Christmas and Soldiers

With the holidays in full swing now, there is so much going on in everyone’s life. There is holiday cooking, family coming into town, house cleaning, decorations to be put up, and of course the Christmas gift list to be finished. But of all the things that are...

Honoring our Flag, July 4th, 2021

THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America And to the Republic for which it stands One nation, under God Indivisible with liberty and justice for all. It is an interesting note: the pledge was written by a Baptist...

Lydia’s Diorama Project

Today, we will give you a step-by-step account of “The Diorama Project”. This is a school project that Lydia did for her science class. She made an ocean life diorama using a large glass fish bowl, a lot of gelatin, food coloring, jello, cake icing, sand,...

Celebrating Easter 2021

Easter chalk art on the church parking lot. Happy Easter Lydia’s flower arrangement. When thinking about spring, we always thing of the beauty of nature.  We love the bright sunrise, the new greens on the trees and the fresh flowers.  All of these things remind...

Merry Christmas 2020

We all know, 2020 has been a wild ride with one thing after another going on or going wrong. But Christmas is here and soon it will be a new year. We all hope 2021 will be a good bit less crazy than in 2020. But still, with all that has been happening, life still goes...
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