra special touch.

Hope you have enjoyed this quick, easy trip down the making your own lane.  Of course if you prefer to buy hand made items instead of making them yourself, feel free to visit The Raven’s Nest FaceBook page. We offer bath salts, hand made jewelry, re-imagined clothes and other things, all hand made and one of a kind.

Thank you for checking us out and please come again for another edition of Out Standing in the Field.

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