This picture shows a set of five keys.  The keys are old, fahsioned, antique keys.

Today we are going to give you 5 Keys to Personal Freedom and Peace of Mind. If you have been keeping up with the world around you, then you know things are a bit wonky at times. Having personal freedom sometimes is the difference between having a total meltdown or just laughing it off when things go sideways in life.

What comes into your mind when you think about personal freedom? Do you automatically think about money, being rich, having a big house and a new car? Personal freedom does not have to be about money. Many people are happy with their life and are living their best life without a huge paycheck. Personal freedom can be less stress, more family time, the ability to travel, or anything that you want it to be. First off, you need to know what personal freedom means to you. Once you achieve Personal Freedom then you will have Peace of Mind.

The word “Keys” sounds like a big, scary road to walk but these are just tips of common sense that can help you be a happier you. Personal freedom only means that you are happy with yourself and your life, no matter what that looks like and no matter what others think your life should be.

But does personal freedom seem like an impossible dream loaded with hard work? Would you be surprised to hear that the basics of personal freedom cost nothing? Personal freedom does not require money, luck, or manual labor. It is all about your mindset, and it is up to you to make it happen. Wars are won in the will, maybe you have been fighting on the wrong field.

Of course, we are not saying that you can just will it to be and get what you want. You must put in the work to achieve your goals. As any farmer or gardener will tell you, if you do not plant you will not harvest. But having the right mindset is necessary to get anywhere.

Don’t know where to start to get to that place? Here are five keys to help you find your Personal Freedom and Peace of Mind.

This picture shows the first key to Personal Freedom and Peace of Mind.  There is a grey key with the words Start Off Positive beside it.
  1. Start the day in a positive mode

How often do you start the day with a groan when that alarm goes off? Often people begin with negative feelings. That sets you up for a day full of negative assumptions about what is possible for the day. Try starting the day with a positive mindset. Even before you get out of bed, imagine how you want your day to go. What do you want to achieve? How do you want to feel? Do you want today to be productive, restful, and focused? You must set your mind to expecting good things and not assuming things will only be bad.

This picture shows the second key to Personal Freedom and Peace of Mind.  There is a gold key with the words Be Kind beside it.
  1. Choose to be kind

Everyone has a choice about how to behave and how to treat other people. But how many people think of their self-talk? Think of the things that you say to yourself. Are they kind and encouraging, or blaming and critical? Would you speak to someone else like that?

Stop talking or thinking bad about yourself, negative self-talk can be more destructive than criticism. Start being kinder to yourself.

This picture shows the third key to Personal Freedom and Peace of Mind.  There is a gold key with the words Make Time for Yourself beside it.
  1. Make time to do things that feel good

Life has enough obligations in it. There are always things that you must get done. You deserve to set aside some time for yourself, to do the things that make you feel good or help you unwind. You need to take care of yourself so that you can handle the duties on your checklist. You are no good to yourself or others if you are always overwhelmed, stressed, frustrated, or worn out.

This picture shows the fourth key to Personal Freedom and Peace of Mind.  There is a gold key with the words Be Grateful beside it.
  1. Remember to be grateful

When you spend so much time striving to meet your goals; it is easy to lose sight of what you have already achieved! Remember your successes and consider how far you have already come. More importantly, appreciate the things that do not add up to earthly wealth. Enjoy the connections with family and friends, the clean air of the outdoors, and even the basics of having a roof over your head and enough to eat. No matter what your current situation, there is always someone less fortunate than you and someone who would gladly trade places with you.

Stop and feel your gratitude, the freedom of having enough.

This picture shows the fifth key to Personal Freedom and Peace of Mind.  There is a gold key with the words Honor Yourself beside it.
  1. Honor your self

Everyone has their superpower, their gift, and the individual talent they bring to the world. Maybe you are a peacemaker, or great at choosing gifts, baking, or coaching. Your skill might be healing, or calming, or being a great friend or problem solver.

If you are always using your gift to help others, take a moment to see how you can use it to help yourself. Honor yourself and your needs. Celebrate the uniqueness of being you and use it to bring you joy.

If you only ever look after others, you will wear out before your time. Do not harp on all of the things that you do not have, have not done, or do not know. Keep in mind who you are, where you have been, what you have achieved in your life, and all the things you do have.

As has been said, the key to happiness is not getting what you want but wanting what you have and loving the life you have made. There are people with everything and are never happy. Craft a mindset of positive thinking, be kind to yourself, do things that you love, be grateful for what you have, and do not forget or belittle your accomplishments.

Using the 5 Keys to Personal Freedom and Peace of Mind may not keep the dogs from barking, the kids from running through the house, or paying the bills for you but when you keep a cool head and look at things calmly, you can handle what comes. Just start small, try it once, then for a day or a week. See how using these 5 Keys to Personal Freedom can give you Peace of Mind. What do you have to lose, some bad habits, negative thoughts, and stress? Oh yeah, that is the whole point, isn’t it?

We hope this talk on the 5 Keys to Personal Freedom and Peace of Mind has been helpful to you and that you will put them to use. Information is only good if you use it.

This is the card for 5 Keys to Personal Freedom and Peace of Mind.  It shows a set of five, old, keys with the words positive, time for you, grateful, honor yourself, and kind around the keys in black.  The title is at the top in bold black.

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This is the Out Standing in the Field logo with Spike the donkey.

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