This is the banner for Non-Burning Money Experiment. The title is at the top in bold black with an orange back light. There is a picture of a dollar bill on fire on the right side, a picture of water, alcohol, and salt on the left side. The words Water + Alcohol + Salt = are between the two pictures on the left side.  The = points to the picture on the right with the bill on fire.   The background is white.

Today we have a very cool, quick experiment for you, Non-Burning Money Experiment. This is one of those, how cool, but why things. Just because it is so cool, that is why. Also a great Science lesson for home schoolers.

To make your Non-Burning Money Experiment you will need:

1 cup of water

1 cup of Alcohol

¼ cup of salt

a dollar bill

a heat-safe pan

kitchen tongs

a glass bowl

a lighter or matches

Doesn’t this sound cool already?

Directions to make the Non-Burning Money Experiment.

1. mix 1 cup of water,1 cup of Alcohol. And ¼ cup of salt in the glass bowl.Mix well.

This picture shows a glass measuring cup with 1 cup of water.
This picture shows a glass measuring cup with 1 cup of alcohol and a bottle beside it.
This picture shows a glass bowl with ¼ cup of salt.

2. put the dollar bill into the liquid. Make sure the whole bill is wet.

This picture shows a dollar bill in a glass bowl filled with the salt water and alcohol.
This picture shows a dollar bill in a glass bowl filled with the water and alcohol all sitting on a metal pan.

3. With kitchen tongs hold the new wet bill out of the liquid.

This picture shows a dollar bill being picked up with kitchen tongs out of the liquid.

4. Using the lighter or matches, start at the bottom corner of the bill and set it on fire.

It is best to do this away from the bowl with the rest of the liquid in it. You do not want to risk lighting the glass bowl on fire.

This picture shows a dollar bill being set on fire with a match.

5. Watch how cool that is.

For best results have the lights low or off.

This picture shows a dollar bill on fire but not burning.  It is the very cool blue and yellow, quick flame of an alcohol burn off.
This picture shows a dollar bill on fire but not burning.  It is the very cool blue and yellow, quick flame of an alcohol burn off.
This picture shows a dollar bill on fire but not burning.  It is the very cool blue and yellow, quick flame of an alcohol burn off.
This picture shows a dollar bill after the Non-Burning Money Experiment, held in the kitchen tongs not burnt.

6. When the fire burns off, the dollar bill is not burnt or even blackened.

This picture shows a dollar bill after the Non-Burning Money Experiment, laid out on the metal pan, not burnt.

This works because the salt water soaks into the dollar bill keeping it from burning while the alcohol burns off giving you a cool flame.

Do note, in the unfortunate event that you take too long talking about this cool experiment, and the alcohol evaporates while you do, you can in fact scorch the bill. As the alcohol evaporates it drys the bill. We know, we did it. The bill did not actually catch on fire and burn but it was a close thing. Be sure to give the talk before you soak the bill or you could have a scorched bill like ours. One good reason to use a small bill. Yes, it would be more dramatic with something larger like a $100 but it would also be more traumatic if you actually light it on fire.

As we said this is a quick, easy experiment that was so cool. The kids loved it. We did it several times, you know just to be sure it worked. Ok, we adults liked it maybe more than the kids did.

This is the card for Non-Burning Money Experiment.  There is an ingredients list and directions.  All type is in black with orange back lighting.  The title is at the top in bold black with an orange back light.  There is a picture of a dollar bill on fire on the right side below the title.  The background is white.

Be sure to do this in a well ventilated area. It would not be a kid safe thing to do so have a responsible adult do it. We know sometimes it is hard to find a “responsible” adult but give it a try. Playing with fire always has the possibility of causing injury or damage so be careful.

We hope you enjoyed this Non-Burning Money Experiment. Try it out, it is really cool and really fun.

For some other cool, crafty, experiment type things, check out these below.

Lydia’s Diorama Project

Lavender Dreams -Halloween Smoking Glittery Bath Dust

Simple DIY Gummy Soap Making

Thank you for visiting and please come again for another edition of Out Standing in the Field.

This is the Out Standing in the Field logo with Spike the donkey.

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