It is spring again, although it is still very chilly at night and in the early mornings here. Nature has decided it is time for spring and the trees, flowers, bees, and animals are acting accordingly. Today we have a Spring Flower Edition for 2022.

We did a quarantine flower edition in 2020.

There is really not much to say, the flowers say it all very well. We wanted to share some of the beauty of the farm with our farm family readers.

So sit back and just scroll through the beauty of nature. Enjoy the burst of colors and the many different shapes and shades.


The Nectarines are in bloom, getting ready to fruit.

All of the Camelias are in bloom.   Pop had many different sizes, colors,  singles, and doubles.   Some of these Camelias Pop grafted himself.

The Azaleas are starting to bloom.

The Roses are showing their best already with more to come as the summer goes on.

The Irises.

The Hastas are in full color.

The Blueberries and Strawberries are blooming, soon we will have fruit.

The peach trees are in full bloom and beautiful.

The pear trees are blooming, getting ready to give us fruit for jams.

The Trumpet Vine tangles all over the old chimney.  The hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies love this vine.

The redbud trees are blooming, making the bees are very happy.

The dogwood trees.

And of course, the wild flowers are in full swing with every color, shape, and design you can imagine.

And our new special babies, the Orchids.  We have 3 orchids now but only one is blooming.  One has already bloomed and the third has not started to bloom yet. 

We are planning to start growing vanilla, which we found out is an orchid vine.  Vanilla orchids seem to be very fragile and expensive.  So we thought we would try growing some easier to grow and much cheaper orchids before we tackle vanilla orchids.

Hopefully this walk through the flowers did not start your hay fever going.


We hope you enjoyed this Spring Flowers Edition 2022.

Thank you for visiting and please come again for another edition of Out Standing in the Field.

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