Feed Your Kids Right Book By Dr. Lendon Smith. A program for your child's total health.

This week’s talk is more of a book review of “Feed Your Kids Right” rather than a straight-out talk. We want to share one of the books our family has used and recommended for several generations. The book “Feed Your Kids Right” by Dr. Lendon Smith. Let us explain why this week’s talk has come about.

Some weeks ago we sent out an email to ask our readers for some feedback to help us do talks on things that you, our farm family, are most interested in. One of our readers, Susan, asked about supplements for health.

It just so happens that we do, in fact, have some very good info on that subject, “Feed Your Kids Right”. This is less of a self-sufficient thing and more of a keeping yourself healthy.

In a way that is kind of in the self-sufficient line of thinking. Keeping yourself healthy in your daily life, will help you avoid needing modern medicine, hospitals, or doctors. Preventative maintenance is better than treatment.

This is in no way, a suggestion to treat yourself. We are not offering ways to diagnose, or treat yourself, just some ideas that may help you keep more healthy. This is preventative upkeep.

However, Dr. Lendon Smith is in fact a doctor so, not sure what to do with that. He can give medical advice.

So here we are:

1. Our unhealthy story, Farmers with Allergies

2. Finding “The Book”

3. Other Books by Dr. Smith

4. The Happy Ending, Our Healthy Family

Our Unhealthy Story, Farmers with Allergies. A ligth grey background with a darker grey banner.

1. Our Unhealthy Story. Farmers with Allergies

As we have said before, we are a 5 generation family farm.

The “original” generation of our family that came here first during the great depression is, as you can imagine, no longer with us. They are the ones that started this farm, and the family. That “do-it for yourself” grain runs deep in this family.

The senior adults have been here on the family farm for most if not all of their lives. They have continued growing the farm, adding to it, and keeping it going.


We now have 3 more generations living here on the farm and keeping up the family tradition of farming.

But some of us lived in Texas for many years. These are the current adults and older adults, not to be confused with the senior adults. But some of us adults and older adults lived in Texas for some years.

We tell you all of this to lead up to this story. Several of us have allergies, and asthma, and generally get respiratory hacks and sniffles often. Yes, as farmers and gardeners this can be either distressing or funny, depending on your attitude.

While in Texas we suffered from these issues a lot, sometimes things got bad enough to visit the Doctor. A doctor’s visit was the last thing anyone wanted. But sometimes you either suck it up and do what you know or find another way.

Finding The Book banner.  A mint green background with a pale yellow banner.

2. “The Book”

In our case, Grammy found another way with a book she got from a book club, “Feed Your Kids Right” by Dr. Lendon Smith.  Grammy originally thought she was getting a book on making healthy snacks or something like that. But it turned out to be so much more.


If we have not mentioned it, but we are sure we have, our family loves books. We keep books on everything. If you need to know how to do it, you are likely to find out how to in a book. We are partial to old books as they have the best info with the least fluff and bling.

Anyway, Grammy found a book to help with our allergy issues. “Feed Your Kids Right” by Lendon Smith. You can still get this book on Amazon. It was published in 1979 in hardback and again in 1988 in paperback. Dr. Smith did publish several other books along the same lines of personal health and well-being.


Feed Your Kids Right” was a lifesaver for us. This book changed our little lives and helped us grow up healthy and strong. This is not a “snake oil” or magic pill book. Dr. Smith gave practical, useful ways to improve or upkeep your families health. Most of Dr. Smiths’ methods include vitamins and eating right to keep your body in top health.

The table of contents will give you a better idea of the kinds of practical things Dr. Smith recommends.

Feed Your Kids Right” by Dr. Lendon Smith, M.D.

original copyright 1979


The book cover for Feed Your Kids Right by Dr. Lendon Smith.
The table of contents page for Feed Your Kids Right.
A first page of glowing review for Feed Your Kids Right.
The other books by Dr. Smith banner.  A light purple background with a light tan banner.

3. Other Books by Dr. Smith

Feed Your Kids Right” was not the only book Dr. Smith wrote but it was the first one we bought. We did not ever know Dr. Smith wrote more than one book until we happened across another and picked it up at a library sale. After that, we kept an eye out for other books by Dr. Smith and picked them up when we found them.

To be honest, we have not actually read the other books by Dr. Smith. “Feed Your Kids Right” is the only one Grammy read and used on our family. We have most of his other works now and have the intention of reading them sometime.

