As with the past few weeks, we are continuing with the DIY personal use items. We have covered body powder, mouth wash, tooth powder, face serum, and lemongrass deodorant.

This week we have another DIY homemade deodorant for you. This recipe is 4 ingredients to make a liquid that you can roll-on or spritz on. This is another quick, easy, few ingredient recipes, that you can whip up in the kitchen and is fun for the kids.

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You will need:

1/4 cup Witch Hazel

20 drops Lavender oil

20 drops Lemon oil

20 drops Frankincense oil

(As always take extra care with Frankincense, some people can be sensitive to it. It will burn your skin if you use too much.)

Put all of your ingredients together and mix well.

Pour into the sprayer or roll-on bottle. Give the bottle a good shake and spritz or roll-on as you would commercial deodorant. Without all the unnameable chemicals, dyes, and preservatives of course.

We normally use StarWest essential oils for our DIY. We had some oils that were given to us as a gift, so we used what we had on hand.

It is just that simple to make your own liquid deodorant at home. This combo leaves you with an earthy, woodsy scent.

This is a liquid so do not over apply or you will have soggy underarms. This recipe will dry quickly but go give it a minute or so before you put on a shirt. Also, it has been noted by some, that the oils may stain silks and the like if you do not let it dry enough before dressing.

You can make larger batches and split them up into smaller bottles, roll-on, or spray to take with you. That way if you find you are in need of a spritz, you have it on hand. If you do make larger batches, be sure to keep the ingredient ratios correct.

We have tried this recipe and it works well for in-house activities. We have not tried it out in the pasture or in the garden on a hot day yet.

As a DIY recipe, you can add or change any of the essential oils that you prefer to use. But remember the Witch Hazel and Frankincense are the anti-bacterial to keep odor away. The lavender and lemon give a nice scent and help repel bugs. But you can add your favorite essential oil to get just exactly the personal scent you want.

I personally prefer Patchouli and Lavender but some family members think that is too much hippie.

Please do try your hand at making your own DIY roll-on or spray-on deodorant. It is quick, fun, and totally customizable. And as with all DIY and homemade items, if you know-how, you are a little bit more self-sufficient.

Thank you for visiting and please come again for another edition of Out Standing in the Field.

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