This picture shows the eight essential oils used to make thieves oil with an empty glass bottle at the bottom right. The background is mint green at the top and candy pink at the bottom.

Today’s talk How to Make Your Own Thieves Oil will be short and sweet. Hopefully it will be useful to you.

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Here on the farm, we love to use Thieves Oil, we use it for many different things. Thieves Oil is a great thing to keep on hand. But it is getting harder to find Thieves Oil to buy. Or when you can find it, that version of Thieves Oil is not the same as the one we normally use. Yes, we know Essential Oil blends can be different from seller to seller but we love the one we have. So we decided to figure out How to Make Your Own Thieves Oil.

In our research, we have found several different versions of Thieves Oil. But for the most part, they all have a few of the same Essential Oils in them. Most of the ones we found were, Clove, Cinnamon, Rosemary, Orange, and Eucalyptus. Each recipe had a different amount of each essential oil but this was the basic one.

We looked at these options and added some other essential oils to make our own version of Thieves Oil. This is by no means the only way, as we said, there are several recipes you can find but this one does what we want it to and smells so good.

We have a couple of Essential Oil companies that we use but StarWest Botanicals is one of our favorites. They offer high-quality essential oils as well as other fine natural products.

Yes, there will be an upfront cost to buy these essential oils if you do not have them all on hand but it is worth it. If you are already experimenting with essential oils, most of these are very common so you may already have them.

To make this version of Thieves Oil you will need:


20 drops of Cinnamon

20 drops of Clove

20 drops of Rosemary

20 drops of Orange

20 drops of Lemon

20 drops of Peppermint

10 drops of Eucalyptus

10 drops of Tea Tree

This picture shows the ingredients for How to Make Your Own Thieves Oil.  There are eight small, glass bottles of essential oils.
This picture shows an empty glass bottle to be used for the finished product in How to Make Your Own Thieves Oil.

Each of these Essential Oils has beneficial properties that add to the overall effectiveness of this Thieves Oil.

Yes, some people may think this many Essential Oil is overkill but just how clean, sanitized, antibacterial and deodorized do you want to be? Can you really get to clean?

You will need a container to put your Thieves Oil in when it is ready for storage. We re-use empty essential oil bottles. The Amber glass helps keep the essential oil fresh. And of course, recycling is one of our top priorities along with being self-sufficient.

Truly this is barely even considered a recipe it is more like a dump-it-all-in-and-go thing.

How to Make Your Own Thieves Oil:

Simply mix all the Essential Oils together in a glass bottle and give a shake to mix them.

This picture shows each of the eight essential oil bottles with their oils measured out into a glass bowl in front of the bottles.
This picture shows a bottle of essential oils, the oil being dropped out into a glass bowl.
This picture shows a small, glass bowl with one of the essential oils measured out into it.
This picture shows the glass bowl with essential oil sitting in front of the empty glass bottle.
This picture shows the glass bottle with the measured essential oils filling it.

Store your Thieves Oil in a cool, dark place until you need it.

Do not forget to put a label on your bottle so you know which oil you have.

This homemade version of Thieves Oil has so many uses you may be surprised. We use our Homemade Thieves Oil in the air diffuser, as a general cleaner, in mouthwash, in body powder, in laundry soap, in hand sanitizer, for wound care, and more.

Pretty much anything you would use Essential Oils for, you can use this homemade Thieves Oil. Just dilute as you normally would and use it as your normally would your other Essential Oil recipes.

This is the card for How to Make Your Own Thieves Oil.  The title is in bold black at the top.  There is a picture of the essential oils used to make the thieves oil below the title on the right.  There is an ingredients list, a how to instructions, and a how to use section.  The background is mint green on the top and candy pink on the bottom.

Of course, there are always people who can be allergic to certain essential oils. Be sure to test before you use it.

We have done several talks that include Thieves Oil uses, below are some of those talks.

DIY Lysol Cleaner Alternative with Essential Oils

How to Make Your Own Hand Sanitizer

We hope you have enjoyed this talk on How to Make Your Own Thieves Oil. It is that simple to make your own Thieves Oil. Give it a try and see what you think. Oh, and do not forget it smells so good, clean, and fresh. It is doubtful that you would be disappointed with this recipe.

Thank you for visiting and please come again for another edition of Out Standing in the Field.

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