You know how that is, you pick up a new book and think, I will read this as soon as I get time.

Well, as you know by now, we are farmers. Now we are also “bloggers” it seems and we are well on our way to becoming “digital art designers”. Freaky, we know. The farmers are going techie.

So we have not had the time to sit and read Dr. Smith’s other books. Sure, we thumbed through them and notices things that were interesting and that we want to go back and read in detail. But so far, no luck on the extra time to sit and read.

As we have Dr. Smith’s other books, we will give you the table of contents listings as we did with “Feed Your Kids Right”. This way you will have an idea of what each book is about. If you are interested in any of them, you can buy most of them on Amazon.

We always check the library sales, yard sales, flea markets, and second-hand stores. These places always have the best stuff and many of the books are out of print now.

Here is the book list and contents of the other five books that Dr. Smith has written, that we currently have. There are some we do not have but are on the lookout for.  You can see Dr. Smith has a book for every life stage kids to seniors.

Improving Your Child’s Behavior Chemistry by Dr. Lendon H. Smith M.D

original copyright 1976

Improving your Child's Behavior Chemistry by Dr. Lendon Smith book cover.
Page one of the table of contents for Improving Your Child's Behavior Chemistry.
Page two of the table of contents for Improving Your Child's Behavior Chemistry.

Feed Yourself Right” by Dr. Lendon Smith M.D.

original copyright 1983

The book cover for Feed Yourself Right by Dr. Lendon Smith.
Page one of the table of contents for Feed Yourself Right by Dr. Lendon Smith.
Page two of the table of contents for Feed Yourself Right by Dr. Lendon Smith.
Page three of the table of contents for Feed Yourself Right by Dr. Lendon Smith.

Dr. Lendon Smith’s Low-Stress Diet” by Dr. Lendon H. Smith M.D.

original copyright 1985

The book cover for Dr. Lendon Smith's Low-Stress Diet.
Table of contents for Dr. Lendon Smith's Low-Stress Diet.

Dr. Lendon Smith’s Diet Plan for teenagers” by Dr. Lendon Smith M.D.

original copyright 1986

The book cover for Dr. Lendon Smith's Diet Plan for Teenagers.
Page one of the table of contents for Dr. Lendon Smith's Diet Plan for Teenagers
Page two of the table of contents for Dr. Lendon Smith's Diet Plan for Teenagers
Page three of the table of contents for Dr. Lendon Smith's Diet Plan for Teenagers
Page four of the table of contents for Dr. Lendon Smith's Diet Plan for Teenagers

Feed Your Body Right” by Dr. Lendon H. Smith M.D.

original copyright 1994

The book cover for Feed Your Body RIght by Dr. Lendon Smith.
Page one of the table of contents for Feed Your Body RIght by Dr. Lendon Smith.
Page two of the table of contents for Feed Your Body RIght by Dr. Lendon Smith.

There are several more books that we have not managed to acquire yet, but we are on the lookout for them.

1. Doctor Mom’s Quick Reference Guide to Natural Healthcare by Kathy Duerr and Dr. Lendon Smith    2000

2. The Infant Survival Guide by Dr. Lendon Smith and Joseph Hattersley    2000

3. Don’t Scratch Every Itch By Dr. Lendon Smith M.D.   1994

4. The Children’s Doctor by Lendon Smith 1969

5. Childhood Ear Infections by Micheal A. Schmidt and Lendon Smith    1990

The Happy Ending Our Healthy Family Banner.  There is a dark blue background with a light grey banner.

4. The Happy Ending, Our Healthy Family

We know not everyone is going to embrace this way of thinking and that is ok. But for those who are looking for a more natural, self-sufficient way to keep yourselves and your families healthy, this may be something to look into.


We can not promise these books will change your life but we can tell you that “Feed Your Kids Right” did change our lives. We went from allergies, asthma, respiratory issues, and the occasional Pneumonia regularly to healthy in a matter of months. Yes, this kind of preventative therapy takes a while to catch up and start showing signs but it did work for our family.


We hope you have enjoyed this book review of “Feed Your Kids Right” and other books by Dr. Lendon Smith M.D. Please take the time to do the research for yourself and see if this system can improve your health and that of your family.

Thank you for visiting and please come again for another edition of Out Standing in the Field.

The Out Standing in the Field logo with Spike the donkey in the field.

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