This picture shows a pair of leather work boots covered in green pollen.  This is showing the Green Snow of the South theory.

Example of the Southern Green Snow of Spring.

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As Spring comes in it is that time again. If you live in the South as we do, you know what we are talking about. It is Pollen season, the green snow of the South. And with pollen comes allergies, sniffles, sneezes, red eyes, and the all-stomping headache. Today we want to share some ideas on Why You Get Headaches and Using Natural Remedies and Techniques to Stop Them.

This picture shows an old, steam engine train with smoke coming from the stack.

Of course, pollen is not the only reason for a headache. There are many reasons you may get a headache and you should see to the cause first if you know what it is. But when you need relief, you are not always in a “frame of mind” to look for the cause first. You want help now. Many people will grab a bottle of Tylenol or Ibuprophine but there are more natural and healthy ways to tackle a headache.

Whether you have acute headaches that come every once in a while, or chronic headaches where you experience them regularly, it can hamper your abilities. Headaches are uncomfortable and painful and can make it hard to get anything done. Before you reach for over-the-counter drugs to alleviate your headache, try some natural ways to treat or even avoid headaches.


If you really want to stop a headache, or better yet, avoid them altogether, you will need to know what triggers a headache for you. Headaches are very personal and each person gets their own personal attention from the headache monsters. So if you can figure out what causes your headaches then you can avoid them, for the most part.

This picture is a paragraph divider.  It shows a single strand, barbed wire line.

Common Causes of Headaches and Things to Avoid

1. Allergens


It should be obvious but avoid allergens. If the pollen is an inch thick on your car, do not go outside for a run. Try to avoid anything that you know is going to make your allergies act up and likely cause a headache.

When you have a bout with allergies, your body makes “snot” to try and get the allergies out. This extra “stuff” can cause pressure to build up in your sinus passages and head. This pressure can cause headaches. Not to mention the runny nose, watery eyes, red cheeks, puffy bags under the eyes, sore throat, and the general grossness of snot. Allergies should be identified and avoided.

This picture shows a bunch of grass, weeds, mushrooms, and flowers that all can be allergens.

2. Alcohol and Dehydration


There can be many reasons that you have a headache, but some of the most common reasons are related to your lifestyle choices. Some of these can be how much hydration you’ve had in the last 24 hours. Are you always drinking sodas? They are not good for you and they can even cause dehydration or make it worse if you are already dehydrated.

If you have consumed alcohol, too much sugar, or a combination of these like the contents of red wine. That “one too many” may have caused your to have an unpleasant hangover and you have given yourself that terrible headache.

Part of why this occurs is because your dehydrated body constricts in small ways, particularly the blood vessels that lead to the brain and areas in the head. When this constriction takes place the pain receptors send pain information to the brain, telling you that you are having some issues.

As you probably know, constricted blood vessels can lead to some pretty serious life-threatening issues like strokes or heart attacks. So, people should be aware of the shape their body is in when they are living a lifestyle that involves heavy drinking.

This picture shows an alcoholic beverage on the beach with bright sun sparkles.

3. Processed Meats


Some meats that are heavily processed contain things called nitrates. These are preservatives that are put into processed meats by the companies that manufacture them to help them stay looking nice when people buy them. Nitrates can cause an unpleasant reaction leading to migraines and other head pain. The serious issue with nitrates however is that a high level of them in your system could expose you to increased cancer risk. When some chemicals build up in the body, they can create an environment that makes your body an easier place for diseases to develop. So being careful about your intake of these types of foods could be important not only for avoiding headaches but for your overall health.

This picture shows a tube of sliced salami.

4. Sleep Patterns


Sudden changes in sleep or lack of sleep can also play a major role in whether or not headaches are a frequent thing for you. When your body doesn’t get the rest that it needs, it is less able to repair the damage done by everyday living. This lack of rest also increases the amount of oxidative stress that is placed on your body. That stress contributes heavily to aging, which is why some people get more bags under their eyes after days of diminished sleep. Sleeping more and regularly can help your body to run more efficiently, and give it a chance to heal itself while you are asleep.


This picture shows a woman sitting up in bed, not being able to sleep.
This picture shows a warm, comfy, looking bed with fluffy pillows and comforters.

5. Bad Posture


Surprisingly, even having poor posture can do a fair amount of damage. This is because any time you are leaning, standing, or sitting incorrectly, you are putting a heavy strain on specific muscle groups that aren’t normally used. This can lead to a wide variety of strains and sprains that cause pain in the neck and head.

Yes, it may come as a shock but your Grandmother did have a practical reason for always telling you to sit up straight, head high, and shoulders back.

This picture shows a three piece info page with bad postures.

