This is the banner for Children of the Sun, a Cautionary Tale of Sun Tanning.  The title is at the top in bold black.  There is a list of topics in black.  The background is a bright, yellow and orange with a faded sun ray graphic overlay.  There are two drawn graphic pictures one of a pretty young girl is a beach outfit and the other is an old, wrinkled, woman.  The words Before Vs After are at the bottom below the pictures.

Today we want to shed some light on something that many people know or have heard about but rarely think of with Children of the Sun, a Cautionary Tale of Sun Tanning.


Don’t you just love that sleek, shiny, golden bronze skin tone? Who does not? But do you really know and understand what it is and what it means for your health?


We know it may sound odd but Children of the Sun, a Cautionary Tale of Sun Tanning is an important health issue that is often overlooked among so many other health issues.


Consider that unaware, youth from thirty years ago. Going alone happily baking in the sun or tanning in a bed to get that sleek, bronze tan everyone is so fond of. Now, fast forward thirty years to that same no-longer a youth. What do you see? Most likely there will be saggy, wrinkled skin, brown patches, and a leathery texture. Skin cancer is possible with weeping sores, scaly patches, and worty-looking tumors. Eye damage may include cataracts, weak vision, or right-out blindness. How is that tanning session looking to you now? Now that happy youth looks like a saddle bag with bad eyes.

This is a divider for Children of the Sun, a Cautionary Tale of Sun Tanning.   There is a line of bright, yellow suns.  The background is white.

When thinking about Children of the Sun, a Cautionary Tale of Sun Tanning there are several things that need to be considered.

1. Sunburns

Sunburn should be rather obvious, it hurts you. Your skin will turn red, get blisters, and even peel. The red areas will be painful and scratchy. This is a No-Brainer, it is bad for you.

If you get sunburns often, you are only speeding up aging and skin damage.

This is the graphic for Sunburns.   There are several drawn graphics of people with different degrees of sunburns.  The background is white.
This is another graphic for Sunburns.  There is a drawn picture of a woman putting after sun, aloe gel on a boy. There is a small Aloe Vera plant behind the woman.  The background is white.
This is a divider for Children of the Sun, a Cautionary Tale of Sun Tanning.   There is a line of bright, yellow suns.  The background is white.

2. The Dangers of Tanning


Despite the many medical warnings, people continue to tan either in the sun or in tanning beds. Many still think that being a golden bronze makes them look healthy. When in fact it is actually the opposite. That lovely, brown color is actually your bodies reaction to damage.


Your skin being tan indicates that your body is trying to protect itself when exposed to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. This UV radiation is what contributes to premature aging such as wrinkles, cataracts in the eyes, skin cancers, and altered immune systems.


Think about tanning like putting a Thanksgiving turkey in the broiler to brown it. Same principle as tanning.

This is the graphic for the dangers of tanning.  There is a drawn graphic of a woman sun tanning on the beach with no cover or personal protection gear and a piece of bacon in a lounge chair sitting with her.   The word Sunbathing is at top above the picture.    The background is white.
This is a second graphic for the dangers of tanning.  The background is a bright, yellow and orange with a faded sun ray graphic overlay.  There are two drawn graphic pictures one of a pretty young girl is a beach outfit and the other is an old, wrinkled, woman.
This is a divider for Children of the Sun, a Cautionary Tale of Sun Tanning.   There is a line of bright, yellow suns.  The background is white.

3. Kinds of UV radiation and the Effects


There are several different kinds of UV Radiation to consider.

There is UVA, UVB, and UVC radiation. UVA is the longest wavelength, and UVC is the shortest wavelength. UVC is not a concern when it comes to tans and sunburns, as most of it gets absorbed by the ozone layer before getting to the earth.


UV radiation penetrates the skin, which is what causes tissue damage and can cause mutations in the cells of the skin.


UVA penetrates the skin more deeply than UVB, but both are dangerous for the cells of your skin. Studies have shown that both types of rays are responsible for contributing to the aging in people’s skin and eyes, as well as resulting in skin cancers.


UVA is associated with tans, and UVB with getting sunburns.

This is the graphic for Kinds of Radiation and their Effects.      There is a drawn graphic of a water scene with a lounge chair,  an umbrella, water, and a sun screen bottle.   There is a huge sun above the water with arrows showing how the sun’s rays bounce off the water.   The background is white.
This is a divider for Children of the Sun, a Cautionary Tale of Sun Tanning.   There is a line of bright, yellow suns.  The background is white.

