We are continuing on our series about homemade personal use items. We have covered body powder, mouth wash, tooth powder, and face serum in our last few posts, in case you did not see those. We now move on to DIY Lemongrass deodorant.

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I know this may be a topic most people do not want to look into. Deodorant is not a very glamorous thing, but it is very necessary for most of us. As farmers, I know this has been mentioned before in other posts, we handle farm animals, gardening, fencing, hays, and so much more. We do sometimes come up smelling like a water buffalo on a hot day. When we are out on the farm working, this is not unusual. Some of the family will look at you sideways but normally there are other much more important things going on to bother commenting on each other’s personal scent. But on other days, when you want to be clean and accepted at the kitchen table, it is best to not smell like a yak.

As you know, if you have read any of our other posts, we try to be as green and environmentally friendly as we can be. This, of course, included, being chemical-free as possible. So we have been trying to go chemical free with our deodorants. Now some of us have embraced this plan and others have not. I know some of us will likely never come to terms with DIY deodorant unless there is no other choice.

What you will need to make DIY Lemongrass Deodorant

4 tbsp coconut oil (liquid or solid)

5 tbsp corn starch

1 tbsp baking soda

10 drops lemongrass oil

10 drops of other essential oil of your choice, eucalyptus, tea tree, lavender are good scents to combine with lemongrass.

Combine coconut oil, corn starch and

baking soda in a pan on low heat.

Stir til ingredients are all melted and mixed well.  Mix until it is a smooth cream.

If you use the liquid coconut oil, the cream will be much softer and it will heat and mix almost immediately. If you use solid coconut oil, you will need to heat and mix a bit longer and it will take a bit longer to cool before you can put it into your container.

Add the lemongrass oil and other essential oil and stir well.

You can see from the pics, you will get a very smooth, soft cream.

Put the cream into your container and let it finish cooling. It is best to use a glass container. Again, if you use the liquid coconut oil, it really does not matter what kind of container as it does not get very hot and cools quickly. If you use solid coconut oil, you will need to use a glass container as the hot liquid will melt plastic before it cools. Done that, even thick plastic will warp under the heat.

Store at room temperature, it should last for several months.  

There you have made your own DIY homemade deodorant.

This gives you a very soft cream with a pleasant, woodsy lemon scent. The lemongrass is the main smell as it is stronger than most of the other oils. As usual, we mostly use Star West essential oils as our go-to for organic and quality essential oils.

To apply, just rub your finger across the cream, it does not take much a fingertip will do. Spread the cream across your underarm. Be sure to cover the entire underarm. As this is a very creamy substance, it will soak into your skin very quickly. Even the solid coconut oil absorbs quickly when cooled to its solid form.

Again, if you have a negative reaction to the baking soda, you can either adjust the amount you use or try a different DIY recipe.

We have had some comments about rubbing cream into the underarms as opposed to using a solid deodorant. Those of us that are using this DIY deodorant do not have an issue with the texture but if you do, you may want to try solid coconut oil, instead of liquid.

So far, we have only had to reapply the lemongrass deodorant every couple of days. Of course, you must reapply after you bathe. As it has not been hot here yet, it may require applications more often, in hotter temps or after harder outdoors work. But in cool weather, reapplying every couple of days seems to be working for us.

We have tried several recipes over time and have found one that we like well enough to keep using. We may go on to try and keep other DIY deodorant recipes, we do like to try out new things. But for now, this is the recipe we are using. This is a quick and easy DIY recipe. It only requires a few ingredients that most of us already have on hand at home. If you do not have the ingredients on hand, you can get most of them at any local grocery or Wal-Mart.

This is another of those quick, easy projects that even the kids can help with and you can customize to your specific liking. Do be sure if you have kids helping, watch them carefully around the stove and hot liquids.

We hope you have enjoyed this recipe for DIY Lemongrass deodorant and do try your hand at making your own. As with most DIY projects, you can make your deodorant as “you” as you want.

Thank you for visiting and please come again for another edition of Out Standing in the Field.

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