As with last week’s talk, Patriotic Companies, we are highlighting companies that we love and support. This week’s talk is on Environmental and Green companies. I know it is a “big thing” these days. I also know, many people are tired of hearing about it or just do not believe it is a real thing. But no matter how you see it, we only have one environment, what can it hurt to help it out? Taking care of what you have is just plain right. It only takes a few little changes to make a difference. You do not have to jump in feet first and go all crazy about it. You can ease into going green, one step at a time. As we keep telling our family, baby steps. Just try one different item at a time. Once you are used to that one thing, try another one. Do not be afraid to be called a tree hugger, we love trees. We are a farm, as you know, but we are not the hippie types. We just try to be reasonable with our resources. Taking one step at a time will make more of a difference than you know and if each person changes just one thing a month, the possibilities are endless. And do not forget the most important part, Earth is the only planet we have and the only planet with coffee.

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One of our favorite environmentally-minded companies is Bat BnB. Bat BnB is exactly what it sounds like, houses for Bats. But they do not just make houses for bats, they make great houses for bat communities. We love bats. Bats get a bad rap from so many people, movies, and books but bats are, in fact, very good to have around. (As stated in the Bat BnB info page) A common bat will eat up to 1000 mosquito-size insects an hour making them one of nature’s greatest forms of natural pest control and a preferable alternative to harmful pesticides. Bat BnB, is a line of designer bat houses. They have provided safe homes to over 500,000 bats in order to help raise their pups and regrow the population at a time when bats have been declining by the tens of millions due to white-nose syndrome and habitat loss.

And after all, who does not like a cute, little, furry animal that eats insects? It is, of course, best to not bother bats or try to pick them up. But left alone, in the wild, to do what they do, bats are a great asset to the environment and people that do not like mosquitos.

Click here to see the store site.

Blue Turtle Project is another great green-minded company. Blue Turtle started in South Texas by the owner of a recycling company. Wanting to pass on the love of ocean and caretaking of the environment to future generations, Blue Turtle Project was born. Basically, Blue Turtle hires local people to fish plastic out of the ocean; re-cycles the plastic; hires local artists to hand-make bracelets, and teaches people how to keep plastic out of the environment. Education is the key to change.

Blue Turtle Project, every bracelet you buy we will do 4 things.
1. Remove 2.2 pounds of ocean plastic
2. Implement plastic collection hubs in places who do not have recycling centers
3. Create micro-economies by employing local fisherman and artisans
4. Educate the youth about the dangers of ocean plastic and donate 2.2% of our proceeds to ocean wildlife conservation.

We are not near the ocean now but our family spent many years in south Texas and we still love it. Here is another small step to helping change the world for the better and it does not hurt a bit. Learning how and where to re-cycle and then following through is a start.

Click here to see the store site.

Here is another way of going green that most people will not even think of. If you drink tea, here is a company for you. Tea Drops ethically sources all of their organic teas and sheds about 20% less waste than traditional teabag packaging. Tea Drop is made of tea leaves, natural spices, and sweetened with cane sugar. The tea is ground and compressed so there is no teabag to have to deal with after. Tea Drops offers many different flavors of tea, in different cute shapes and colors. You just drop the cute little shaped tea pod into your hot water and stir. It makes wonderful tea, with less cleanup. Tea Drops has traditional flavors but also offers many unique ones like Tumeric, Chai Iced Tea, Ginger Citrus, and Vanilla White tea. Tea Drops also offers different categories of tea such as wellness, work from home, seasonal teas, and more. You can get one kind of tea boxes or mixed so you can try all the different kinds. Buying from Tea Drops not only gives you a great cup of tea but you are supporting a product Made in America, fair trade, organic farmers, low waste, and The Clean Water Aid Project. If you are a tea drinker, try it out and see the difference in the quality of tea and the difference you can make with just a simple change as not using tea bags.

Click here to see the store site.

Bonnie Bios is another green company that we like. They make plastic alternatives for around the house, everyday things. This is another small, step change. You are going to use these items anyway, why not buy green, non-plastic, plastic alternatives?