4. Tanning Beds

One might think that staying out of the sun but using a tanning bed would be better but in truth, a tanning bed may have worse effects. Despite tanning salons telling people that tanning is a safer way to get that beautiful tan, it actually is not. Tanning beds emit higher levels of UVA, than the sun itself. This is how the machine is set up to give you a deeper tan in a shorter time. It simply bombards your skin and body with UVA radiation.


In particular, children and teens need to be taught the dangers as they are at even more risk. Because their bodies are still growing, it puts their cells in even more danger of mutations.

This is the second graphic for Kinds of Radiation and their Effects, tanning beds.  There is a drawn graphic of a man in a tanning bed.  The man is a red hue from a tanning burn.   The background is white.
This is a third graphic for Kinds of Radiation and their Effects, tanning beds.  There are two drawn graphic one of a turkey sitting on the side of a tanning bed and the other of a roasted turkey.   The background is white.
This is a divider for Children of the Sun, a Cautionary Tale of Sun Tanning.   There is a line of bright, yellow suns.  The background is white.

5. The Sun and Vitamin D


Vitamin D is produced in your body when you are exposed to the sun’s rays.


It is especially important in preventing osteoporosis (weak, brittle bones), but it is also important in improving your immune system functioning. Those living in northern climates are more at risk of Vitamin D deficiencies. You can get Vitamin D from some food sources, as well as supplements.


However, many people still believe, and many salons will try to convince you that tanning is a healthy way to get your Vitamin D.


Fortunately, a study done at St. John’s Institute of Dermatology, King’s College London, has shown that you can still get adequate levels of Vitamin D by slathering on sunscreen with an SPF 15. Some, but not all of the UVB rays will pass through the sunscreen, thus allowing your body to produce Vitamin D.


Tanned skin does not represent health. It is the body’s way of trying to protect itself from UV radiation. Whether you use the sun to tan or use tanning beds, you are putting your body at risk. If you want to ensure you get adequate Vitamin D levels, it is healthier to take supplements or eat foods high in Vitamin D.


This is the graphic for The Sun and Vitamin D.    There is a drawn graphic of a woman in bathing suit and a sun hat standing next to a bottle of Vitamin D.   The background is white.
This is a divider for Children of the Sun, a Cautionary Tale of Sun Tanning.   There is a line of bright, yellow suns.  The background is white.

6. Can Tanning Be an Unhealthy Addiction?


Some healthcare professionals have gone on record stating that tanning is the new addiction. When you crave something so much that you will do it even when you know it is not healthy for your body, then that is classified as an addiction.


In the case of tanning, people know that the ultraviolet rays of the sun and tanning beds can cause wrinkling and sagging skin, age spots, and even skin cancer, but they still do it. In fact, the numbers of people tanning continue to increase, despite being aware of the risks and dangers it poses.

This is a divider for Children of the Sun, a Cautionary Tale of Sun Tanning.   There is a line of bright, yellow suns.  The background is white.

7. Reasons People Tan


Other than enjoying the color that a tan brings, there are other reasons why people say they tan:

A. Their mood is better when they tan


In fact, many tanning salons will advertise that tanning will lessen the effects of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). SAD is a form of depression that usually emerges in the fall and winter months when there are less sunlight hours. However, tanning is not an effective treatment as SAD requires visible light (not the ultraviolet light from a tanning bed) to enter through your eyes using a special SAD lamp.

This is the graphic for Reasons People Tan.   There is a black silhouette of a woman hunched over, holding her knees in a depressed position.   This is a representation of SAD.   The background is a black and grey checkered pattern with a bright sun in the center behind the woman.
This is a divider for Children of the Sun, a Cautionary Tale of Sun Tanning.   There is a single bright, yellow suns.  The background is white.

B. They feel relaxed


Related to the improved mood, is also the relaxation that is reported that tanning brings. Studies have also confirmed this, and that there is a release of endorphins (the feel-good hormones that your brain releases) when exposed to ultraviolet radiation (UV). But like most things, too much can be bad.

This is a divider for Children of the Sun, a Cautionary Tale of Sun Tanning.   There is a single bright, yellow suns.  The background is white.

