As always, we are on the lookout for great deals on things that we need or use often.   We find that if we know what things we use a lot of and keep an eye out for deals, sales, or new places to buy these things, we can have things on hand and be thrifty at the same time.   As you know from our previous posts, we have a family farm.  We do have a garden and grow our own veg but sometimes that is not enough for the whole year’s need for the whole family.  We do buy from the local farmer’s market and buy from fruit stands in the area as well.   Recently, a dog rescue friend introduced us to Misfit Market.

Misfit Market is a very cool service for both the customer and the planet.  In reading the info page for Misfit Market, we discovered that over 50% of fruit and veg grown in the USA never gets to the store, it is thrown out.  It seems that grocery stores are very picky about the fruit and veg that they find good enough for their stores.  If the produce is deemed too small, odd shaped or off color, out it goes.    This adds a huge amount of food waste to the world market.  It is a shame for good food to be thrown away because it is just not pretty enough for the grocery store runway.

Misfit Market buys these ugly foods and sells them to customers at a very nice discount off the regular grocery store prices.   These ugly foods are all perfectly good and safe to eat.  Most of the fruits and veg from Misfit Market are from organic farms and producers.   So Misfit Market not only helps customers get great prices on perfectly good fruits and veg but it also makes a huge dent in the food waste epidemic.    This is a company and a cause that we can get behind.  We started getting Misfit Market boxes a couple months ago and we have been very pleased and impressed so far.

Here are pics of our first box.

At first, there was no way to select the items you wanted to get so you just got what was available that week.  It was kind of like Christmas every other week.  We look forward to finding out what is coming in our box.  Now Misfit Market has made changes to their system and you can customize your box so you know what you are getting.   It does take some of the fun out of it but it does mean you know you will like what you get.    There is also a pantry now, with things other than fruits and veg that you can add to your box if you like. It has so far been impressive.  Also, you can order pastas, canned items, shrooms, special fruits and veg, granola, drinks and so much more.   Available items differ each week, so still it is fun to see what the choices are.   This has been a fun new way to buy staple foods as well as to try new things.  We have ordered some fruits and veg that we have not used before and found some really great new foods that we had not ever even heard of before.   There are several veg that we were not familiar with before they came in our box so we did our research to find ways to use them.    We have added some of these new veg to our “we liked and will keep using” collum.    Getting new fruit and veg has given us a reason to try new food and new recipes.

Here are pics of our second box.

Since you are going to eat and if you eat healthy, it will be some amount of fruits and veg, you mind as well get good food at good prices and help avoid food waste all at the same place.   So far everything we have gotten from Misfit Market has been good.   Yes, it may be off color or smaller than what you get at the grocery or even a bit ugly but it is still good wholesome food.  With the new customizing system and the pantry option, there is little that you cannot get from Misfit Market.  You can customize your order to come every week or every 2 weeks and the day you want it delivered, so you know exactly when your box will arrive.  There are also 2 sizes of boxes to choose from depending on how much you need for your family.  The small box is $25 and the larger box is $35.   There is an easy to use, customer friendly, web site that gives you the story behind Misfit Market and allows you access to your account.  The web site is a simple, no frills access to manage your box, pick your fruit and veg and gives you access to the pantry all in one place with no frustrating bling like some web stores.  I know many people want to be wowed with bling but some of us just want a straight forward process and get put off by too much hype.

Each box of fruit and veg comes well packed in a cooler type set up with re-usable ice packs.  We find the ice packs to be another plus on the side.  If you have ever had to buy ice packs for travel, you know they can be expensive, we get new ice packs with each box.   The cooler set up is also very neat, it is not the usual styrofoam coolers, it is an eco- friendly felt wrap box lining.  So if you were so inclined you can save the box for packing and use the felt lining for crafts or some other re-purpose.

Since starting our Misfit Market box orders, we have been very pleased with the whole thing all the way around.    Rescuing unwanted food, using eco-friendly, re-usable packing materials, great selection and good foods and great prices, what more could you want from your grocery store.  And best of all, it is online so you do not have to go to a physical store.   There is no driving to town, no fighting for a parking spot, no rude people and uncaring employees.   When you go to your Misfit Market account you can get all your fruits, veg and many of your pantry staples in one quick, painless web site interaction.   It is all in your own time when you want to shop and in the comfort of your own home.

Oh, and one more thing that I cannot forget to tell you, they ship directly to your door, no more driving for curb side pickup.   I know many have started buying more online this last year.   If you are one that has found this is a great thing and you like it, try Misfit Market, you will not be disappointed.  I hope you try out Misfit Market for your fruit and veg needs.  We whole heartedly support and recommend Misfit Market.

Click here to go the the Mistfit Market site.

Thank you for visiting with us and please come again for another edition of Out Standing in the Field.

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