6. Missed Meals


Skipping meals can play havoc with your blood sugar. When you eat certain foods, it can cause your blood sugar to rise extremely quickly. This usually ends up causing several different kinds of uncomfortable effects. One of the first noticeable issues is a sudden headache. If you notice having issues like this, it may be a good idea to consult a medical professional. This is especially true if you already suffer from diseases related to blood sugar like diabetes.

It would be best to avoid anything that you notice causes this response. This kind of response could be your body giving you a sign of other developing illnesses.

This picture shows a hamburger laughing and running away.  The words To Bad, So Sad, You Missed Me are in black above the burger.

7. Stress


It should come as no surprise to most people by now that your emotional state can have a major effect on how you feel in a day. Stress is one of the most destructive feelings that a person can experience. Stress has the ability to throw many-body systems out of balance. Stress makes hormones that can make weight loss difficult. Stress hormones can cause inflammation in different areas of the body, which could make any illness you are experiencing worse.

This picture shows a westy dog with glasses, screaming with stress and frustration.

A headache can be a sign of a certain deficiency in your body. It may be a lack of adequate water, nutrients, or rest. Headaches may result from fatigue, eyestrain, stress, alcoholism, hormonal imbalance, or constipation. It may also occur due to poor posture or low levels of blood glucose. Although there are medicines you can use to relieve the symptoms of headaches, there are alternative natural remedies you can try to relieve headaches.

Of course, if you have many headaches, headaches often, keep a headache for several days in a row or have migraines, you should see a doctor to find out if there is a medical issue or physical factor that is causing the headaches.

This picture is a paragraph divider.  It shows a single strand, barbed wire line.

Using Natural Remedies and Techniques to Stop Them or Avoid Them

1. Stress Management

Stress is one of the most common causes of chronic headaches. It can result from too much work, anxiety, or a lot of thinking. Stress management involves avoiding stressors. Some of the ways you can avoid stress include reducing the hours of work, getting enough rest, and having a healthy sleep. Hanging out with friends and relatives for fun can also make you forget things that cause stress in your life. As they say, laughter is the best medicine.

You can also reduce stress by engaging in regular physical exercise. Exercise boosts your blood flow around the body and to the brain. This prevents you from stressful mental disorders, including anxiety and worry.

This picture shows a little girl holding a leash.  The leash is attached to a huge T-Rex with the word stress on it’s side.

Another effective way of stress management is counseling. Counselors have expertise on how to handle stress. When you share your stressful issues with a counselor, they will analyze your situation and provide suitable strategies that will help you manage your stress. This helps to avoid headaches.

2. Massage Therapy

Although there is not much clinical evidence that massage treats headaches, it is clear that massage acts as a reliever of stress. Again, stress is one of the common causes of headaches. It also relieves body tension. Massage causes your body muscles to relax, which ensures proper blood circulation. If your headache is a result of muscle tension, massage may be able to help treat these kinds of headaches. Take care and get massage therapy services from a qualified and well-trained person. You do not want a bad massage to make things worse.

This picture shows an out line of a woman getting a bad massage from a fluffy black cat on her back.

This may sound odd to you but we farmers have a massage chair. One of us got it a year or so ago for Christmas. It is big and bulky and was hard to get into the house. Old farmhouses have small, old doors. But once it was set up and working we found that is one of the most wonderful machines ever created. We do not know much about these things so we are not sure as to the level of “bells and whistles” this thing has. But we do know, it is awesome. You can get in that chair after a long day and it will work out all your issues. You can get in it in the morning and it will loosen you up and get your day started right. If you have a headache, body ache, or just do not feel well, “The Chair” is the answer. We highly recommend finding and using one as often as you can.

This picture shows a large, dark, massage chair in the corner of a room.

3. Acupuncture

This is a Chinese treatment that involves stimulating certain body points using small needles. This technique triggers your body to produce pain-relieving chemicals, which can relieve headaches. It also stimulates your brain to trigger the release of certain hormones that alleviate pain.

This picture shows a ceramic planter of flat Nopal cactus.

Yes, it sounds awful, none of us have actually tried it. But many people swear by it. And if it works for you, go for it.

4. Change of Diet

Changing your diet to relieve headaches involves two things, avoiding foods that make the symptoms worse, at the same time, adopting a diet that relieves the symptoms of your condition. If the foods that worsen the symptoms of your headaches are citrus fruits, chocolate, red wine, and aged cheese, then simply do not eat them. A simple way to know if certain foods are causing your headache is to keep track of the foods you eat and assess their effectiveness. Keep a tracker or journal of what you ate when and if you have a headache after.

To avoid headaches, eat foods rich in magnesium and vitamin B complex. When you experience a headache, your nerves become overexcited. Magnesium mineral treats headaches by calming the nerves. Magnesium also has the ability to hinder chemical transmission in your brain, which helps to reduce pain. Examples of foods that are rich in magnesium include seeds, dark green vegetables, dairy products, and nuts. But remember too much magnesium in the body may cause diarrhea. You need to eat the mineral in the right proportions to avoid any side effects.