C. They want to get the Vitamin D


Getting your daily dose of Vitamin D is not a very common reason that people will give for tanning, but tanning salons will definitely tout this as a reason to use their services.


The truth is that sun exposure or tanning beds are not safe ways to get your Vitamin D, so you should consider eating fortified dairy products or taking a supplement. This is an inexpensive and safer way than the use of UV radiation.

This is a divider for Children of the Sun, a Cautionary Tale of Sun Tanning.   There is a single bright, yellow suns.  The background is white.

D. Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)


Studies continue into the reasons why people continue to tan, even though they know that the ultraviolet radiation is damaging to their bodies.


Some researchers believe that some tanners suffer from Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD), which is a body-image disorder where they think that their bodies are unflattering in some way. The reality, however, is that they do not perceive their bodies accurately in the same way others would describe their physical appearance. In some way, they think that having that nice sleek, bronze tan will improve their look. However, they do not take into account the damage they are doing to their bodies and what they will look like down the road.

This is a divider for Children of the Sun, a Cautionary Tale of Sun Tanning.   There is a line of bright, yellow suns.  The background is white.

8. The Down Low on Sunscreen


Just visit the pharmacy section of your local store, and you quickly realize that buying sunscreen can be confusing as there are so many choices.


Do you buy the one with SPF 15 or 60? How much should you apply? And what exactly does “broad-spectrum” mean?


In what follows, you will get the answers as to what you should look for in a sunscreen:

This is the graphic for The Down Low on Sunscreen.   There is a drawn graphic of a woman putting sun screen on a child at the beach.  There are several bottles of sunscreen of different kinds around the page.    The background is white.

A. Broad-Spectrum


Broad-spectrum sunscreens protect your skin from the sun’s two main types of ultraviolet rays – UVA (the dominant tanning ray) and UVB (known to cause burning). Neither radiation is safe, as they both contribute to aging in your skin and eyes, as well as skin cancers.


So if you use a broad-spectrum sunscreen, you will be protecting your skin from burning, skin cancer, wrinkling, and other aging of the skin.

This is a divider for Children of the Sun, a Cautionary Tale of Sun Tanning.   There is a single bright, yellow suns.  The background is white.

B. Sun Protection Factor (SPF)


The SPF refers to the level of blockage against UVB (it does not include UVA) rays that the sunscreen provides. So the higher the SPF is, the longer you can stay in the sun before you burn. For example, a SPF 30 means you can stay in the sun longer before you burn than if you are using a sunscreen with SPF 15. However, this does NOT mean that you can stay in the sun twice as long. Instead, it means that the SPF 30 would block out approximately 97% of the UVB rays, and a SPF 15 would block out approximately 94% of UVB rays.


If you are highly sensitive to the sun, then you will want to use sunscreen with higher SPF. However, those sunscreens with SPF 100, for example, will not block 100% of the UVB rays. No sunscreen does that. Many physicians recommend their patients use products with SPF ratings of 30-45, if they will be spending extended time outdoors. Products with SPF 15 can be effective for incidental sun exposure, and can be found in many face moisturizers.

This is a divider for Children of the Sun, a Cautionary Tale of Sun Tanning.   There is a single bright, yellow suns.  The background is white.

C. Water Resistance


If you will be sweating outside or swimming, you want something that stays on your skin better, and that is less likely to drip in your eyes. This kind of sunscreen has an ingredient in it that helps the sunscreen “stick” to your skin. It will stay on longer through water and wear. Not all sunscreen is water resistant so be sure to check the labels.

This is a divider for Children of the Sun, a Cautionary Tale of Sun Tanning.   There is a line of bright, yellow suns.  The background is white.

9. Proper Application of Sunscreen

Once you buy your sunscreen, there are a couple things that you need to know about putting it on for best results and protection.

This is the graphic for Proper Application of Sunscreen.    There is a drawn graphic of a sun, a woman with a sun hat, a UV shield, a pair of sun glasses and a bottle of sun screen lotion.    The background is white.

A. Slather It On


Most people do not put enough sunscreen on. The SPF level you get from your sunscreen will depend on how thick you put on your sunscreen. The less sunscreen you put on, the less protection your skin is actually getting.

A good guideline for an adult is to use an ounce to cover the whole body.

