As you may know by now, we have been doing a series of being self-sufficient. We started with How to start a more self-sufficient lifestyle and moved to How to start your own self-sufficient food supply. We then moved on to Growing your own almonds from nuts.

Last week we did a talk on easy DIY almond recipes, homegrown or store-bought. We gave several recipes for how to use almonds. One of those recipes was a step-by-step to making homemade almond flour.

This week we have a pet recipe to use that homemade almond flour. As you have seen in our other talks, if you have read any of them, we love our pets. We have several talks on pet care. Many of our talks included pics of one or more pets “helping out” with the project. Today we will share a homemade recipe for homemade almond flour pet treats.

Honestly, this recipe was a “let us make up something” recipe. Sometimes this kind of experiment works, sometimes they do not. This recipe came out nicely and the dogs love these homemade treats.

 We started with the homemade almond flour that we gave you the “how to make” last week. As we said in last week’s talk, our homemade almond flour consistency is more like cornmeal than commercial flour.

For this recipe you will need:
2 cups almond flour
1 cup sweet potato paste
1 cup brewers yeast
1 tablespoon coconut oil

Almond Flour, homemade or store-bought.

You can, of course, use store-bought almond flour and sweet potato paste, or you can make your own homemade. We used our homemade almond flour as we had just made some.

We used store-bought sweet potato paste as we did not have any homemade on hand. We bought our sweet potato paste from Boxed. We did a talk on the Prince and Spring company some time ago. We buy in bulk from Boxed regularly. Many of the ingredients we use come from Boxed.

Almond flour is good for pets that have skin allergies affected by regular corn flour.

Sweet potato is a superfood, high in vitamins, and good for your pet’s overall health.

Coconut oil is good for skin and hair issues.

Brewers Yeast is often used in DIY recipes to help repel fleas and other pests. Many dog treats contain Brewers Yeast. It can also be put directly onto your dog’s food to help keep fleas away. The dogs do not like brewers’ yeast powder so much, so it is best to put it in a treat.

Using an electric mixer or hand mixing, mix all your ingredients.

It is best to put the Brewers Yeast in the mixer first. Brewers Yeast is a fine powder and it gets everywhere. It also has an odd odor so try to keep it in the mixer. Do not try to smell the Brewers Yeast, you may get it in your nose and that will not be pleasant.

Add the almond flour, homemade or store-bought. Mix on low until you get the Brewers Yeast incorporated into the almond flour.

Add the sweet potato paste and mix. If you use homemade sweet potato paste, it will be a bit less smooth than store-bought but that does not make a difference in the treats.

Add the coconut oil and mix. It does not matter if you use the liquid coconut oil or the solid form, both work fine.

Mix until you have a smooth “dough”. This dough will be sticky but can be handled.

We rolled our dough by hand into medium size balls.

Using waxed paper separate the balls on a tray or plate. Put your ball treats into the fridge for a bit. The fridge will help the treats firm up and not be sticky.

We left our treats in the fridge and pull them out when the dogs want some. Yes, we are well-trained humans.

That is it, you have made homemade almond flour dog treats. Now you can whip up a batch quickly and easily whenever you need some. You can, of course, swap ingredients to fit your liking but this recipe is working well for our dogs.

Our dogs were very happy with their new treats, even the picky one will eat them.

If you need to you can use this recipe to make homemade pill pockets for your dogs. We did a talk some time ago on how to make 4 ingredient pill pockets for your dog.

We hope you have enjoyed this quick recipe for dog treats. Please try your hand at them and see for yourself how easy they are to make. Your dog will thank you for it.

Thank you for visiting and please come again for another edition of Out Standing in the Field.

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