We recently found a natural way to get rid of aphids on fruit trees, veg plants, roses, or house plants. You can make your own Insecticidal soap with Fels-Naptha and water.

We are using a recipe we found on Pinterest posted by another blogger.

Here is the link to the original post:


You will need:

Fels-Naptha bar you will use 1/4 of a cup for each making. You can use a different kind of bar soap but Fels-Naptha is the best.

And 4 cups of hot water

A bottle to store your concentrate in

A sprayer bottle

Grate up the Fles-Naptha to make a 1/4 cup

We used a fine grater and got a very nice, soft shave.

Mix your Fels-Naptha shavings with the hot water and gently stir till dissolved. Not do mix hard or your mix will bubble up. Fels-Naptha is a very sudsy soap

Pour your concentrate into your storage bottle, seal it, and wait till you need it. You can see we had a good bit of suds when we poured our mix into the bottle.

As always, label your concentrate so there are no mix-ups as to what is in that bottle.

When you find you have an aphid issue, mix 1 tbs of your Fels-Naptha concentrate to 4 cups of water. Put the mix into a sprayer bottle and you are good to go.

You can, of course, make larger batches if you have a real aphid problem. Just be sure to use 4 cups of water per 1/4 cup of grated Fels-Naptha.

Spray your plants and watch the aphis fall. The Fels-Naptha mix will not hurt your plants. You do not need to wash it off, it will dry on the plants. This will leave some residual pest deterrent.

It would be best to wash produce well before use after you use this mix. But then again, it is always best to wash produce before you use it.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with Fels-Naptha, it is an old fashion laundry bar soap. Fels-Naptha has been used for many years in laundry services. Fels-Naptha is great for getting out stains and smells. It leaves you with a nice, clean smell. Fels-Naptha can be used to wash dishes as well as clothes, your car, your dog, and if you are in real need, your body and hair. Speaking from experience, Fels-Napths will clean you like you have never been cleaned before but it can dry out your skin and make your hair frizzy. I do not recommend it for everyday personal soap. But for cleaning and de-smelling a working man’s laundry, you can not get a better soap. You can get Fels-Nathpa bars at Wal-Mart, Kroger and on Amazon, probably other places also.

We are sure if you have plants of any kind, you have seen those nasty-looking little bugs running around on them. Of course, there are many kinds of plant-living bugs but if you are not sure which kind of bug you have, what do you have to lose? Try out this recipe and see if it works for you. Do not use it on or near the “good garden bugs” as it may get them also.

We hope you have enjoyed this talk and we hope you will try out the recipe for yourself, it may save your beloved plant.

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