This is the banner for The Fan and Parasol: Vintage Accessories for Modern Life.  The title is in black at the top.   There is a picture of a fan on the left side and a parasol on the right.  There is a drawn picture of a goth girl in a black outfit, wearing round sunglasses.  She has a black fan in her right hand and an old fashioned, parasol in her left.

Today, we are going with a bit of a kooky talk, The Fan and Parasol: Vintage Accessories for Modern Life. But why shy away from the odd things that others will not tell you about? What if this is the thing you have been needing to know about for years? What if, this is the thing you needed and did not realize? We are not talking freaky taboo, mind you.

We want to introduce you to The Fan and Parasol: Vintage Accessories for Modern Life. Maybe you knew about the fan and, parasol, who does not know they exist? But do you really know what the fan and parasol can do for you?

This is the table of contents card for The Fan and Parasol: Vintage Accessories for Modern Life.  The title is in black at the top.   There is a list of practical uses for The Fan and Parasol: Vintage Accessories for Modern Life.  There is a drawn picture of a goth girl in a black outfit, wearing round sunglasses.  She has a black fan in her right hand and an old fashioned, parasol in her left.  This drawn picture is in the top right under the title.

When people think of a fan and a parasol, they think of “Gone with the Wind” or something in that area. But these are two vintage accessories that are still very useful today. I know what you are thinking, do you really what to be the one to carry around a fan and parasol? The answer is yes, you do. It may seem kooky or odd but they are both very functional for modern use.


Think about it, if you have been to any outdoor event, you have seen people that needed the fan and parasol and did not even realize it. A simple fan and parasol would take care of the nice breeze and afford you a personal shade area.


Both the fan and the parasol are simple tools, easy for anyone of any age to use. A fan is a one-handed tool that just needs a flick of the wrist to give relief. Depending on how much of a breeze you need, just flick quicker or slower for more or less airflow. You can get a small personal fan or a larger one that will give more airflow.

The parasol is also a simple, easy-to-use tool that does not even need muscle movement. You just sit or stand with the parasol in one hand. The parasol gives you a nice personal shade area. If you get tired of holding your parasol, you can lean it over your shoulder or prop it up on a chair behind you. If you need one person’s shade, a single parasol will do. If you need to cover multiple people or add your pet to your shady circle, you can always get a larger size parasol. Anyway you do it, you have shade.


Do not be put off by the “old-fashioned look”. Everything vintage is new and trendy these days. It is cool to be eccentric or have a themed look even. A Victorian lady is always classic-looking, though I admit to not being willing to go with a Bussell. The New Orleans Goth community still uses fans and parasols as dress-up day accessories. You can learn a lot from the world of Steampunk fashion also. My point is, that different is in, and eccentric is cool.

This is a divider for The Fan and Parasol: Vintage Accessories for Modern Life.  There is a line of colorful, old-fashioned, hand fans.
Modern Life.  There is a line of colorful, old-fashioned, parasols.

If you are concerned about having a boring fan and parasol, do not fret. Both parasols and fans come in a variety of mediums, from cheap paper to more expensive bamboo or silk. You can get fans and parasols in all kinds of shapes, sizes, colors and bling. You can find fans and parasols to match any theme, outfit or each other. There are all kinds of fans and parasols available from real antique, to vintage look, to style and themed ones. If you are not into the bling and colors type not to worry, you can get solid colors that will not clash with anything you are doing. You can get black ones to be inconspicuous if that is what you want.

Some of the Fans That Live on The Farm

This is a collage of three Patriotic American flag fans.  The background is white wood with red, white, and blue stars.
This is a collage of four fans one in bright blue, one in red with hibiscus flowers, one in green and one colored like an orange fruit.  The background is blue.
This is a collage of four fans in different colors, styles and floral patterns.  The background is purple.
This is a divider for The Fan and Parasol: Vintage Accessories for Modern Life.  There is a line of colorful, old-fashioned, hand fans.
This is a divider for The Fan and Parasol: Vintage Accessories for Modern Life.  There is a line of colorful, old-fashioned, parasols.

