We are glad to have you back again for another week with us and our talks about DIY personal use items. In week one, we talked about DIY body powder, week 2 was DIY mouthwash, week 3 was DIY toothpowder.

Here again this week, we will be talking about another personal use item, face serum, or face oil. No matter your age, most of us use some kind of facial treatment. We used to use Avon, Olay, and Clinique. We no longer use any of that commercial stuff.

A bit ago, Grammy had to have some minor surgery on her face. After that, she was told not to use regular face creams and such. So she did her research and came up with a DIY natural, homemade face oil. We have all gone to using it now. We are much happier with this oil than we were with the commercial face treatments.

Of course, knowing what is in your face oil is always a good thing. With commercial face treatments, you can not even pronounce most of the ingredients much less actually know what they are doing to your body. Making your own face oil gives you control and peace of mind.

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As with our other DIY personal use items, we buy the ingredients in bulk and make our own to our own liking. As we almost always do, we use StarWest essential oils, they are our favorite and most trusted for quality and purity.

There are several different recipes for face oils out there but this is the one that we have settled on and the one we like the best. This is a quick and easy recipe.

You will need:

a container for the finished oil

Use one of these as the carrier oil: Coconut oil, Jojoba oil, Grapeseed oil, or Vitamin E oil

15 drops Vanilla oil antioxidants, reverse skin damage, anti-aging

10 drops Frankincense reduce blemishes and help skin tone

12 drops Myrrh heals skin sores, infections, helps to prevent skin cancer, kills bacteria even bacteria from some contagious illnesses

10 drops Sandalwood enhances healthy skin

If you are using Grapeseed, Coconut, or Jojoba oil, you can add 15 drops of Vitamin E oil also. Vitamin E is very nourishing and soothing to the skin.

We use a 4oz, amber, glass, dropper bottle. You do have to watch the rubber dropper part, it can deteriorate from use and from the oils.  Any glass bottle will do.

Simply mix all the essential oils into the 4oz bottle.

Then finish filling the 4oz bottle with the carrier’s oil you chose.

You can make a larger amount at one time but you must be careful to get the ratios correct for all the different oil and the carrier oil. If you do not keep the right ratio, your finished product will not come out correctly.

You MUST be very careful with the Myrrh oil, if you use too much or do not get it mixed well, it will burn your skin. Myrrh was used, after all, as an embalming oil in ancient cultures.

It has been noted that teens should not use Coconut oil as the carrier oil as it makes acne worse. It is best for teens to use vitamin e oil or Grapeseed oil as their carrier oils.

We used grapeseed oil, vitamin e oil, and the essential oils in our face oil as we have a teen girl that does not need to use coconut oil. We use our face oil every night. Just wash your face as usual and then spread the oil over your dry skin. You only need a small amount of face oil. We use the dropper to drop out 1 drop at a time onto our finger, smooth that 1 drop over the face and add another drop if needed. Use just the amount you need every night to cover your face. Do not use too much oil or your face will be oily. You can also put your oil into a spray bottle if you like.

This oil works wonders for dry skin, fine lines, acne and helps with an assortment of skin blemishes. If you have a sunburn, this oil will help soothe it overnight.

This may seem like a small amount of finished product but if you use just what you need every night, it will last a long time. We make new oil every 5 to 6 months, our individual bottles will last each of us that long.

Again, there are several different recipes out there for a DIY face oil. You can add your favorite essential oil just for a nice scent if you like but it is not really needed. You can do some research for yourself and make a face oil to your exact needs. You can add peppermint, clove, cinnamon, and several other essential oils depending on what your skin needs. This is just the recipe that we use ourselves.

Please remember to be careful with essential oils. When you are using essential oils directly onto your skin as full strength, you can overdo it and burn your skin rather than helping your skin. This is not like when you put essential oils into a body powder or bath soak, where the oils will likely not be strong enough to hurt you. You need to respect the strength of the oils and be careful with them.

If you like, do your own research and make a face oil exactly for your own needs. But if you just need a normal, nightly face oil to help with acne, wrinkles, or dry skin, this one should work for you. Of course, if you use this one and find that it is not working as you want or that it is too strong, stop using it and try a different recipe.

Home essential oil “chemistry” can be fun and educational as well. If you are doing a home project with the kids be sure to supervise them carefully, an accident with oil can be very bad. Make sure to keep all oils ways from your eyes and only use them on your skin, do not take them internally.

If this recipe is more than you need, we did a talk on Grammy’s DIY Essential Oil Skin Serum Recipe. It is a simple, five-ingredient recipe but it also helps restore and improve skin.

Easy 2 ingredient aloe and rose petal moisturizer, may also be of interest to you.

We hope you will try a DIY face oil for yourself. The benefits far outway the short process required to make it. And of course, re-using the bottle over and over is another way to recycle.

Thank you for visiting and please come again for another edition of Out Standing in the Field.

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