Turtle Shell Damage and Repair Update

Today we have a talk second piece in a set, Turtle Shell Damage and Repair Update. In March we had a water turtle come in with shell damage. We did a talk on Turtle Shell Damage and Repair. In March, we patched the shell and released the turtle to our local pond. It...

Turtle Shell Damage and Repair

Today, we are going to talk about Turtle Shell Damage and Repair. If you are a wildlife lover, this is a talk for you. It is also a great way to get kids interested in wildlife, the environment, animal rescue, and maybe an animal medical career. A cool thing happened...

Homemade DIY Jamaica Icee

Today we have a quick, fun, cooling drink recipe for you, Homemade DIY Jamaica Icee. Yes, you can make your own Icee at home in your kitchen. You will need three ingredients and a blender. As you know from other talks, we love Jamaica. We grow Hibiscus. We use the...

Baby Ducks Hatching

We have had our first baby ducks hatching. As you know we are a family farm and as such we have farm animals. Many of our beloved farm animals and pets have been seen in our other talks. We use our pets and farm animals for show-and-tell. Well today, we have baby...
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