This picture shows a pizza and a large, piece of chocolate cake on the top with a salad and a cup of tea on the bottom.

If you are sensitive to gluten, eating gluten-free foods may also help in relieving headache symptoms. The same goes for any other food allergy or sensitivity.

Although certain foods help to alleviate the symptoms of headaches, eating a balanced diet can be more effective. A balanced diet keeps your body healthy, which ensures a strong immune system. A balanced diet ensures proper metabolism, which causes your body to function properly. To get the best results from your dietary changes, combine diet with exercise. Always be sure to consult with your physician before making any changes to your diet since some foods may worsen other body conditions. For instance, eating foods with high acid content may trigger the symptoms of GERD.

5. Proper Hydration

According to the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgeon research, enough water in the body has the ability to relieve pain and other symptoms of headaches. Additionally, proper hydration enhances your body’s energy and boosts blood circulation. Your blood is made up majorly of water. When the amount of water in the body reduces, your blood volume drops, depriving the brain of adequate oxygen supply since less blood reaches the organ. When this happens, your brain loses its normal functioning, and this may result in headaches.

The simplest way to hydrate your body is to drink enough water every day. However, since drinking “tasteless” water may be a challenge, up your water intake by eating foods with high water content.

Examples of foods with high water content:

Leafy vegetables. These include spinach and cabbage.
• Oranges, watermelon, strawberries, and other watery fruits.
• Cucumber.
• Drinks such as milk and sports drink are also helpful in ensuring proper hydration.


This picture shows a salad, an orange, a peach, a slice of watermelon, a cucumber and a coconut drink with a straw in it.
This picture shows five different fruity, cool, hydrating drinks.

Good hydration also involves avoiding foods and drinks that dehydrate your body. You need to avoid or limit alcohol, sugary drinks, and coffee. When engaging your body in physical workouts, it is important to drink a lot of fluids to replace the water lost via sweating. So you may need to increase your daily water intake if you take on an exercise program.

6. Getting More Activity

Sedentary lifestyle such as sitting in one place for too long causes body tension, leading to headaches. Keeping your body inactive also impacts your blood circulation, which may result in tension headaches. You need to regularly move from one place to another if your headache is coming from sitting in one place for too long. You can also engage in yoga to relieve your body tension and relieve headache symptoms. Yoga boosts respiration and blood circulation. Proper respiration ensures that your brain receives enough oxygen for its proper functioning, and this is essential for preventing headaches.

This picture shows a country scene with a duck riding a bike over a bridge.

After a day of fencing or gardening, you can get pretty stiff. We have some stretches that we do regularly to help us farmers keep moving. They are simple stretches to limber up joints and muscles, nothing fancy. Some of us do morning and others do evenings but it really does help. We had a friend tell us that they did not know we were “into Yoga”. Neither did we, but these kinds of stretches are considered Yoga stretches. Who knew we were so trendy?

This picture shows four cats each in a different Yoga position.

We are not saying these are the positions that we use, mind you.

7. Detox Bath

A detox bath has the ability to reduce headache symptoms by lessening body tension. It helps in the elimination of body toxins, which is essential for a healthy body. A detox bath involves exposing your body to a hot shower followed by cold water. To enhance your detox bath results, you can mix your hot bath water with apple cider vinegar. The vinegar rids your body of excess uric acid and can reduce pain related to headaches, arthritis, and gout.

Epsom Salts are also known to be helpful for muscle-soothing baths. If you add some essential oils, you have a wonderful body, muscle, and mind-opening experience. You can use Epsom Salts with essential oils in either a bathtub or a shower. To use in the tub just run your hot water and sprinkle the salts/essential oils into the water. Get in, relax, and enjoy.

If you want a shower put the salts/essential oil mix in the bottom of the shower, get in, and then start the hot water. The hot water makes a kind-of steam thing with the salts and essential oils.

Either way you go at it, a mix of Epsom Salts and your favorite essential oils will give you a relaxing bath time.

We have a couple of Essential Oil companies that we use but StarWest Botanicals is one of our favorites. They offer high-quality essential oils as well as other fine natural products.

This picture shows an old fashioned bathtub with a bowl of herbal salts above it.

8. Compresses

Both cold and warm compresses help in relieving headache symptoms. While cold compresses seem to work better for patients with migraines, people with tension headaches tend to prefer warm compresses. If properly applied, compresses result in immediate headache relief. If you do not know the type of headache you are suffering from, you may need to try both cold and warm compresses to figure out which one works for you.

This picture shows a large brain person with a compress on his forehead.

9. Herbs

Some herbs can relieve headaches by easing tension in your body. Good examples of herbs that prevent and treat headaches include Butterbur and Feverfew.


