How to easily clean a mango seed for planting

Found this weird thing and thought we would share. We have a new way to easily clean the mango seeds after we eat them. We are always saving seeds to add to the seed vault or to plant now. We love to grow all kinds of plants Many of the fruits and veg that you eat you...

How to DIY a mango tree from seed

I do not know about you but we are always trying out new things. We like to try new foods and new ways to grow our own food. We have been experimenting with growing fruits and veg from seed. This process is usually fairly simple with most plants. Some plants do take a...

How to DIY up-scale a rose bed naturally

Do you look out and see an old, weedy, grass taken flower bed? Do you look at your neighbor’s “perfect” yard and wonder how much time and money they must spend to get it to look like that? Do you think “someday” I will have a cute flower...

Special Edition Quarantine Flowers

The Beautiful Blooms and Plants of Spring on the Farm This is a special edition of Out Standing in the Field for all those who are quarantined in the cities or towns. For all those who are stuck inside. We feel for you with your glass, metal, cement and processed air....
A Quick Overview of Gardening

A Quick Overview of Gardening

It is time to Garden The time has come to get into the garden and get dirty. It is time to do the tilling, rowing, planting, watering and waiting. Now that spring has truly come the garden is ready to go. Many people start their seeds and plants indoors before it is...
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