If you love to cook with those wonderful little green onions, today we have a step-by-step for you, Little Green Onions are Very Easy to Grow at Home.
For the upcoming Cinco De Mayo parties, we did a talk on Easy Guacamole for Your Cinco De Mayo Party.
Last week we did a talk on Quick, Easy, Made to Your Taste Homemade Salsa.
One of our favorite ingredients for both guacamole and salsa is little green onions. So Little Green Onions are Very Easy to Grow at Home is a perfect compliment to the last two weeks’ recipes.
When we are cooking, and it does not really matter who is doing the cooking, most times we use little green onions. These precious little onions give your food a light flavor and are not too “oniony”. But they have the most wonderful smell while they are cooking.
Anyone that has bought groceries in the last month, knows about the price increase. And who has not been pinched by higher prices these days?
As you know from any of our other talks, we are big on being self-sufficient. Any little thing you can do to save money, and time, and not have to rely on the commercial chain, the better. Well, the spices, herbs, and veg you cook with are no different. If you can grow it yourself you are saving money and being more self-reliant.
In comes the little green onion. Not only is the little green onion easy to grow in your own home garden but you can re-grow the bulb after you use them.
This may sound odd but there are many vegs that you can re-grow in a glass or bowl of water in a sunny window. The little green onions are one of these.
Little Green Onions are considered one of the cut-and-come vegs. This means once they are established and mature you can cut off part to use and leave the rest to re-grow itself. This way you keep growing and using the same plant over and over.
You can grow the onions from seed but it is quick and simple to buy the little green onion at the store and use them. That way you already have a mature plant to not only cook with but to re-grow with.

This is a great first garden project for the kids. It requires little prep, only a couple of items, and very little time. Kids love to watch every day to see how much their onions have grown overnight. And yes, in our experience, you will be able to see growth daily.
There are two general ways to do this, the water-in-bowl method and the directly-into-dirt method. The process is the same except that the bulb is put in water or dirt.
1. Save the bottom inch of the onion bulb when you are cutting them to cook with.
When you cut up your onion be careful to keep the bottom part intact and undamaged.

2. Place the little bulb left over in either a short glass or bowl.
Use a glass or bowl that is short enough for the bulb to stick over the edge.

You can put the bulbs directly into the dirt if you want to keep them going long-term. This is how we usually re-grow our little green onions.
3. Add water just below the top of the bulb.
If you put them directly into the dirt, remember to keep them moist but not soggy. Soggy will make the bulbs rot.

4. Place in a sunny window.
The onions need sun and warmth to re-grow. We keep ours in the kitchen window just above the kitchen sink.

5. Watch your little green onion re-grow itself in just a few days. It is amazing how quickly you will see little greens starting to grow from the tops of the bulbs. It only takes a few days to see real results and only a week or two before you can cut the greens off again.

6. Cut and cook with the same little green onion over and over. To harvest again, carefully clip off the green tops. You should not disturb the bulb as it will start to re-grow again as soon as you cut the green off.

You can keep re-growing and re-cutting little green onions for months if you care for the properly.
As you can see from the pictures, we have tried several different containers and both methods to regrow little green onions.
When we started re-growing little green onions several years ago we went with the water bowl method. But we found that if the onion bulbs would stay in the water too long and rot. You do not know a bad smell until you walk into the kitchen first thing in the morning to find rotten onions in the window. That is not pleasant.
So we started leaving just a bit more when we cut the bulbs and put them directly into the dirt. Using a small pot or as we do recycling a plastic container, you can have a tiny garden right in your window. Just put a bit of dirt in the container, about 1 inch from the top, and plant your onion bulbs. The onion bulbs do not have to be planted deep just be sure they are firm in the dirt.
We found that the dirt method lets us keep the same little green onions re-growing longer than in water but that is just us. Many people use the water method and have great results. We just wait until the greens are long and then give the onions a haircut. It is fun to go to the kitchen window, cut your onion greens and use them right away. Talk about fresh produce, you do not get fresher than that.
It is best to wash your onion greens before using them, just to be on the safe side. Then just chop the greens and use them to cook with.
Try both ways and see which works best for you. Whichever method works best for you, know that you are growing, cooking with, and eating from your own home garden. This may seem like a little thing but everything you can do for yourself is one more step to becoming more self-sufficient.
We hope you have enjoyed Little Green Onions are Very Easy to Grow at Home. If you love little green onions this is something you should be doing.
Thank you for visiting and please come again for another edition of Out Standing in the Field.

Love this easy method of re-growing and using