This is a divider for Children of the Sun, a Cautionary Tale of Sun Tanning.   There is a single bright, yellow suns.  The background is white.

B. Put it on before you go outdoors.

It takes time for the sunscreen to absorb into the skin and begin working properly. Putting sunscreen on at least 15 minutes before going out into the sun is best. This time will allow the sunscreen to absorb into the skin and provide the most protection.

This is a divider for Children of the Sun, a Cautionary Tale of Sun Tanning.   There is a single bright, yellow suns.  The background is white.

C. Reapply often

No matter what level of SPF you are using, you should always reapply your sunscreen every 90 minutes to two hours. It may be that you need to reapply sooner if you have been sweating or swimming.

With Children of the Sun, a Cautionary Tale of Sun Tanning there should be some ways to help you combat the sun damage that we are warning you about.

This is a divider for Children of the Sun, a Cautionary Tale of Sun Tanning.   There is a line of bright, yellow suns.  The background is white.

10. Ways to Protect Yourself and Your Kids From the Sun


The only certain way to protect yourself from the sun is to stay indoors all the time, away from the windows. However, that is not realistic! Unless, of course you are a vampire.


Sun safety is therefore something that children should be taught from an early age. By instilling a healthy respect of the sun from a young age, you are setting them up for a lifetime of improved health.

Here are some ways to begin protecting yourself and your children from the sun:

This is the graphic for Ways to Protect Yourself and Your Kids From the Sun.    There is a drawn graphic of a family on the beach.  There is a large yellow umbrella covering everyone.  The whole family including the dog is wearing sunglasses and hats.  There is a bag of sunscreen, towels, after sun gel, and the like.   The family has a large cooler full of water and fruit drinks.  The background is white.

A. Apply sunscreen at all times


It is quite normal for people to use sunscreen when they know that they will be spending a day at the beach. But it is not as common when they are going outdoors for a short time in the summer, on a cloudy day, or even in the winter. It is important to realize that even incidental sun exposure can result in damage to the skin. Sun damage builds up over time, similar to some poisons.


Be sure to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen (for protection against both UVA and UVB) with a minimum SPF 15 every time you and your children are going outdoors. In fact, the Sun Safety Alliance recommends that children use nothing lower than SPF 30. In addition, be sure to look for sunscreen ingredients such as avobenzone, oxybenzone, zinc oxide, or titanium dioxide.


Reapply every 90 minutes to two hours, or sooner if sweating or swimming.


These days, you can find sunscreens with more healthy, natural ingredients and avoid all the “unnameable chemicals” in many commercial sunscreens. Also, there are recipes found on line for making your own DIY, homemade sunscreen. Homemade is a good alternative to store-bought but there probably will be some of the ingredients that you do not have on hand and will have to order special to make your homemade sunscreen. In this case, think ahead and be sure to have your sunscreen read when you need it.

This is a divider for Children of the Sun, a Cautionary Tale of Sun Tanning.   There is a single bright, yellow suns.  The background is white.

B. Seek shaded shelter


Find a tree or use an umbrella or cabana to seek shelter from the sun. This still requires that you use sunscreen as you and your children will still be exposed to the sun’s rays that reflect from other surfaces, but at least you are cutting down some of the direct exposure. Be extra careful around water. Many people do not realize that the sun will reflect off the water and cause major sun exposure. As with smoking, second-hand, like reflecting off water or glass, can be as bad or worse than direct sun exposure.

This is a second graphic for Ways to Protect Yourself and Your Kids From the Sun.    There is a drawn graphic of a Gnome fishing.  He is under a large tree so he is shielded from the hot sun.   The background is white.
This is a third graphic for Ways to Protect Yourself and Your Kids From the Sun.    There is a drawn graphic of an umbrella and a fan both to keep you out of the sun and to keep cool.  The background is white.
This is a divider for Children of the Sun, a Cautionary Tale of Sun Tanning.   There is a single bright, yellow suns.  The background is white.

C. Wear sunglasses


The rays of the sun damage the eyes, which can result in corneal burns (sunburn of the eye’s surface). In later life, the cumulative effects of sun damage can also result in cataracts and/or macular degeneration of the eyes. So be sure to teach your children the importance of wearing sunglasses from an early age.


