Water: Thinking Out Side the Box

The last two weeks we did talks on water with Drinking Water: Down the Rabbit Hole Part 1 and Drinking Water: Down the Rabbit Hole Part 2. This week we continue on a similar line, Water Thinking Out Side the Box. We are going to give you water haters several ways to...

Drinking Water: Going Down the Rabbit Hole Part 2

First, we did Drinking Water: Going Down the Rabbit Hole Part 1 with some interesting info and tips. Here we continue with Drinking Water: Going Down the Rabbit Hole Part 2. This part will give some ideas on how much water you should have available to you for...

Drinking Water: Going Down the Rabbit Hole Part 1

Do you often have the feeling of a fish baking in the sun? Many people live in a constant state of mild dehydration and do not even know they have a problem. In today’s “rat race world” people are always on the go. Everyone has somewhere to be and something to do and...

Start Off the New Year Greener: Part 5

Today we have Start the New Year Greener: part 5, Reuse, Reduce, Recycle, and Teaching kids about Sustainability. These may be common things that you hear every day but they still hold true. This is the last in our 5 part series. If you missed any of the other talks...

Start Off the New Year Green: part 4

Hello again and thank you for coming back for part four of how to Start Off the New Year Greener.  Last week in Start Off the New Year Greener part 3 we talked about solar energy.    Today we will be giving some info about sustainability and renewable resources. Today...

Start the New Year Off Greener: part 3

As we talked about last week in Start the New Year Off Greener: part 2, solar energy is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint. Today, we are going into Start the New Year Off Greener: part 3, discussing solar energy. Invest in solar energy-efficient 1. How it...
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