We continue our Holiday crafts talks today with a DIY Peppermint Essential Oil Stress Relieving Foot Balm Recipe.

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You know when you have worked all day and been on your feet for hours, how your feet are tired and aching? Relief is just minutes away. You can make your own DIY peppermint stress-relieving foot balm with this easy recipe.

This is a simple, seven-step recipe with only four ingredients. It is very easy to whip up a batch of this peppermint stress-relieving foot balm in about 20 minutes. Although you may want to think ahead and keep some on hand.

Here is a recipe card you can screenshot and save.  If you would like more details, and we hope you do, please continue reading.

You will need to use a stovetop to heat and melt the wax and oils so remember to take care around hot stoves. The mixture will also be very hot and care should be taken when handling hot oils. If you do not take proper precautions, you could get a bad burn.

To make your own DIY Peppermint Stress-Relieving Foot Balm

You will need:

a pot to heat on the stovetop

containers for your finished product


½ cup coconut oil

1 tablespoon bees wax

½ tablespoon vitamin e oil

1 teaspoon peppermint oil

The oils help soothe the muscles and moisturize dry skin. Peppermint essential oil gives you a cooling tingle for a refreshing soothing rub.

Steps to making your own DIY Peppermint Stress-Relieving Foot Balm




1. In the pot on the stovetop heat ½ cup of coconut oil

2. Add 1 Tablespoon of beeswax. Stir gently until melted and well mixed.

3. Remove the mix from the heat. And let it cool just a bit.

4. In a small bowl combine 1 teaspoon of peppermint oil and ½ tablespoon of Vitamin E oil.

We have a couple of Essential Oil companies that we use but StarWest Botanicals is one of our favorites. They offer high-quality essential oils as well as other fine natural products.


5. Combine the warm coconut mixture with the peppermint mixture. Stir gently to be sure they are well blended. Allow the mixture to cool a bit.

6. Pour your peppermint stress-relieving foot balm into your prepared containers. Let the foot balm cool completely.

7. Once your peppermint stress-relieving foot balm is cold and set, you can put the lids on your containers.

It is best to use small, metal tins or glass containers with this recipe. You do not want a huge container that you have to dig around in to get your foot balm out. You also do not want to use plastic with hot oils.


Now your peppermint stress-relieving foot balm is ready when you are in need of a cool, soothing foot relief.

To use, simply rub your finger across the balm and rub the balm onto your foot to get relief.

This foot balm makes a wonderful massage oil also. Just message a bit of foot balm into your feet and proceed to massage your tired, sore feet.

Keep the container tightly sealed in between uses. And keep it out of the heat or it will melt and the essential oils will evaporate.

And there you have made your own DIY Peppermint Essential Oil Stress-Relieving Foot Balm. Of course, you can make this recipe exactly to your liking as with most DIY projects.

If you are not fond of coconut oil, you can use avocado, almond, or olive oil in its place.


If peppermint is not your thing, you can use other essential oils in its place. Spearmint or wintergreen will give a similar minty tingle and scent as peppermint. Tea Tree oil and Thieves oil are also good substitutes for peppermint.

Lavender is very soothing to both skin and the mind.

Make it to your liking and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Everyone needs a bit of foot massage now and then. Give yourself the added benefit of a good foot balm with that massage.

Put your DIY peppermint stress-relieving foot balm into a cute, festive container and give it as a gift. These little foot balms are a hit with adults and kids alike.

You can even add a holiday or birthday theme to your container. A bit of ribbon or a sticker can make a plain foot balm tin into a personalized gift. Again, as with many DIY projects, it is all up to you and you are only limited by your imagination.

We hope you have enjoyed this DIY peppermint essential oil stress-relieving foot balm recipe. Try it out and see for yourself how soothing and relieving it is.

Thank you for visiting and please come again for another edition of Out Standing in the Field.

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