Life in Balance Check List for The New Year

With the New Year arriving soon, we wanted to give you something to start your year off ahead. We wanted something that would be both helpful and simple. So we made this Life in Balance Check List for you. You may have seen similar check lists to help you figure out...

Poison Ivy Rash Treatments Part One

Today, we want to share something very near and dear to us, Poison Ivy Rash Treatments. This may sound odd but once you have had a good case of poison ivy or one of its’ cousins, you will understand why we say that. If you have had it, you already know and understand....

Baby Ducks Hatching

We have had our first baby ducks hatching. As you know we are a family farm and as such we have farm animals. Many of our beloved farm animals and pets have been seen in our other talks. We use our pets and farm animals for show-and-tell. Well today, we have baby...

It Is Spring: Time for Chicks

It is Spring, Time for Chicks, this is one of our very first talks we did when we started Out Standing in the Field. Looking back, as we have learned a great deal since this talk went out, it was not put together all that well. We admit this and here is a re-write...

The Trials and Follies of Making Our Own Oatmeal

As you know from other talks, we try to be as self-sufficient as possible. And we like to try new things. So with this in mind, we decided to try to grow our own oats. We use a lot of oatmeal for cooking, treats, and animal feed, so it seemed like a good thing to try...
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