Some of the Parasols That Live on The Farm

This is a collage of four pictures of a flamingo parasol.  There pictures are different views of the parasol.  The background is pink and blue with glitter.
This is a collage of four pictures of a red paper parasol with silver cherry flowers on it.  There pictures are different views of the parasol.  The background is red.

We have a tropical toucan parasol as well but it was not around for the picture taking. There are also a number of plain, solid colored parasols around the farm, although we prefer colorful patterns.

This is a divider for The Fan and Parasol: Vintage Accessories for Modern Life.  There is a line of colorful, old-fashioned, hand fans.
This is a divider for The Fan and Parasol: Vintage Accessories for Modern Life.  There is a line of colorful, old-fashioned, parasols.

If you of the mind to, you can get fans and parasols with knives and daggers in them. You can even get parasols with a hidden sword. How is that a for a full use accessory?

So, in our opinion, and yes we know everyone has one, an opinion that is, the fan and parasol are very under used accessories.

This is a collage of two pictures of a black, self-defense fan. One picture is the open fan, the other is the fan closed.  The fan is black with silver accents and two silver dragons.  The background is black rock.
This is a collage of six pictures of a black, self-defense parasol.  There pictures are different views of the parasol.  The background is lime green.
This is a divider for The Fan and Parasol: Vintage Accessories for Modern Life.  There is a line of colorful, old-fashioned, hand fans.
This is a divider for The Fan and Parasol: Vintage Accessories for Modern Life.  There is a line of colorful, old-fashioned, parasols.

Example one: Those hot summer days at the kids’ ball games, track meets, tennis games, etc. Everyone is sitting out in the hot sun baking like potatoes. You pull out your fan and parasol. Everyone looks at you like you are a nutter. But then, instantly you have a personal breeze and shade. As you sit there in your cool shade and happy breeze, the rest of them sit there baking and getting a sunburn. Then there are looks of envy and interest.

Example two: Fun family day at the beach. You have sun, surf, sand, and gnats. Lots of people have umbrellas but they have to stay in place or their umbrella is useless.

And of course the umbrella does nothing for the nasty, little sand gnats. Again, a quick flick of your wrist and you have a trendy, personal gnat chaser. Now you can sit in the cool or walk around with your trusty fan and your handy personal shade area.

Also, do not forget how well the fan deters bees and other such flying pets. Either the fan and parasol can be implemented to whollop offenders if needed, depending on how much detering force is needed.

Several years ago, We employed both items at a child’s field day event. Before the day was over, there were several parents under the umbrella and enjoying the fan. Not only was it more comfortable but we were not frantically swatting gnats.

Yes, we use both a fan and a parasol when the occasion calls for them. We have had people look at us “like that” but then those same people have asked where we got ours or can they share with us? Opinions change quickly when personal comfort is at stake and within reach.


We know, in these modern days, these kinds of old fashioned accessories seem out dated. But why? They have been working for literally centuries. In many countries, it is still common for a lady to carry a fan and parasol. Neither the fan nor the parasol require electricity, solar charge or batteries.

This picture show a single picture of a person holding a red fan and a red parasol. The background is red.

They are both lightweight so easy to carry. And if need be, the parasol can be used to help you walk, like a cane. As I said, simple tools that anyone can use.


We have no issues with swiping out our fan and parasol and enjoying the personal comforts that others are afraid to embrace.

The fan and parasol both make practical, functional gifts that you can almost guarantee your friend doesn’t already have.


So why not try either or both out for yourself? It may take you a bit to get over the “that is weird” feeling. But once you do, I think you will find both the fan and the parasol are very useful, fashionably comfortable and well worth the occasional odd look. If you are still emberassed, you can keep your fan tucked away in your purse or sleeve. The parasol may be a bit harder to hide. But I think you will find them both a worthy companion and will feel no need to hide them.

We hope you have enjoyed this talk about The Fan and Parasol: Vintage Accessories for Modern Life.

This is a divider for The Fan and Parasol: Vintage Accessories for Modern Life.  There is a line of colorful, old-fashioned, hand fans.
This is a divider for The Fan and Parasol: Vintage Accessories for Modern Life.  There is a line of colorful, old-fashioned, parasols.

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