With the New Year arriving soon, we wanted to give you something to start your year off ahead. We wanted something that would be both helpful and simple. So we made this Life in Balance Check List for you.

You may have seen similar check lists to help you figure out any number of things from your best day routine to the style of your hair.

Our Life in Balance Check List is made with simple wording and easy-to-understand phrases. There is no fluffy stuff or out-in-left-field talk, just straightforward ideas, tips, and info.

To use this Life in Balance Check List, think magazine survey.  Listed are the 5 most common balance areas in one’s life.

1. Physical Balance

2. Emotional Balance

3. Mental Balance

4. Social Balance

5. Work Balance

Take a good, long, hard look at yourself and weigh yourself by each of the things on the lists. Take note of how you think you rate in each subject, 1 through 5. Mark a rating and move to the next. When you are finished, total your rating for each section.

The areas that are higher are your stronger points and the areas that are lower will be weaker points that you may want to put a bit of work into to improve.

Do not get discouraged if you have lower ratings in some areas. Those are not bad, they just give you a way to grow and improve yourself, your habits, or your skills.

Sometimes just thinking about something does not give you a very accurate view of how things really are. But if you write it down and look at it in hard copy, you get a clearer view. People say that keeping a journal helps them because they have to think it out and write it down. This lets them see their thoughts on paper not just how it feels at the time. The principle here is the same, to get you to think and look at areas of your life. Celebrate your strengths and once you know where your weaker points are, then you can work on those areas.

As will all new projects or improvements, take it slow. Make one small change at a time. Do not look at this Check List and think that you have to fix it all at once. That is a good way to get overwhelmed. No one is perfect and if we are all honest with ourselves, we can all use a bit of shine and polish in some areas of our lives.

From personal experience, we took this checklist and did it ourselves first. Some of us were surprised at the numbers but everyone had a rough spot or two that we could smooth off.

This may seem a bit childish or too simple but if you will really look at yourself and take objective rates, we think this Life in Balance Check List can be helpful to you.

Of course, this is by no means a complete listing of everything, and every area that needs to be balanced to have a stable, productive life. There are so many other things that you could add to these lists. But you have to start somewhere.

We hope this Life in Balance Check List will be of help to your or someone that you know. We are not big on New Years Resolutions but we do try to keep moving forward, keep learning, and keep getting better everyday. Please print this Life in Balance Check List out and use it. Even if it is just for kicks, you may learn something about yourself.

Thank you for visiting and please come again for another edition of Out Standing in the Field.

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