This picture shows the Homemade DIY Vitamin E and Thieves Oil Salve Recipe.  There are two pictures at the bottom of the page.  The first picture is of the ingredients to make the salve. The second picture is of the finished Homemade DIY Vitamin E and Thieves Oil Salve. The background is mint at the top and pink at the bottom.

Today we have a short, sweet recipe for you Homemade DIY Vitamin E and Thieves Oil Salve Recipe. Thieves oil is one of our favorite essential oils, actually it is a mix of several essential oils.

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This is an easy recipe that requires only three ingredients and is quick to make. They are natural, herbals so you know what is in your salve. Thieves oil is anti-bacterial so it makes a great alternative to the store bought ointments. Vitamin E has long been used to sooth burns and help heal injuries. Homemade DIY Vitamin E and Thieves Oil Salve is one of the best herbal concoctions you can keep on hand.

Around here we get anything from bee stings to splinters, goat bites (yes that is a thing), and an assortment of other personal injuries, we do live on a farm after all. We keep this salve on hand to handle all kinds of things on people and animals. From this past summers experience, we know this salve works great on the red, peeling, sunburn on the top of your teens nose.

To make your own Homemade DIY Vitamin E and Thieves Oil Salve Recipe you will need:

6 Tablespoons Vitamin E oil

1 Tablespoon Bees Wax

20 drops Thieves Oil

Stovetop pot

This picture show all of the ingredients to make a Homemade DIY Vitamin E and Thieves Oil Salve Recipe.   There is a large bag of beeswax pastilles, a small tin, a bottle of Vitamin E oil, and a bottle of Thieves essential oil.

1. In the stovetop pot melt the bees wax.

This picture show the bag of beeswax pastilles and some measured out into a small, glass bowl.
This picture show the beeswax in a stovetop pot to be melted.
This picture show the beeswax in a stovetop pot melted to liquid.

2. Stir in the Vitamin E oil.

This picture show the bottle of Vitamin E oil and some measured out into a small, glass bowl.
This picture show Vitamin E oil being poured added to the melted beeswax.
This picture show Vitamin E oil reacting to the hot beeswax.

3. Add the Essential Oils.

This picture show the bottle of Thieves essential oil and some measured out into a small, glass bowl.
This picture show Thieves essential oil being poured and added to the melted beeswax.

Often we add 20 drops of Tea Tree essential oil to this recipe for some added punch but that is optional.

This picture show the bottle of Tee Tree essential oil and some measured out into a small, glass bowl.

Be sure to mix well as you are adding the oils to the beeswax. This will help to get the oils evenly distributed.

Normally we buy our essential oils from StarWest Botanicals. They offer high-quality essential oils as well as other fine natural products.


This picture show Vitamin E oil and Thieves oil mixed into the melted beeswax.

4. Pour into your prepared containers.

This picture show the finished Homemade DIY Vitamin E and Thieves Oil Salve Recipe.  The liquid is still hot and clear in a small tin.
This picture show the finished Homemade DIY Vitamin E and Thieves Oil Salve Recipe.  The hot liquid is in a single, small cosmetics container.

You can use tins or jars, whatever works for you or whatever you have on hand. As always, be careful when you handle the hot liquid. It would not do to burn yourself on the very salve you are making to heal yourself.

Larger batches are easy to do as long as you keep the ratios right.

6 parts oil 6 tablespoons

1 part wax 1 tablespoon

Usually, we make a larger batch so we can have one large tin and several smaller ones. There is one large tin on the kitchen table for general family use and the smaller ones are packed into someones book bag or purse. This recipe makes a soft salve so it is not good to keep in the car, as we live in the south.

This picture show the finished Homemade DIY Vitamin E and Thieves Oil Salve Recipe from a side view.  The tin is cooled and the salve is hardened to a milky white color.
This picture show the finished Homemade DIY Vitamin E and Thieves Oil Salve Recipe from a top view.  The tin is cooled and the salve is hardened to a milky white color.
This picture show the finished Homemade DIY Vitamin E and Thieves Oil Salve Recipe.  The cooled salve is in three, small cosmetics containers.
This picture show the tin used to make the Homemade DIY Vitamin E and Thieves Oil Salve Recipe with a label across the side.

And there you have your own Homemade DIY Vitamin E and Thieves Oil Salve Recipe. As we said, quick, easy, and with few ingredients, just the way we like it.

We hope you have enjoyed this Homemade DIY Vitamin E and Thieves Oil Salve Recipe. Whip yourself up a batch and keep it on hand for the next “little accident” you have.

This is the recipe card for the Homemade DIY Vitamin E and Thieves Oil Salve Recipe.  There is an ingredients list as well as a step-by-step, how to section.  The title is at the top in bold black. There is a picture of the finished Homemade DIY Vitamin E and Thieves Oil Salve at the bottom of the page.  The background is mint at the top and pink at the bottom.

We have done more than one talk with recipes using Thieves oil. If you are interested in other talks similar to this one check out the ones below.

Homemade Anti-Bacterial Ointment

DIY Lysol Cleaner Alternative with Essential Oils Recipe

DIY Homemade Mouthwash with Essential Oils

Thank you for visiting and please come again for another edition of Out Standing in the Field.

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