This is the banner for Natural Ways to Combat SAD Symptoms.  The title is a the top in black.  There is a drawn picture of a large tree standing alone in a storm.  There are blue, black, and grey clouds and lighting.  The background is a dull grey.

In case you are not familiar with SAD, Seasonal Affective Disorder, is a type of disorder that typically occurs in the winter.

We did mention SAD briefly in another talk a while back, Children of the Sun, a Cautionary Tale of Sun Tanning.

It is not meant to replace urgent medical care. As we have said, we are not doctors, vets, or anything. We share info that has worked for us. For more info, please see our disclaimer page.

SAD happens when the temperature and weather change, going from bright and sunny weather to the dark, gloomy variety. In the fall, you might experience some mild SAD symptoms, but they tend to be worse in the winter. However, this means in the fall you can start working on natural remedies and hopefully prevent the symptoms from getting too bad before winter arrives.

This is the table of contents for Natural Ways to Combat SAD Symptoms.  The title is at the top in bold black.  There is a list of topics below the title.  The background is a dull grey.

Basically, SAD is what was once called ā€œWinter Bluesā€ but a Hulk version. SAD affects men and women of all ages.

According to the Mayo Clinic:

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that’s related to changes in seasons ā€” seasonal affective disorder (SAD) begins and ends at about the same times every year. If you’re like most people with SAD, your symptoms start in the fall and continue into the winter months, sapping your energy and making you feel moody. These symptoms often resolve during the spring and summer months. Less often, SAD causes depression in the spring or early summer and resolves during the fall or winter months.

Here is a link to the original Mayo Clinic site.

This is a graphic for Natural Ways to Combat SAD Symptoms.  The title is at the top in bold black.  There is a drawn picture of a large tree standing alone in a storm.  There are blue, black, and grey clouds and lighting.  At the bottom are the words ā€œwinter bluesā€.  The background is a dull grey.

Some Symptoms of SAD:

Sadness and or Listless Regularly or even Daily


Not Having Interest in Life or Activities

Being Overwhelmed

Lethargic, Low Energy

Sleeping too much or Developing Insomnia

Carb Cravings, Emotional Eating, Weight Gain

Lack of Concentration


Loss of Appetite

Weight Loss


Every Person has slightly different symptoms. SAD usually starts in fall and winter but in some cases, it can start in the spring and summer.

This is the drawn graphic for Symptoms of SAD.  There are six drawn pictures of different pictures that go along with some of the symptoms of SAD.   The names of the symptoms are in black with its picture.  The background is a dull grey.

The first of the Natural Ways to Combat SAD Symptoms is knowing what may trigger it.

1. Know Your SAD Triggers


While the fall season and the changing weather are often the first triggers for Seasonal Affective Disorder, there are some others you might experience. It is important to know what your triggers are, as avoiding these triggers as much as possible is a good way to start dealing with your symptoms early on. Here are some things that might be triggering your SAD symptoms in the fall:


Less sunshine

More dark days and rain

Longer Nights

A change in social situations

Summer is over, which means going back to work or school

Dealing with spending more time indoors

This is the drawn graphic for Reasons for SAD.  There are six drawn pictures of different pictures that go along with some of the reason for SAD.   The names of the reasons are in black with its picture.  The background is a dull grey.

As with most things, allergies, and triggers, no two people have the same ones or react to the same things in the exact same way. You may have an entirely different set of SAD triggers, which is okay. Just look for your triggers, write them down, then try to find ways to avoid them.

One kind-of Natural Way to Combat SAD Symptoms is to get an artificial ā€œsunā€.

2. Get a Lightbox


One of the things that causes SAD symptoms in the winter is a lack of sunshine and light and longer dark hours during the day. Start by preparing for it in the fall with a lightbox.

Light boxes are used indoors as a kind of artificial sun. The light box simulates the warm glow and affects the eye receptors through visible light. The dark and gloom of the winter months often leads to feeling sad and depressed. Start using the lightbox in the fall, even if you are still having some sunny days. This gets you into the habit of using it daily so by the time winter comes around, you are already using it routinely.

This is the drawn graphic for Natural Ways to Combat SAD Symptoms.  There is a drawn picture of a woman sitting on a bed reading a book.  There is a light box on a table across from her.  The room is arranged in a winter style.    The word light box is in black below the picture.  The background is white.

In our talk, Children of the Sun, a Cautionary Tale of Sun Tanning we mentioned many people will use tanning beds instead of a light box. They think the tanning bed will help improve their mood. But the UV rays from the tanning bed do not work in this way, it must be visible light from a SAD lamp.