Choose sunglasses with 100% UV protection, and wear them even on days when it is not sunny. The sun’s rays can bounce off snow, pavement, and glass just as easily as they do off of sand and water.

This is another graphic for Ways to Protect Yourself and Your Kids From the Sun.    There is a drawn graphic of several different animals wearing sunglasses.  The background is a light yellow with some blue/green fades.
This is a divider for Children of the Sun, a Cautionary Tale of Sun Tanning.   There is a single bright, yellow suns.  The background is white.

D. Avoid those times of the day when the UV radiation is at its highest


This will vary on where you live. For example, if you are closer to the equator, the UV rays are more direct there throughout the day. In general though, if you live in the Northern Hemisphere, the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. are the times of the day to avoid as the sun is higher in the sky then.

Old farmers often get up early to work outside, and then come in after lunch for a nap or to work inside, then go back out in the later afternoon. This is not laziness, this is just common sense. You are less productive in the hottest part of the day and in more danger from sun exposure.

This another graphic for Ways to Protect Yourself and Your Kids From the Sun.    There is a drawn graphic of a sloth sleeping in a nice, cool, dark room.  The beach and a palm tree are outside.  There is a set of blue and white curtains to shield the sloth from the sun.  On a table beside the sleeping sloth is a cool, pineapple drink, a towel, and a pair of sunglasses.
This is a divider for Children of the Sun, a Cautionary Tale of Sun Tanning.   There is a single bright, yellow suns.  The background is white.

E. Wear large-brimmed hats and tightly-woven fabrics


Hats will protect the scalp, ears, and neck. Yes, those silly-looking gardeners hats that your Grandmother wore and the big-brim Southern Bell hats did have a purpose. As did the Mexican Sombrero. The bigger the hat brim the more of you the hat will cover and protect from the sun.


Hats will also help keep your hair from bleaching out in the sun.


When looking for tightly woven fabrics, be sure to hold the fabric up to the light to ensure that light is unable to pass through it. If light does not pass through it, then you also know that the sun’s rays cannot as easily. There are many sporting and outdoors companies that make “sun protection” clothes, hats, gloves, etc. But any tightly-woven cloth will do.


For comfort, be sure to choose light-weight cloth and light colors. Obviously, wearing flannel shirts outside in the summer heat would be foolish and probably a danger to your health. Use light-weight materials such as linen or thin cotton.

Everyone, says it and knows if but few people actually think about it, dark colors absorb more heat so you are hotter. The lighter colors don’t absorb as much heat so you stay cooler.

This is another graphic for Ways to Protect Yourself and Your Kids From the Sun.    There is a drawn graphic of a large brim hat, a pair of sun glasses, and a sun resistant fabric shirt.  The background is white.
This is a divider for Children of the Sun, a Cautionary Tale of Sun Tanning.   There is a single bright, yellow suns.  The background is white.

F. Protect Your Pets From the Sun

Do not forget Children of the Sun, a Cautionary Tale of Sun Tanning also applies to your pets. The sun can be just as harmful to animals as it is to people.

This is the last graphic for Ways to Protect Yourself and Your Kids From the Sun concerning pet and the sun.   There is a drawn graphic of a large dog laying on a padded lounge chair.  There is a colorful, umbrella over the dog.   The dogs has access to a pool, a bowl of water, a chewy toy, and has an iced paw-latte beside him.

Children of the Sun, a Cautionary Tale of Sun Tanning would not be complete without giving you some alternatives to the thing that we are telling you not to do.

This is a divider for Children of the Sun, a Cautionary Tale of Sun Tanning.   There is a line of bright, yellow suns.  The background is white.

11. Alternative Ways to Tan


But I Still Want a Tan!

If, despite all the warnings, you are still insistent that you want a tan, there are some safer alternatives to baking in the sun.


The best way is to fake it.


Fortunately, this allows you a safer way to get the warm glow you are seeking. There are two main types of fake tans you can get – bronzers and sunless-tanning products.

This is the graphic for Alternate Ways to Tan.  There are two drawn graphic, the first is of a self-tanning bottle, the sun, and a pair of legs.  The second graphic is a self-tanning lotion bottle.  The background is white.

A. Bronzers

Bronzers are applied to anywhere you want more color – your face, neck, arms, legs, stomach. You simply wash them off at the end of your day.


