Easy Green Halloween Zombie Bites

As Halloween creeps near, we feel the tingle of excited terror in the air. And the need for seasonal treats. For those who love Halloween, we are gearing up for the once-a-year bash. Today, we share a recipe for Easy Green Halloween Zombie Bites. Easy Green Halloween...

Festive Holiday Coffee Extreme Recipe

We have another holiday recipe for you, Festive Holiday Coffee Extreme. Sometimes you want something special but you just can not think of what or how. Maybe you do not have the time to think about it or to make it or maybe you are just too tired to go there. Well,...

Carrot Bacon a Vegan Recipe

As with all of our Summer Dessert Recipes in this series, we try to offer simple recipes. Today we have a unique summer dish for you, Carrot Bacon a Vegan Recipe. This is not a dessert but a great alternative recipe to the normal carrot side.   If you have a garden...

Mimi’s Best Orange Chiffon Muffin Recipe

Today we are continuing our Summer Dessert Recipe Series with a slightly different kind of recipe.  Today we have Mimi’s Best Orange Chiffon Muffin Recipe. From our other talks, you know, we like quick, simple recipes. Please note, that this is not one of those....

Easy 4 step Pineapple Surprise Dessert Recipe

As we continue with our Summer Dessert Recipe Series, we want to share an Easy, 4-step Pineapple Surprise Dessert Recipe. This recipe was introduced to us some years ago. To this day, we are still not sure what the surprise part is. It is a simple, quick, and very...
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