Another of the Natural Ways to Combat SAD Symptoms is exercise.


3. Try Regular Exercise


Exercise is important year-round, but especially when you are trying to deal with SAD symptoms more naturally. This works for multiple reasons. For one thing, exercise helps to release endorphins, which are happy-feeling chemicals in your brain. It can boost your mood and your happiness, even on the darkest of days.

Exercise also gets you outdoors so that you can soak up every amount of sunshine available to you. Go for a walk or a run. Take the dog for a walk, you will both enjoy it.

Try Yoga, pilates, kickboxing, or just a simple stretching routine. As long as you are moving and your muscles are working, it will help.


As the old saying goes: Fresh air and sunshine do wonders for the body, mind, and soul.

This is the drawn graphic for Natural Ways to Combat SAD Symptoms.  There is a drawn picture of a woman walking a dog out in a park.  The woman is dressed for winter cold.   The word exercise is below the picture.

When trying to use Natural Ways to Combat SAD Symptoms, think about health supplements.

4. Take a Vitamin D Supplement


When you start getting further into fall and enter winter, the days get shorter, and the nights get longer. If this gloomy, dark weather causes SAD symptoms, vitamin D supplements can help tremendously. Exposure to the sun helps the body make its own Vitamin D. If there is less sun, then the body makes less Vitamin D for itself and requires a supplement to keep the right levels in the body. A Vitamin D diffessioncy will not only affect the mood but can cause other health issues.

So not only does sunshine make you warm and happy but it also helps the body produce Vitamin D.

This is the drawn graphic for Natural Ways to Combat SAD Symptoms.  There are three drawn pictures of vitamin supplements.    The words vitamin supplements are below the picture.   The background is a dull grey.

Another of the Natural Ways to Combat SAD Symptoms is herbs.

5. Herbal Teas and Supplements


Herbal teas are great tasting and a healthy alternative for less healthy drinks year round. But in the winter the right herbal tea can help you combat SAD Symptoms.

Of course, not everyone appreciates all herbs. Every herb has its own unique flavor as each tea has its own blend of flavors. Do your research, and try out several different varieties of herbal teas. You may be surprised at how many herbal teas are available and all the health benefits of these teas. Try as many as you need to until you find one or more that you like and will drink regularly.

Some herbal teas contain Vitamin D so they will make a nice, soothing drink to get the Vitamin D your body needs as well.

Do note, that some people are allergic to some herbs, so be sure you are not allergic to any of the herbs in a herbal tea blend before you start chugging it.

This is the drawn graphic for Natural Ways to Combat SAD Symptoms.  There is a drawn picture of a woman sitting in a chair drinking herbal tea.  There are bunches of Lavender flowers around her.   The words herbal tea are below the picture.   The background is a light grey.

Last but not least, one of theĀ  Natural Ways to Combat SAD Symptoms is to just hug your pet.

6. Hug Your Pet

When you are in the dumps, for whatever reason, it always helps to Hug Your Pet. There have been many studies on how pets help their owners from seizure warnings to just making you feel better. Pets make great listeners and they never judge. It may sound too simple but it is true, when in doubt squeeze your fluffy.

If you have a cat, you may want to just rub it gently instead of giving it a good squeeze. But the result will be the same, a connection between you and your pet and an exchange of affection.

This is the drawn graphic for Natural Ways to Combat SAD Symptoms.  There is a drawn picture of a man hugging a large dog.  The man is dressed for winter cold.   The words hug your pet are below the picture.   The background is a dull grey.
This is the drawn graphic for Natural Ways to Combat SAD Symptoms.  There is a drawn picture of a woman sitting on the floor with a bunch of cats all around her.  She is hugging and holding the cats.  The words hug your pet are below the picture.   The background is a dull grey.

Natural Ways to Combat SAD Symptoms is by no means a complete list of all the things one can do to help with SAD but it is a place to start. As we tell you often do your own research and try new things. If you have SAD symptoms do not suffer it alone, get help. If you know you may have issues with SAD in the winter start early with combat options so you do not have to get far under before you start to look for a way up.

We hope Natural Ways to Combat SAD Symptoms has given you some information that you did not have before. And we hope you got some ideas to help you or someone you know with SAD symptoms.

If you are interested in some of our other talks, please see the ones below.

Situational Awareness

Life in Balance Check List for The New Year

How to start a more self-sufficient lifestyle

Thank you for visiting and please come again for another edition of Out Standing in the Field.

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