(As stated in the company info page) Bonnie Bio endeavors to make a difference with our certified compostable and biodegradable products. Our range includes multi-purpose bags (good for dog poop, used diapers, sanitary and medical waste), waste bags, single-use carrier bags, food containers, cups, lids, cling wrap as well as our PLA straws of various sizes. Our products are all made from food-based ingredients with no chemical additives to ensure non-toxicity and allow for complete composting and biodegradability, yet they are as sturdy as traditional plastic. They are incredibly environmentally friendly as they break down back to CO2, water, and biomass, which are renewable resources and they don’t leak any toxins into the environment while breaking down. We even use soy-based ink to print, which is eco-friendly. bar and restaurant supplies, kitchen supplies, biodegradable plastic alternatives.

Click here to see the store site.

Here on the farm, we are not very girly and flashy but who does not like a little sparkle now and then? If you have read some of our previous posts, you will have seen talks on some of the hand made items we have around the house. There are posts on DIY bath salts, bath bombs, lip blam in which we use Today Glitter to add a bit of sparkly to things.

( The company info page) Today Glitter is a new eco glitter, a guilt-free bio-glitter to replace the standard plastic glitter that is hurting the planet. Bio-glitter has all the perks of plastic glitter, but it does not hurt the environment. Bio-glitter uses unique cellulose derived from the fibers of eucalyptus trees, which grow fast and are widely available. The plant-based components of Bioglitter are fully biodegradable in any environment, that is in the presence of heat, water, oxygen, and microorganisms. It does not contain GMO ingredients, It is safe for the ocean. It is suitable for vegans.

Click here to see the store site.

Another great product offered by Today Glitter is the hand sanitizer gel. This hand gel comes with reminder glitter in the gel so you can see when the gel is on and working and when it needs to be reapplied. This is great for both parents and kids. Parents know the hand sanitizer was used and when to reapply and kids like the sparkly bling.

Click here to see the store site.

Again, these are things we are going to use anyway, so we use something that is environmentally friendly, kid, and pet safe. Today Glitter gives you a great, flashy, bling, and peace of mind.

Another past post with bath bombs introduced you to StarWest Botanicals. In place of chemically perfumes that you have no idea what they are made of, we choose essential oils. We use quite a bit of natural, essential oils in our hand made products. When we want a nice scent to our products, we like to know that the oils we use, are of the best quality and natural. StarWest has a wide variety of essential oils, all of the great quality and good prices. If you are going to make your own scents you should check out StarWest.

(Company info page) Starwest Botanicals is your on-line supply source for bulk herbs and natural products. Bulk organic herbs, organic spices, loose leaf organic teas, organic essential oils, and aromatherapy supplies are part of the almost 3000 natural products to choose from at Starwest Botanicals.

Click here to see the store site.

There are few people in the world now that do not have a cell phone and with that cell phone, a phone case. Every time you get a new phone, you have to get a case to fit that phone, no two kinds are the same. As most phone cases are made of plastic, there is another form of environmental waste that most people do not even realize. Here is another example of something you are going to need to use and now you can get one that is non-plastic. Pela Case is environmentally friendly and even washable. Pela offers phone cases, sunglasses, watch bands, AirPod cases, all compostable and washable. Pela Case phone cases are available for iPhone, Samsung, Google Pixel, and Huawei. They also offer a variety of accessories, all environmentally friendly and compostable.

(company info page) Pela Case makes the world’s first 100% compostable phone case and other earth-friendly accessories. Our mission is to reduce the amount of plastic on the planet, one phone case at a time.

Click here to see the store site.

BOGO is a limited time offer.

This is just a small list of companies that are putting the work in to make a better world. Please check out these green companies, these are companies that we use ourselves.   You can look up online lists of other Green companies that you may want to try out.  As I have said, you will be using these items anyway, why not green ones?

Thank you for visiting and please come again for another edition of Out Standing in the Field.

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