This is the directions card for  DIY Homemade Tincture of Ginger for Headaches and Upset Stomach.  There is a list of things you need and a directions list.  There is a picture of ginger at the top right corner.

Last week, we shared a talk about Why You Get Headaches and Using Natural Remedies and Techniques to Stop Them. We shared a section on using a Tincture of Ginger as one possible remedy for headaches. So today we have how to DIY Homemade Tincture of Ginger for headaches and upset stomachs.

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We started making our own tincture of ginger. Tincture of ginger is said to help with an upset stomach, headache, chills, congestion, and other such ailments. This is, of course, not to be a treatment or replace a doctor when needed. As always, use common sense when using home remedies.

A tincture is basically a tea, a strong tea, made with alcohol instead of water.

To make DIY Homemade Tincture of Ginger for Headaches and Upset Stomach

You will need:

fresh ginger

Vodka or other clear, high-proof alcohol

a clean jar

1. Wash your ginger.

It is possible to use ground ginger from the store instead of fresh ginger. But you will not get the same results from the dried, ground, transported, and stored in a warehouse for months or years before you get it ginger.

This picture shows a group of fresh ginger tubers, washed and ready to use on a cutting board.

2. Chop or crush the ginger.

The more surface area of ginger that can be saturated by the Vodka, the more concentrated the tincture will be.

This picture shows a group of fresh ginger tubers, chopped and ready to use on a cutting board.

We love the smell of fresh ginger. When you cut and chop your fresh ginger, you will get the ginger smell on your hands and it will stay around for a good while.

The thing to note about fresh ginger, it has a wonderful smell. It is not like the fake “ginger” smell that you get from store-bought scents and the like. Fresh ginger has a cool, crisp, lemony scent. If all else fails and you can not stomach the tincture of ginger, no pun intended, you can use it as an air freshener.

3. Put chopped ginger into a clean jar. Glass jars are best.

This picture shows a clean, empty glass jar.
This picture shows the chopped ginger in the glass jar.

4. Fill the jar with Vodka to cover ginger.

This picture shows a large bottle of Vodka.
This picture shows the glass jar with the chopped ginger now filled with Vodka to cover the ginger.
This picture shows the jar of ginger and Vodka with a label Tincture of Ginger.

Always be sure to label your jars and bottles so there is no confusion as to what you have going in.

5. Let sit for 4 to 6 weeks.

Give a gentle shake every couple of days. It is best to keep your jar in a cool, dark place to let it sit.

6. Strain the liquid into another jar.

Squeeze out all of the liquid you can from the chopped ginger. Discard the ginger.

This picture shows a glass jar with the now clean, strained Tincture of Ginger ready to use.  The ginger tincture is a pale yellow color.
This picture shows the jar of ginger and Vodka with a label Tincture of Ginger.

The discarded ginger pieces can be put into your mulch bucket. Just another way to use everything that you have and be more low waste.  The relatively small amount of alcohol left in the ginger should not hurt the mulching process.

7. Keep your Tincture of Ginger in the fridge. It will last a very long time.

It does not have to be in the fridge but as there are no preservatives in your tincture, the fridge will make it stay good longer. Not really sure how it goes bad with that much alcohol or what “gone bad” looks like.

8. Be sure to dilute the tincture of ginger in water or a drink.

DO NOT take it straight. Use a small amount for headaches, migraines, and upset stomachs. It is best to start with a smaller amount and go up in dosage if needed, rather than start with a big dose. A few drops at a time may not seem like it would do anything but a tincture of ginger when made correctly, is an effective herbal remedy.

If you do not get any relief in twenty to thirty minutes, take another dose. But normally a tincture works fairly quickly. Just remember not to take too much or take a tincture straight. That will cause stomach issues for you rather than fix them.

Now that you have made your tincture of ginger, you can put it to use when needed.

This is the directions card for  DIY Homemade Tincture of Ginger for Headaches and Upset Stomach.  There is a list of things you need and a directions list.  There is a picture of ginger at the top right corner.

It is also best to be sure you are not allergic to ginger before you jump into using it. There are some people who can have a negative reaction, so be careful when you use it. As with any home remedies, it is best to start small, use a bit to gauge your body’s reaction, and then up the dose a bit if needed.

Again, as your tincture of ginger is very concentrated, you will only need to use a few drops at a time. It is best to add a few drops, 3 to 5 at a time, to a drink of water, a spoonful of honey, or tea. The tincture on ginger does not really have a very good taste so a bit of cover-up does not hurt.

We have had success using our tincture of ginger for headaches and mild upset stomachs. However, it should be noted, if you have acid reflux, the tincture of ginger could make it worse.

We hope you have enjoyed this talk on DIY Homemade Tincture of Ginger for Headaches and Upset Stomach. Try it out and see how easy it is to make.

Thank you for visiting and please come again for another edition of Out Standing in the Field.

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