Found this weird thing and thought we would share. We have a new way to easily clean the mango seeds after we eat them.

We are always saving seeds to add to the seed vault or to plant now. We love to grow all kinds of plants Many of the fruits and veg that you eat you can save the seeds from and plant them. This is a cheap way to get plants that you already like and eat regularly. Or to get new plants to try out.

Usually, you have to scrape off the juicy leftovers and scrub the seed cover until it is clean enough to handle them. It can be really gross to work with a slimy, juice, leftover seed. But it does work.

But there is a better way. We have been growing mealworms for some time, which is a different project. Well, it seems you can put 2 projects together and get good results.

We had eaten several mangos and were not excited about cleaning the seeds to keep.

We were also cutting up veg to feed the mealworms. Normally they like potatoes, cucumber, and oranges. Side note, we found our mealworms love blood oranges. And it seems mangos.

We gave the mango seeds to the mealworms, mostly beetles at this time, to see what would happen. The mealworms cleaned the mango seeds like you would not believe. The mealworms not only suck all the juice out of the mango seed but they ate the hairy, leftover fibers as well. We ended up with a smooth, clean, dry mango shell.

The efficiency of the mealworms actually beetles at this point, made getting the mango seed out of the shell, a quick, easy process.

We took the mango seed out of the shell and planted them as usual. So far, there seems to have been no ill effects to the mango seeds or the mealworms.

If you want to see How to DIY a mango tree from a seed, here is the link to a talk we did on that a while back.

We do realize not everyone can raise mealworms but for those of you who raise mealworms and love mangos, and save the seeds, this is for you.

Maybe, if you do not have mealworms yourself, you can find a friend or neighbor that does. If you are willing to let their mealworms do the work and then share the mango seed with the friend, that should be a win for both of you.

This is also a great project for kids. Raising mealworms can give smaller kids responsibility for taking care of something live, without much risk to the mealworms. Mealworms are very resilient and can go a good while with minimum care, so there is little chance of small kids hurting the mealworms.

And yes, not everyone wants to deal with mealworms or the beetles they turn into but it is still a simple project. We will have to discuss, how to raise mealworms in a different talk.

We hope you have enjoyed this talk on how to clean mango seeds with mealworms. Please try it out for yourself.

Thank you for visiting and please come again for another edition of Out Standing in the Field.

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