Bronzing products come in powder, spray, or stick forms. It is not always easy to find one that you like, so if possible, seek advice from a professional in the cosmetic industry to help you choose.


Be sure to remember most bronzers are made of weird chemicals that are not much better for you than sun exposure. Do your research and chose a product that is made with natural, safe ingredients.


Bronzers can get on your clothing if you are not careful, so you want to be aware of that. Certain types may dry on your skin, but powders can rub off onto your clothing. Sprays may get on stuff around you if you are not careful how and where you use them.


There may be a few kinds of bronzers that are water resistant but most will wash right off. So think about what you will be doing before you chose a bronzer, swimming may be out.

This is a divider for Children of the Sun, a Cautionary Tale of Sun Tanning.   There is a single bright, yellow suns.  The background is white.

B. Sunless Tanners

You may hear the term self-tanner used. It means the same as sunless tanners.


Sunless tanners contain the chemical, dihydroxyacetone (DHA). Like any chemical being applied to your body, you will hear controversy surrounding its safety. In general, though, it is said to be safe to use to get a “tan.” It is also approved for use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Here are some things to keep in mind when using sunless tanners:

This is a divider for Children of the Sun, a Cautionary Tale of Sun Tanning.   There is a line of bright, yellow suns.  The background is white.

A. Be prepared to try a few different kinds to find one that you like


If you find one that you like the first time, you are very fortunate! It is normal to have to test a few different kinds to find one that matches your skin tone. This is because you may find some that make you look yellow or orange, and you do not want that. With patience though, you can find one that you like that looks natural.

The whole idea of tanning is to get a darker shade of skin tone but if you go too far it will just look ridiculous.

This is a divider for Children of the Sun, a Cautionary Tale of Sun Tanning.   There is a single bright, yellow suns.  The background is white.

B. Beware of the mist


You can find sunless tanners in lotions, gels, and sprays. Just be careful though, that if you are using a spray, that you are not breathing in the mist. Apply the spray in a well ventilated area or even outside. The mist is not good for you to breath in and do not forget about your pets, them do not need to breath it in either.

This is the graphic for Alternate Ways to Tan, Beware of the Mist.  There is a drawn graphic of one woman using a tanning mist to spray a second woman.  There is a gold spray coming from the spray gun.  The Background is white.
This is a divider for Children of the Sun, a Cautionary Tale of Sun Tanning.   There is a single bright, yellow suns.  The background is white.

C. The color lasts about five to seven days


Generally speaking, most sunless tanners will only last a few day and then you will need to reapply them. This is normal as you shed dead skin cells regularly. In addition, if you are exfoliating, your tan is not going to last as long as you remove the top skin cells. It is also advised that you moisturize the areas, that you have applied sunless tanner to, to prevent less sloughing of dead skin cells. However, do not do this for at least four to six hours after applying the tanner, otherwise you could end up with poor results. If you put on lotion too soon after you have applied the sunless tanning product, you could come out with an odd, tie-dyed, swirly affect.

This is a divider for Children of the Sun, a Cautionary Tale of Sun Tanning.   There is a single bright, yellow suns.  The background is white.

D. Prepare your skin before using the sunless tanner


Make sure to have a shower or bath, shave, and exfoliate your skin before applying the tanner. This will remove any dead skin cells, dirt, and build up and give you fresh, clean skin. The sunless tanner will stick to your skin better and last longer with clean skin.


Do not use any deodorant, and do not use lotion on your body, as this will prevent the tanner from absorbing well. However, you can put a little lotion on your heels and hands, as these areas tend to be very finicky to apply tanner to and can often appear too dark if you apply too much tanner.


If you really want some sort of tan, the safest method is to use bronzing products or sunless tanners.

This is a divider for Children of the Sun, a Cautionary Tale of Sun Tanning.   There is a line of bright, yellow suns.  The background is white.

Hopefully, Children of the Sun, a Cautionary Tale of Sun Tanning will help you get that bronze sheen you are looking for, without the damaging rays from the sun or tanning bed.

If you are interested in some of our other talks, please check out the ones below.

Basic Home Apothecary: Natural Wound Care Tips


The Fan and Parasol: Vintage Accessories for Modern Life


Rescue Dogs Make the Best Pets

Thank you for visiting and please come again for another edition of Out Standing in the Field.

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