According to scientists, Feverfew has the ability to reduce the frequency of headaches. It is also helpful in alleviating pain, emesis, nausea, sensitivity to light, and other symptoms that accompany headaches. This explains why this herb is used in so many natural medicine chests.


Butterbur contains anti-inflammatory properties so can help prevent headaches that are caused by inflammation. Additionally, Butterbur enhances blood circulation around the brain, which is essential in relieving headaches.


Ginger is another herb that helps in treating headaches. It works by preventing inflammation and enhancing the blood flow to the brain. It also helps in proper digestion, which prevents vomiting, a symptom that accompanies headaches.

You can use ginger to relieve your headache PDQ by:

Inhaling the vapors of the herb. Add a tablespoon of crushed ginger into boiling water and inhale the vapor for immediate relief. Be sure to avoid getting the vapors into your eyes, this is painful.


• Boil crushed ginger and drink the liquid. Ginger can be a very hot herb so be careful not to make your drink to concentrated so you may not like it. Ginger is similar to Cinnamon in this way, a little is great, but too much is hot. Think the difference between Snicker Doodle cookies and Red Hots.

We have a tincture of Ginger that we keep in the fridge for headaches, migraines, and upset stomachs.

Making a tincture is really very simple. Use Vodka instead of water. The alcohol is what makes a tincture instead of a simple drink. We did a talk on How to DIY Homemade Tincture of Ginger for Headaches and Upset Stomachs.

This picture shows a glass bottle of oil and a bunch of ginger tubers.

Use warm water and crushed ginger to make a paste and apply the paste to your forehead. Close your eyes and have a proper rest. The headache will subside. Be sure your skin is not sensitive to ginger before you put the paste on. If you are you could have an allergic reaction to the paste and end up with a red patch on your forehead.

Since herbs may react with other medicines in your body, it is advisable to seek guidance from your doctor before attempting to use any herb.


Lavender is another great herb for headaches. Lavender is known for its soothing effects on mood and tension. So if you have a tension or muscle-related headache, Lavender essential oil may be what you need. Just a few drops of Lavender essential oils will do wonders for tight muscles and headaches. You can add a few drops of Lavender essential oils to the above-mentioned compress and reap the added benefits.

This picture shows a bunch of Lavender flowers with the word Lavender under neath it it purple script.

10. Cayenne Pepper Muscle Rub

Cayenne pepper contains pain-relieving properties, which makes it ideal for treating headache pain. It also boosts blood circulation and fights inflammation. Cayenne pepper destroys substance P, an element that makes you feel pain. Low levels of substance P in your body blocks pain signals from reaching the brain. This alleviates headache pain.

Do note: Cayenne can be wonderful as a muscle rub and can help with not only headaches but muscle and joint pain also. BUT Cayenne must be handled properly and with great care or you can do yourself damage and get some nasty burns. No matter what, avoid getting anything with Cayenne in or near your eyes. You have not had pain like that before. Of course, it will stop you from worrying about your head.

We did another talk on Homemade Cayenne Pepper Muscle Rub Recipe.

This picture shows two cayenne peppers near the top of the frame and a glass jar with a red mixture in it near the bottom.
This is the barbed wire paragraph divider.

Most headaches will go away on their own, and not come back. But headaches can be disturbing and hinder daily activities. Trying these natural headache treatments you may be able to get rid of your headache without having to use pharmaceutical medications. It is advisable to try a combination of these ideas to determine what will work best for you. However, you should seek medical treatments if your headache persists despite using these natural treatments for headaches. Frequent headaches can be a sign of a serious underlying condition that calls for an urgent medical solution.

So before you grab that bottle of Ibuprophine or some other chemical pill, try some of these natural remedies. As we have said many times, in our talks, this may not seem like a “big thing” but everything you can do for yourself is one more step in your journey to becoming more self-sufficient. Not to mention, you will be using natural ingredients and natural techniques to heal yourself.

This picture shows the list of reasons Why we get headaches.  The background  is a faded beach scene.
This picture shows using natural remedies and techniques to stop headaches.  The background is  a faded purple ombre with a bunch of Lavender flowers faded into the background.

As you can see, many of the reasons Why You Get Headaches and Using Natural Remedies and Techniques to Stop Them are practical, common sense things. Or things that make sense if you stop and think about it a bit. This may be one of those “why did I not think of that before” things but understanding why is the first step. Knowing what to do about them is the next step.

We hope you have enjoyed or at least gotten some good info out of this talk. Do remember to check out the other talks in this series. Many of these are simple techniques that can be done anywhere so do not suffer from a headache. As soon as you feel one coming on, start with the simplest technique first and work your way along until you find what works for you.

Thank you for visiting and please come again for another edition of Out Standing in the Field.

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